I am already so frustrated with this magazine. Not knowing any better, I bought a subscription through MagsforLess.com back in early-mid November and haven't received anything yet (I purchased a renewal of Shop Etc. at the same time, too, and I know that went through because I've been getting those issues continuously).
I tried to contact them through the email address on their website but that's just been an exercise in frustruation. Automatic reply messages do not help, I need to talk to a PERSON.
There's no phone number listed on elledecor.com... can any of you girls who subscribe help? Is there a customer service number listed near the table of contents or on one of those annoying postcard-subscription inserts that I could call?
You've emailed someone at Mags4less already? Gosh, I know other people have had problems with them, but they've been so nice and prompt when I've emailed w/ questions, and even gave me 50 points for a free subscription to something when my subscription to a mag didn't go through.
IIRC, they say it takes from 8-12 weeks to begin receiving your subscription.
Hope things get straightened out for you soon!
-- Edited by Elle at 17:33, 2006-02-02
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
IIRC, they say it takes from 8-12 weeks to begin receiving your subscription. Hope things get straightened out for you soon!-- Edited by Elle at 17:33, 2006-02-02
They're not kidding when they say that it takes up to 12 weeks to receive your subscription. I ordered a Family Fun subscription around April of last year and didnt get it until July!
Thanks for the advice, all. I haven't contacted Mags4Less yet; I just figured they'd tell me to call Elle Decor I'll drop Mags4Less a line and see what they say.