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Post Info TOPIC: Are your friends fashionable?

Kate Spade

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RE: Are your friends fashionable?
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The 2 gals I hang with the most are very fashionable, which can be good/bad.  Good because it keeps me on my toes, bad because it makes me spend more money!  They're both into very high-end brands.  One was with a shopping trip w/ her hubby, and he HATES shopping so he told her to go in and get whatever she wanted, but no more than 10 minutes.  She ran into Bebe and just started grabbing everything she could get her hands on, no matter the price, and rang it up.  God, that's my dream!

They only wear designer denim:  TR, RR, James (I maybe the only one who wears Sevens and Miss Sixty).  They carry Prada, Gucci, and LV and always have on heels or expensive sneakers.  Luckily, we trade clothes, so there's hope for me!

My friend in TX receives all my clothes, so she's now fashionable, too!  Too bad I never see her!

The only rule is don't be boring and dress cute wherever you go. Life is too short to blend in.  Paris Hilton


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I have to say no. One of my good friends works for a hospital administrator so she is always in suits, all of which she gets from Foley or somewhere like that. She looks pretty, but I wouldn't say fashionable. I have another friend that wouldn't know cute shoes if they hit her on the head, and she wears skorts. a lot. But to be honest, unless you are going to spend a ton or shop in another city, it's hard to be "fashionable" in Baton rouge, LA.

My friend that lives in Austin is fashionable, but more in a classic way I think. She always has on pretty (expensive) sweaters & you can tell she spends a lot on clothes. And she has good taste in shoes but different than mine - not nearly as funky.

My sister buys everything she owns at Casual Corner or Ny & Co (which she STILL calls Lerners). She is seriously crushed about Casual Corner going out of business. And while I realize it's good for work clothes, she generally wears their clothes all of the time. Also, she got new boobs & gets some stuff from VS trying to show them off sometimes & it always manages to be the only thing in the whole catalog that you couldn't pay me to wear. She also has REALLY boring shoes & purses.

ETA: I forgot to mention my friend that gets her clothes off QVC.....(not cute at all)

-- Edited by laken1 at 12:05, 2006-01-29

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Pretty much not. None of my friends in AZ are fashionable at all, and of my friends here - I'd say two have their own style, which isn't my style, but suits them. And one is coming along nicely...she used to be very conservative but lately she's making me sit up and pay attention to what she's wearing.

The rest - no. They'll shop but they are either really conservative or they just don't "do" fashion. And DH can only handle so much of my love for clothes, shopping, etc. So this board is a godsend. *s*


"Good taste shouldn't have to cost anything extra." - Mickey Drexler


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Some yes, most not so much.

My best friend K always looks fashionable, even in sweats.  When I first met her, we realized we had some of the same clothes without even knowing it.  She's more quantity over quality and she's a little more trendy than I am, but she always, always, always looks pulled together.

My good friend L always looks fashionable too, but her style is a little different than mine.  She is the only friend I have who shares my love of Anthro.  She wears a lot of vintage, band tees, and Converse but she's really pretty so she always looks cute, not grungy.  She's also very artsy and makes her own jewelry, which is FAB.  I love it when she makes it for me .

My other friends don't dress badly per se, but they are definitely way more "teenagery" than me.  A lot of Hollister and Abercrombie.  They think they are fashionable and they look cute, but not my style and certainly not fashiony either.

Bad taste is like a nice dash of paprika. We all could use more of it. It's no taste I'm against. -Diana Vreeland


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One of my friends loves to shop and is always very elegant. Her style is pretty classic which really does suit her but she tends to only wear black and beige with maybe one pale pink item. She seems to avoid buying anything in any other color - out of fear of not looking chic, I think.

She gave birth to adorable twin girls two years ago and everything she buys them is pink and/or beige (or Burberry). I think the girls just might grow to hate those two colors...

My oldest friend is her complete opposite. She only wears clothes her mother or sister get her at flea markets - she wouldn't spend a dime on anything that has anything at all to do with fashion, except for an occasional band tee. I could never talk to her about shopping or fashion because she is just not interested.



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Hmmm......I guess I'd have to say YES - most of my friends are fashionable.

  • I have 3 older friends (in their 40s,co-workers) who "I" think dress very well, I've even thought about wearing some of  their things myself. Some are very classy, but very nice.

  • I have two friends (in their 20s) who ONLY wear name brand clothes - Bebe, Baby Phat, etc. Carry the finest handbags (Gucci, LV), and that's OK. They make it look very nice.

  • My best friend at work, she and I pretty much dress alike, we pretty much shop at the same stores, so I think that's pretty cool. We're always complimenting each other on our clothes. (LOL)

  • I have another co-worker, since she works on the EXECUTVE FLOOR, she has to pretty much wear suits every day, but she works them quite well, w/her shoes and jewelry; then her best friend dresses nice too.

  • This ONE girl, she works in our Accounting Dept. is ALWAYS DRESSED TO THE NINES! LOL Her hair, clothes, make-up - always IN PLACE. She's not stuck-up, has always helped me out of a bind, that's why I admire her taste. Maybe I should get to know her OUTSIDE of work?

"Until you spread your wings, you'll have no idea how far you can fly".

Marc Jacobs

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Now that I'm in law school, no. DEFINITELY not. (I'm even starting to be a lot more casual because I hate not fitting in). Before law school, though, yes, definitely. I tend to be part of the cute girls group in whatever organization I'm in, and I was sort of known for befriending not fashionable people and giving them makeovers.

Wait. Um, I didnt' realize how snotty that sounded when I first wrote it! I had a really bad week. What I meant was, I tend to hang out with the other girls who prioritize clothes and appearance fairly highly, because that's something we have in common, so I meet people by bonding over purses and stuff (even though a lot of my things are cheapos). And I really believe that looking good makes you feel good, so I give a lot of makeovers. My friends used to pimp me out in the mall all the time to just randomn strangers that they thought needed help.

But I maintain my snotty tone about law school, even though there are some people here who look very good, because like I said, I've been having the worst week. And my profs wear things like turtlenecks under buttondowns and icky high-waist jeans held up with dress belts. Good lord, if I didn't have stylethread I dont' think I could make it...

-- Edited by Dizzy at 20:33, 2006-01-29



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Dizzy wrote:

I was sort of known for befriending not fashionable people and giving them makeovers.

OMG--this describes me to a tee!  My good friend and I had a philosophy class together when we were studying abroad and we'd always pick a girl out in the class and give her a makeover on paper during class.  We'd make a list of things that we'd do to her:  pluck eyebrows, get contacts, strategic highlights, makeup, get rid of tapered jeans, etc.  Of course we never shared our makeover plans with the subjects of our makeovers, but it always gave us a little chuckle.  

PS--We already know we're going to hell for this.  We've made a pact that whoever gets to hell first will save the other a seat so at least we can sit next to each other while we're there. 



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NCshopper wrote:

 OMG--this describes me to a tee!  My good friend and I had a philosophy class together when we were studying abroad and we'd always pick a girl out in the class and give her a makeover on paper during class.  We'd make a list of things that we'd do to her:  pluck eyebrows, get contacts, strategic highlights, makeup, get rid of tapered jeans, etc.  Of course we never shared our makeover plans with the subjects of our makeovers, but it always gave us a little chuckle.  

OMG!!  this is the greatest idea ever!!!  if i did that during lectures, i would have actually gone to all my classes! 

as for my best friends, i'd say yes except for one.  for all my other friends(especially nursing ones), not one of them. 

my philly best friend and chicago best friend are very fashionable, but i did meet both of them at bcbg!  my philly best friend now lives in nyc and has a very eclectic style, but it suits her.  she'll find great things and urban outfitters and vintage shops and she looks great.   my chicago best friend has VERY wealthy parents who still pay her cc bills, so she throws on dvf and catherine malandrino tops on like they're t-shirts (although she always wears them with jeans, a cardigan, and heels). the bad thing is that sometimes i can't stand going shopping with her because she'll spend $2000 like it's no big deal... my hometown bf is not super fashionable, but she's not unfashionable.  she is such the traveller, that she's constantly in north face and i wouldn't call her unfashionable, just practical.  i remember one time she went on a date and wore heels, and then met up with me, and when we went to the bar after her dinner date, she took sneakers out of her date's car (2nd date) and put them on.  i thought it was the funniest thing that she brought sneakers with her on a date. 

my little sister shops at h&m, hollister, f21, etc...but i shopping with her because she puts together the best color combos and will find the ONE thing at the cheaper stores that looks expensive  also, while she's a size 2, and looks great in most things she knows that certain things don't work for her, and she's probably the only person who will tell me honestly what looks great on me and what doesn't.   i think i died and went to heaven about a week ago, we were walking down the street and she was talking about SATC (she just got into it since she's gone to college) and said, "i've definitely noticed since watching SATC, that i've gotten into fashion much more!"  i was like a proud momma with that statement. 

i think i'm lucky that i have a lot of friends that are fashionable, but i think i go to you ladies the most with fashion questions. 


-- Edited by shopgirl82 at 20:40, 2006-01-29

"i tell you one lesson I learned If you want to be something in life, You ain't gonna get it unless, You give a little bit of sacrifice, Oohh, sometimes before you smile you got to cry.." -The Roots


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This poll surprises me that many of you have unfashionable friends.  Yes, all of my of closest friends are fashionable, none of them are clueless or out of date, even if my particular taste (subtle) doesn't match theirs. 

But each has their own style, none of us can afford, or want to spend on, a lot of designer items.  Some friends are sort of an Ann Taylor style, actually most are probably conservative dressers, some are kind of Anthopologie style, while others are more risque like a Victoria's Secret catalog with low cut and tight attire. some wear mostly dark colors and black, other wear pinks and otherwise ultra feminine styles too often, but nobody is wearing outdated, boring or age-inappropriate items, and every one of them blends in a couple designer items like jeans or accessories in their attire to pull it all together.


"Go either very cheap or very expensive. It's the middle ground that is fashion nowhere." ~ Karl Lagerfeld


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Well I dont have to many g/f but My SIL is in to fashion in fact she was in my shopping partner this week-end and we have about the same taste in clothes. The other friend I have although I love her to death I would love for her to go on what not to wear and get a crash course in fashion   Oh and my other SIL well she is improving Iam so proud of her. I have got her hooked on watching  what not to wear and of course S-t for ideas from the fashion experts


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My friends always look fabulous!  So up on trends so classy so put together. All our styles are different but everyone always looks to die for. Even as SAHM's who are usually wearing yoga wear my freinds look adorable. But whenever we go out w/out babies its so exciting to see everyones outfit.

 I would say though that most of my friends have a very Marc Jacobs look or Anthro some are a bit more conservative but yes my friends are fabulous and fashionable with great shoes!!



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Hmmm, I'd have to say for the most part no.  My best friend dresses fairly cute, but then again she was also just telling me about her favorite X-mas present - a 3/4 length pink rabbit fur coat ......

I have another friend that while she's only 27, dresses pretty casually/matronly, and because of her body type it makes her look almost 10 years older.  Another friend just moved here from S. America a little over a year ago, and is still very into tiny tight tees and very faux-distressed bell bottoms w/out back pockets and stuff.  All my other friends are dancers/teachers as well as being northwesterners, and therefore spend the vast majority of their time in Columbia/north face/nike stuff, so very sporty but still cute for what it is.

I like living in a city where I run into fashionable people though - this weekend, FH and I went downtown for coffee and to walk around, and I saw this woman carrying one of the new Coach totes.  We exchanged "I love your bag!"s.  It feels kinda like we all have fashionable-people radar or something ... like you can sense other people around you that belong to 'the club' ...

To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}

Kate Spade

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No   I have one friend who is fashionable, so we go shopping together a lot.  She is also the only one who gets excited about new handbags and shoes.

I recently spent an entire Saturday helping another friend buy some new jeans, to get her out of her "mom jeans."  We went to about 6 stores and found her the most beautiful pair of PDCs.  Then....she RETURNED them the next day!  I saw her on Saturday and she was back in her too-short mom jeans.   AAAAARGH!  I guess if she wants to look like a frump-a-dump, that's her choice, but she seriously BEGGED me to help her find new jeans.


Dooney & Bourke

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My BFF Liane is fashionable.  She gets a lot of her ideas from me- because I am on this and pass on info- but she is fabulous with jewelry!  Something I definately wish I could do!

My other friend Tiffanie is slowly coming along.  She works in HR in a warehouse- so she doesn't need to dress up for work.  Liane and I know her for shopping at Aeropostale because its cheap.  I managed to get her buy something- full price- at Nordies and Sephora.  And she bought her first pair of stilletto heels the other week when we were shopping- Mama's so proud!

JoceyBaby23 is my most fashionable friend. She has a great collection of handbags that I wish I could have!  Love you honey!



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i think all of my friends are fashionable--i can't think of anyone who is frumpy or doesn't dress well.  i guess i would say that we all have very different styles, though--i have a few friends that i wouldn't wear anything in their closets and vice versa, but it's not that they are unfashionable, they just wear different things than i do, and they look good in them.  my best g-f is very stylish, but has really different taste than mine, so it's fun to go shopping with her. 



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I'd say yes. Two of my close friends dress pretty well -- they aren't into labels, but they always look really nice. One of my other friends dresses OK, but she isn't that into clothes. She's more casual, but not a fashion disaster or anything

Most of the time, I hang out with my sisters, who are very fashionable, though they all have totally different styles.

"We live in an age where unnecessary things are our only necessities." --Oscar Wilde
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