I posted this in careers, but decided to move it here because I need to make a decision today, and I thought this would get more traffic.
Hi all,
My job title at work is changing, and my boss is letting me having significant input it what the new title will be.
Two of my options are "Assistant Director of Land Protection" or "Land Protection Specialist". Assistant Director would be better, but my concern about this is that it might be easily confused with "assistant to the director," and I really hate it when people assume that I'm my supervisor's assistant. I started out as an assistant 10 years ago, and I've worked really hard to advance and shake that moniker.
Go with Asst. Director. Someone who cant read may think you are just an assistant but you dont care about people who cant read anyway, right? Assistant Director is a popular title and it sounds more powerful than the other option you listed.
I totally agree with joycebaby. and no, you aren't silly to worry about it. You worked hard to be where you are & if it's important to you, then it's important.
Who do you have to probe around here to get a Chardonnay? - Roger the Alien from American Dad
Go with Asst. Director. Someone who cant read may think you are just an assistant but you dont care about people who cant read anyway, right? Assistant Director is a popular title and it sounds more powerful than the other option you listed.
Thanks, girls! That makes me feel better. Jocey your comment about people who can't read cracked me up too!
I actually am asking for "Associate Director" with "Assistant Director" as my second choice. I think our CEO might nix Associate Director tho because they'd probably have to give me a bigger raise.
i agree with everyone, go with the assistant director (associate if you can get it). the land protection specialist just sounds like one of those made up jobs, like your real job is mowing the lawns at the county park or something.
what is your job, by the way? it sounds sorta interesting from the title.
-- Edited by relrel at 20:28, 2006-01-31
"But I want you to remember, I intend this breast satirically." Susan from Coupling
I think you made the right choice with going for the Assistant Director. Every time I've run into a title with specialist it usually is the lowest person on the totum poll and you don't want that kind of connotation especially if you have been working hard to move up!
Actually in my field "Land Protection Specialist" is a pretty common title, and a good representation of my work. However, as you guys mentioned, outside of my field it means nothing and seems totally bizzarro. I'm trying to keep in mind how it comes across on my resume.
Relrel - I'm lol at the lawn mower in the county park comment. Too true and I've never thought of it that way. I work for an environmental non profit, my specific job is working with land trusts, gov't agencies, and private landowners to put long term legal protections on land w/ rare or sensitive habitat. That's the one sentence summary anyway.