What do you do? I mean, he verbally agreed to paying me back and it's even in an email. He has owed me this extraordinarily large amount of money (for a student, i.e. a few thousand) for a few months now and I have received nothing. He doesn't have a cell phone (crazy I know!) and seldom checks his email bc he is so busy with work and school. In his email he stated that he would send me the first "installment" in mid-January and needless to say, it hasn't happened.
What do you ladies think I should do? Should I just let it go? This guy has been babied all his life so he has no real concept of responsibility, so everyone else in his life has just let him get away with everything. I kind of want to somehow get him to pay me back on the basis of principle (and maybe a bit of spite). Should I consider getting a lawyer? Going to small claims court? If I should go down the route of the latter two, I don't even know where to start with that stuff.
PLEASE HELP ME!!! I want to cry, I hate this and I don't know who else to turn to. I know that you ST ladies are very knowledgable about many subjects and have gone through a lot of stuff similar to this.
Thanks much in advance.
***Oh and I apologize if this is all over the place, there is just so much drama involved with this guy that I just can't seem to think straight.
Edit: I forgot to add that we live in totally different states so I unfortunately can't just stop by his work or apartment.
i definitely think you need to get the money back, for the principle of it and for the fact that it is a lot of money. BUT, i would try to contact him again regularly for another week or so before considering small claims court, etc. i would leave a formal message like "hi EX, Just calling to remind you of our agreement (per your e-mail) for you to pay me X amount by the middle of January. It is now February so I am expecting X *2? with the remainder paid in full by the end of the month (or whatever you find reasonable). I know and respect you are busy but please respect that I did you a favor and get back to me promptly. If i haven't heard from you in 2 days, I will call back"
and I know you said he doesn't have a cell, so call his work, or leave notes/mail at his apartment... that is what i would do. I know it seems like a bit of a hassle but less than court, i would imagine.
I don't think I could just "let it go". Do you have access to an attorney that would help you out. You could file a small claims action, and maybe that would scare him enough to work it out with you. Or he would get really pissed off and really fight back.
Was this an agreement you made while still with him? Does the email state the total amount and the plan for repayment?
since you actually do need the money, and it's a large amount--i think that you should ask him for it. don't just write it off because it's difficult to ask--he owes you and it's fair. i would ask nicely without being defensive first, though. only get nasty if you need to.
Keep a log of your attempts to contact him. Write it in your handwriting, on the dates attempted (not on teh computer or anything). Then, if possible, take him to small claims court. If the amount is too big, get a lawyer. If your school has a law school, there is probably free legal advice available through some sort of clinic.
Thanks Ritz, I think will try that if he doesn't get back to me soon (within a few days). But I really hate to call his work to talk about a personal issue. I guess if it has to be done, I will have to do something.
Kari, yes, the agreement started when we were together, but we discussed it via email after we broke up. The email jsut says that he will start paying me in installments for the bill that I am paying for him. (I am paying it for him bc his credit sucks so yeah, it is in my name so if I default on payments then it is my credit on the line.) I can only assume that he would be only paying the exact amount in which the bill is for.
Thanks for the suggestions ladies, please keep them coming.
I would absolutely try to get it back too. It's a large amount of money and he promised to pay you back. As Dizzy suggested, I would keep track of each attempt to call him -- write a detailed log of each date, time, and details for every attempt, and politely but firmly keep calling or writing to him. If you write to him, make copies of each letter to keep for your records. If he really keeps not responding, you could send a letter from the post office with return receipt. The recipient needs to sign to confirm he received the letter, and then you get a post card in the mail. That way he can't pretend he hasn't received anything. And then if if continues with no response, tell him he's left you no choice but to file with small claims court. Good luck!
If it were a few hundred bucks I'd say let it go and chalk it up to learning a lesson. But since it's a few thousand, I think you should definitely try to get it back.
I like what Ritz suggested--contacting him as best you can for a few days and giving him some notice before you take him to court.
That sucks that he's being lame about this. Booooo!
i don't think you should go behind his back and contact his parents. from what you've said about his relationship with them, it sounds like he's probably going to end up getting the money from them to pay you back anyway. but let him be the one to do it--when he sees that you're not just going to roll over and forget about it, that you are being relentless (yet pleasant) about obtaining the money from him, he'll probably go and get the money from his parents himself. which is what he should have done in the first place instead of borrowing from you.
PS--he's obviously not taking you seriously and is taking advantage of your niceness by seeing how far he can push you. he probably thinks that if he makes it difficult enough, you will just give up. so don't play his game--just keep being nice, but keep being persistent--eventually he will have to recognize that the problem won't go away by his ignoring it (which is what he is hoping right now).