I'm terribly sorry you are going through this. I will pray that you will get pregnant very soon!! I am glad to hear you are in good spirits and good health. Trying to conceive is hard at times, but everything worthwhile is hard at times...hang in there - before you know it you will be pregnant again!!
i'm so sorry FP. i hope that you and your hubby are hanging in there, it sounds like you're staying optimistic... i feel like things happen for a reason, and i have faith that this little fork in the road will bring you two closer together, if nothing else.
when you get your little one, you two are going to be the best parents!
"i tell you one lesson I learned
If you want to be something in life, You ain't gonna get it unless, You give a little bit of sacrifice, Oohh, sometimes before you smile you got to cry.." -The Roots
Thanks girls! It really is awesome to have all this support! It has been a hard couple of days and I've cried just about all I think I can cry. I know God has a plan for my life and that things happen for a reason. It just was really amazing how much I already loved this baby!
As far as physically, I'm feeling ok, the shot made me a little queasy, but other than that and being tired I'm ok. My husband has been taking great care of me.
FP, you are right. God has a purpose for everything. Whatever happens, happens for a reason. Just continue looking at the bright side of things. I'll continue to have you in my prayers so He can give you strength to help you overcome what you are feeling. You and your hubby are in my prayers.
oh fp! i haven't been on the board much so i apologize for my late response. i am really sorry that you and your husband had to go through this but i know that a happy family will be in your future!