Other than your ST pals, I mean. Are your other friends well dressed?
Sadly, my friends are not very fashionable. My best friend J is starting to be a little but on a more sporty/casual sense. She loves Pumas and Paul Frank but isn't really into trends and won't dress up ever. There is hope for her however, she recently asked me to help her find a cute blazer. I think progress is being made!
My other friend C is a mom and therefore wears very mom-ish clothing, even though she is only 25. She doesn't care about being fashionable, she wears alot of mom jeans and skorts. She doesn't have the time or effort to care about clothes. She is pretty funny though: the other day I was wearing a Burberry scarf and a beige cashmere sweater and she was so surprised that they matched even though I didn't buy them togeather. She makes me laugh sometimes.
Then alot of my older friends are really into rockabilly/greaser style, which I find gets a little boring. Then always look the same-dyed black hair in a ponytail with baby bangs, pencil skirts, capris. Its gets almost "costumey" sometimes.
I think some of my friends look up to me for fashion advice. My boss and co-workers always ask me about trends and what would be a good look for them. My boss always says I keep her young.
I'll also say that no, my friends aren't. They're very much into just what's trendy as well, and are unique at all in their styles. They always look cute, because they care about that, but they dress just like everyone else here does..
I'm the oddball who likes to be a little different (for Iowa anyways) and is willing to try new things..
about 1/2 of my friends are and the other half is SOOO not fashionable.
i have 1 friend who does fairly well, but is the most frugal person i have ever met. not that there is anything wrong with that, but she's on the extreme side of frugal.
one friend is an attorney who must wear a suit everyday to work, so when she's not working it's sweats for her. if on the rare occasion she does go out in the evening, she wears a suit. i'm not sure if she has a pair of jeans. she does look great in a suit though.
here's me being evil tara t. one of my best friends dresses horribly. she's in my wedding and i was going to let my girls pick there own dress style (out of 1 designer and 1 color) and shoes, but i am scared to because of her. please don't say i'm a bad person because this girl is honestly the best friend i have ever had, and she's adorable; cute hair, cute body, cute everything, but she cannot dress at all.
i think she may own these shoes.
i'm going to hell.
I feel sorry for people who don't drink. When they wake up in the morning, that's as good as they're going to feel all day. -Frank Sinatra
This is a good poll! I'll admit that I don't have a lot of friends, but the ones I do have aren't really into fashion at all. They know what looks good but they'd just rather wear jeans and a t-shirt. My best friend hates anything even kind of girly and she's never worn make-up or heels. She's only worn a dress/skirt twice in her life: her mom forced her to wear a skirt to her high school graduation and I made her wear a dress to a semi formal holiday party. She was miserable and ended up leaving to change about half way through the party. She just wears jeans and button downs/sweaters/shirts with Docs or sneakers. She never really looks bad and the stuff she does buy is usually pretty nice, but it's very basic. She doesn't dress up at all; she'd wear the exact same thing if we were going to an amusement park or if we were going to a club.
oh dear, god don't strike me down for this...but no, my friends are not fashionable. they don't look awful or anything but fashion isn't really something to bother themselves with. now, mind you, they wear clothes from all the same stores as i do, it's just that shopping and fasion doesn't register such a big part of their waking moments. hmm, and then there are the friends that think they are fashionable and they aren't, not even close to uh, our sophisticated level. in my class of 60 or so, which is slightly more than half girls...there are about 10 which i say that i like what they wear. maybe 10.
"But I want you to remember, I intend this breast satirically." Susan from Coupling
Nope my friends are not very fashionable. That's not to say they dress like slobs but their ideas of fashion are different than mine. My one friend is uber preppy Ann Taylor all the way all the time. My best friend is just now getting into fashion and brands and what not but she still thinks BeBe is high fashion. I'm not knocking BeBe it's just not high fashion. I menion designers to her and she looks at me like I'm speaking a foreign tongue.
I'm thinking balls are to men what purses are to women. It's just a little bag, but we feel naked in public without it.
Carrie Bradshaw
not really. one of my best friends is still in her "goth" era..and another good friend dresses cute, but not really my style. other friends of mine are just kind of "comfy casual."
No, not really. One is way too into comfort and is always in baggier jeans and a tee and sneakers, the other dresses better but a little too preppy/prim/matchy matchy for my tastes.
Most of my co-workers are sort of frumpy too, but at least one of them tries and has recently asked for some fashion advice and has taken it, so there may be hope for at least one of them.
Good poll. Like tri_sarah_tops, I'll admit I don't have many friends. The ones I do have though aren't fashionable.
My best friend C wouldn't know a cute outfit if it hit her upside the head. Her favorite color is blue (like baby blue), so she pretty much wears a blue top and blue jeans. And sneakers (not the cute kind) or something like this: And C's handbag is an old-lady-looking cheapie vinyl one that is falling apart. Dude, get a leather one!!
My other friend K isn't as bad. I'm starting to rub off on her. She has some cute clothes, but sometimes they are too big (she weighs ~100 lbs). The worst part is her shoes. Although I found a pair of stylish boots for her she liked and bought. I think she just needs me to go shoe shopping with her and help her pick things out. She wears shoes sorta like this, but with a shorter clunkier heel and made out of that weird nylon-y microfiber material.
Then there's my cousin B who I sometimes go shopping with. She considers herself to be "edgy" or a have a "funky" sense of style, but it just looks bad on her. Things aren't flattering to her shape. There's nothing wrong with being edgy or funky, but the things B gets are not that... they're just ugly.
I am not really this mean.
Veni, Vedi, Visa.
I came, I saw, I did a little shopping.
At first I was kind of surprised that no one really has friends who are that into fashion, but it definitely emphasizes why we all love this board so much. If I didn't post here I would have absolutely no one to give me advice and inspiration. I don't even talk about this stuff with anyone I know IRL. Stylethread rocks!
tri_sarah_tops wrote: At first I was kind of surprised that no one really has friends who are that into fashion, but it definitely emphasizes why we all love this board so much. If I didn't post here I would have absolutely no one to give me advice and inspiration. I don't even talk about this stuff with anyone I know IRL. Stylethread rocks! -- Edited by tri_sarah_tops at 17:30, 2006-01-28
Ditto. If I didn't have this board to come to, I'd have no one to talk to about fashion! People here think I'm crazy for what I spend on certain items or that my outfits are just weird (when in reality, they're not, but they are here).
I wouldn't say that my friends are fashionable, but they would say that they are. They all are way more into what brand their clothes are than if they actually look good. Granted, there's only so much we can choose from around here, but still... they think a classic staple in anyone's closet is a rinestone studded Bebe tee. They're more concerned with what is popular than what is cute. One friend got a LV purse (still no word on if it's real ) not because she thinks it's a good investment piece that she'll have for the rest of her life, but because a lot of other people have them.
It wouldn't be fair to catagorize all of my friends this way, though-- a couple of them try, but they just can't get it on their own. I've spent many days going through closets, trying to put new outfits together with these ones. I always get a "wow, I never thought of doing that!" every. single. time. I get a new one. I mean, how hard is it, seriously... I love 'em just the same though
ETA: tritto to TST and CarrieS... I don't know how I survived without everyone here. Stylethread does, indead, rock!!!
Of my three closest friends, 2 of them are really fashionable. The other one always looks nice, but isn't really into fashion. My sister is also super fashionable.
My co-workers are another story tho. Lots of bad fashion at work.
I think I'm the oddball out here. All of my friends are ridiculously fashionable and I swear they all spend like 10x as much on clothes as I do. I generally feel like the least fashionable person in the group when I'm with them. But the odd thing (to me) is that they don't like to talk about clothes or anything. They just buy them constantly but don't really find style or fashion (other than trends) interesting.
But, that being said, none of my friends live remotely close to me. I actually don't really have friends here (pathetic, yes), so essentially, I'm in ST because I don't really have anyone to talk fashion with. Plus you girls are just fun anyway.
This may sound odd but one of the major things I look for in a friend (other than loyal, fun, nice, etc) is if they're into fashion. It's a MAJOR part of my life and I like friends with common interest, so yes, all of my friends are fashionable. Not to say I wouldn't be friends with someone untrendy-I would, but I feel more of a bond with those who I can talk to about my love, go shopping with, etc. I also, look for friends with other common interests such as fitness, animals, people in the same field as me, etc. so it's not just fashion.
Pretty much all my friends dress well. We all have our own styles, but no one needs my advice.
The only exception is my camp friends. The three I'm closest with dress well, but some of my less close friends there are lesbians who defintely dress the part. Gotta love sports bras and sensible shoes, though.
My only friends who are fashionable IRL are actually also posters on stylethread...besides them, most of my friends aren't. One in particular makes a lot of unfortunate choices, and could look a lot prettier if she changed some things. (Bad lipstick, unflattering hair, some of her clothes are frumpy, and she very infrequently shaves her armpits.) I actually try not to read the fashion/shopping section of ST because I am on a shopping ban right now and I don't want to get more tempted than I already am!
Oh wow...I, too, will be joining you in hell, tara t
My BFF is a DOLL and my soulamte ...except that she either dresses
like a slob (cotton sweatpants and sloppy tees)
ghetto...fat hangs out the top of her jeans. She's a size 12/14 and has to shop at Lane Bryant, which I'm not knocking in the least, but she used to be able to wear the same size as me and I think she thinks she's smaller than she really is.
Half of my coworkers are pretty fashionable. One girl is very cute...she wears a lot of Moschino and very classy D&G to work. Her style is very simple and clean, but shes very stylish. Another girl knows all the high-end brands and everything and dresses pretty trendy with a bit of a punkish edge...kinda like me, but she's rail thin so she can pull off things I only dream of and I think I'm more classic than trendy. All of them seem to have some knowledge of what looks good and bad on them and therefore they always present themselves well.
Most of my college friends aren't fashionable, or they are but they know nothing of brands higher than A&F. However, my roommates for my first semester freshman year though were really fashionable...we all shared a love of Nordies and Bloomies and spent the whole semester being homesick for H&M. One of them was the girl who introduced me to Karen Millen and French Connection because she had spent so much time in Europe. Plus we were all the same shoe and dress size so my closet triped when I lived with them.
Of course, all the ST girls I've met and know IRL are uber-fashionable.
I don't know what I would do without you guys. I'm sure I look like a serious nutjob sniffing my way through stores looking for signs of low quality (fraying seams, unevenly stitched zipper, see through material that shouldn't be...) so I appreciate girls who understand.