All I'll say is that if you truly want to get rid of them, negotiate. If not you'll have to take it all back in at the end of the day. Look at it like you are going to make some cash, but you are blessing someone else with the joy of having those things. That's how I look at it anyway. And anything is better than having to deal with them: ie, pack them up & take them to goodwill.
Who do you have to probe around here to get a Chardonnay? - Roger the Alien from American Dad
1.) I like to label everything w/price, usually I put it about a $1-2 more than what I'm expecting(this can be as easy as getting a role of masking tape & marking the price in permanent marker & sticking on item. People love to haggle
2.)Make sure you plenty of change & can break a $20
3.)If you have loose plastic grocery bags laying use them for when people buy items
4.)If you can try to put things out on tables & spread it out.
5.)I'm not sure how warm/cold it is in your area but if you want to sell coffee/cokes/doughnuts for $.50 a piece as a side those usually go over very well. A lot of people hit tons of sales in the morning & will grab a cheap & easy snack, and gives you a few extra dollars in you till.
Oh, i thought of one more thing - do you have GS sign laws in your city? Here if you put a sign on the outside of the sidewalk (between the curb & the sidewalk) it is an illegal sign. This is a new law & they are fining people $500. YES - it's true. But if your sign is on the other side of the sidewalk it is considered on private property (as in your corner neighbor's yard) and is legal. Just be aware just in case. Lots of people here don't know of the new law & it causes them to have a loss on their sale. What a joy-kill. If you have to get a permit where you are, it should be on the website or documentation. On the flip side of that, as people that go to sales, the more signs the better, and arrows are appreciated.
I agree about bags & food. Just make sure that is also allowed - again, here sometimes that is illegal because you technically need a food permit to sell homemade goods - yes, the garage sale police are out in full force in Plano on the weekends. so if your city is this evil & nazi based as mine is, just be aware.
I hate to be the nervous nelly, but they are serious about it here. There is a class action lawsuit against the city so.....
Who do you have to probe around here to get a Chardonnay? - Roger the Alien from American Dad
I guess it depends where you live. Some cities make you have your permit visible at the sale. When I was in high school I had a garage sale about twice a year! It was easy shopping money.
My sister and I would put price stickers on everything. Of course everybody asks for a lower price but we put our foot down on most things because our prices were already low so we wouldn't have to deal with haggling.
We put an ad in the paper and a few neon color signs with big black letters at the end of the main street, at our street, and of course at our house. Taking down the signs were very important since people leaving old signs up are so annoying. We took our signs down before we finished up with our garage sale.
We started putting everything up at 7am, and we were done by noon. We never kept it up longer since that is the time people are lunching and have spent most of their garage sale money already.