My 6th grade teacher taught us to spell assassinate as : bad word for donkey, bad word for donkey inate. Kinda dumb but it always makes me giggle. And I also randomly spell/sing
i've never heard of that state song or most of these tricks in my whole little life (except Tom or Row, which my friend's mom taught me). Damn Louisiana education.
Who do you have to probe around here to get a Chardonnay? - Roger the Alien from American Dad
i've never heard of that state song or most of these tricks in my whole little life (except Tom or Row, which my friend's mom taught me). Damn Louisiana education.
haha my mom called me the other night Laken and was telling me how she went to see chronicles of narnia with some of her friends and afterwards one lady was saying how her niece or godchild or some young relative of hers was 8 or 9 and explaining the whole movie to her because she read the book in school. My mom not knowing was like what school does she go to and her friend was like "She's from Texas." My mom was like yeah my daughter never read that book till graduate school.
i'm usually a really good speller, but i used to mispell "separate" and my dad tuaght me when i was ten that there is always "a rat" in "separate" and i always think of it every time i write that word.
I use "a rat" to spell separate too!
I can't do fractions to save my life, which really sucks if I'm trying to halve a recipe. I had a brain fart once when I was cooking and asked my husband, "what's half of two thirds?" I was embarassed once I figured it out. He laughed at me for a long time, and still occasionally makes fun of my inability to do fractions.
I TOTALLY do the state song thing also. (Only I can only remember as far as Indiana and all the New states. Lame, I know.)
I also spell Mississippi like: M, I, crooked letter, crooked letter, I, crooked letter, crooked letter, I, humpback, humpback, I. I'm such a dork.
Oh and I do the planet thing anytime I'm thinking about which planets are around us, etc. Sounds weird but you'd be surprised how often planet talk comes up. Make Very Easy Money, Just Sell United Nations Popcorn. (Mars, Venus, Earth, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus - hee! - Neptune, Pluto.) My mom would be so proud.
Know what else? I also say "Never Eat Shredded Wheat" (North, East, South, West) when I'm trying to figure out directions. God I'm pathetic.
i'm usually a really good speller, but i used to mispell "separate" and my dad tuaght me when i was ten that there is always "a rat" in "separate" and i always think of it every time i write that word.
do you guys love how i said i was a good speller but mispelled the word "taught" in that post!?
luckily you girls were nice enough not to say anything
Hermione wrote: i'm usually a really good speller, but i used to mispell "separate" and my dad tuaght me when i was ten that there is always "a rat" in "separate" and i always think of it every time i write that word. do you guys love how i said i was a good speller but mispelled the word "taught" in that post!? luckily you girls were nice enough not to say anything