theotherjess wrote: Dog! LOL - this reminds me of my mom's neighbors. They have a dog named Kitty and a cat named Puppy.
A boy I dated had a cat named Cat. I guess he picked it out when he was younger. His mom asked what he wanted to name it and he said Cat. They kept saying " we know it is a cat, but wht is it's name?" and he told them he wanted to name it Cat. So they did. I thought that was funny, but I like puppy.
I like names based on the personality. Usually they are cheesy but I like them. I like the name Tyson (although I love it as a little boys name too) and Jinx.
"Despite all your best intentions, sometimes, fate wins anyway."
A friend of mine told me about a cat named Dr. Schwartz. That makes me laugh every time I think of it. Also, I have a friend who had a cat named Bunny, which is so cute.
Other pet names I like are Spanky, Scooter, Chloe, and Morgan.
My family is funny with pet names. We give all of our animals people names...Polly, Spencer, Katie Belle (named after our other 2 beloved dogs), Sophie Mae, Emma, Elmo, Belle (short for Annabelle), Katie Scarlett, and Cooper.
I had a cat named Vernon. We were going to name in Nigel but Vernon won. I've also had a cat named Beverly and my current precioums is Abby. Abby is her official name but I call her kitten.