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Kate Spade

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Tuesday Pity Party...join me?
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Where to begin???  I am just having a rough week.  Sorry this is so long.

1.  I am getting my period in 2 days so multiply my emotions about all these things by like 200!

2.  Hubby and I have been fighting about just about EVERYTHING this week.  I hate my job and am trying to find a new one and he seems to think he knows everything about finding a job and about my field.  He has NEVER had to go through the process of getting an entry level job or sending resumes and cover letters and working you way up.  He has always worked at a restaurant or for his dad.  I make squat and am looking for any job that will pay a little bit more.  He seems to think that I should be making $75,000 as a graphic designer with like 2 years experience.  Ummmm I don't think so!!! 

Also, he is starting to not like hanging out with my family.  He loves my dad, but he is always annoyed with my mom and my brother.  My brother is a pot head, and for that my hubby seems to think he is like the worst person in the world and has to comment about it to me every chance he gets.  He also thinks that my mom enables him to live that lifestyle, I agree, but It's not a quick fix problem so we don't talk about it much to avoid conflict and fighting.  Hubby seems to think that since we do this we are avoiding reality and everything else is fake and bullshit as he so kindly put it yesterday while we were fighting about it.  My family is my comfort, I love being around them and my mom is my best friend.  I finally thought I found someone who understood that, but now after a year of marriage, we are fighting about it and he doesn't want to go there as much.  This weekend we were fighting because my mom likes to have "Sunday Dinner"  and she assumes that every Sunday we will be over for dinner.  Well, this past weekend we went out to dinner on Saturday for my birthday, so when my mom assumed we would be over Sunday night as well, he like flipped out!  Like, they already "used up" their dinner and we shouldn't go over there.  He also wants to be notified on wednesdays if we will be having sunday dinner.  My family doesn't PLAN things like that, we just aren't like that (his family is, but that's a whole other bowl of soup!!)  He is just being REDICULOUS about the whole thing.

3.  I am so stressed about $.  When I think about it I feel like I am suffocating.  I take care of all the bills on top of all the other housework and I don't think it's fair.  (again, a whole other bowl of soup)  We called Comcast yesterday to cancel digital cable to save $ and just have basic and it's more expensive then digital (because we still have the special rate on digital for a few more months)!!!  WTF?!?!?!?  So basically if I want ANY kind of tv it's like $30 a month or more???? That's way too much!

4.  Hubby and I are  supposed to be trying to loose wieght.  You all know it's harder for women to loose weight so I am trying to cut back on junk food.  Sure.  We are broke so the cheapest things to eat are pizza, pasta, and cereal.  Great.  Not to mention hubby is a sweets junky so he sits in front of the tv and eats ice cream and candy and cookies and then does some sit ups and thinks he's being healthy.  When I come home and deal with all the above stress the LAST thing I feel like doing is jumping around to some work out video and eating lettuce.  Yesterday hubby came home and I was on the couch wallowing over all I am stressed about and he said "well maybe if you got up and did something active you might feel better"  AHHHHHHHHHH

I just want to cry and cry and cry and cry, someone please wallow with me.

-- Edited by Luv2Shop at 12:11, 2006-01-10

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Mine is not as bad as yours, but I think I'm developing lactose intolerance. Which totally sucks.


Kate Spade

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Oh gosh, I didn't realize that was something you could develope over time!  I'm so sorry!

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Luv2 shop...i hope things get better...
I will join the pity party...
Iam dog sitting for my parents and Ripkin has been shredding the blue rug in my bathroom and strewing all the thread around the house...she also has figured out how to openteh door to our bedroom and nudge me until i get up to walk her at 6AM
i bought some maternity clothes a few weeks ago that were way to big when i bought them, but now they fit way too I depressing I am getting big!!
My mother in law wants to throw me a bay shower, but she keeps putting it off and I am temped to just go buy the furniture so we can have it put together and in the room already and finally...
Jack seemed to be kicking alot last week and now he is not really moving very much and since i am paranoid, I am kinda worried...

Thanks for letting me vent



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i may have broken my nose.  by banging it into a cabinet in my kitchen, home all by myself.  i went to have x-rays last night, so i won't know until my dr. calls me in a day or two.



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I'm joining..

1. I'm crampy..

2. Supposed to be dieting and I can't stop eating..

3. Got my credit card bills in the mail and I can't afford to pay as much as I'd like.

4. DH shut my puppy's tail in the front door last night.. Its bare in one spot and he won't leave it alone.. He wont stop whimpering and I'm worried about him.

5. My car is in the shop and I'm driving DH's Envoy back and forth to work. I will probably have to put about $130 of gas in it over the course of the week, because I live so far away and its a gas hog. :(

-- Edited by JoceyBaby23 at 13:38, 2006-01-10



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well, I could have written luv2shop's post (every last detail- right down to pms-ing and being broke and stupid "be more active while I stuff my face and you'll feel better" comments).

plus, the only decent person left at my job just put in his two weeks. He was the only person here that kept me sane and it is going to suck without him here.

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Oh I'd love to join in.

1. I am completely unprepared for the CPA exam part I am taking on Friday.  In October when I moved it I thought having the entire month of December off from doing the lectures and homework would help.  Also my schedule was supposed to be easy but that changed. I had inventories, crappy clients, holiday parties galore so I didn't study.  Didn't study much over the holidays and now I got picked up to work last week and this week instead of sitting in the office studying.  I am completely screwed and will be paying lots of $$ and retaking it in July!

2. I am a complete financial mess right now because I don't know how to budget so I started trying to make one a few days ago and that just stresses me out.  You would think someone who got a Master's in Accounting could do a simple budget but we never covered that one. Plus my electricity bill is way too high for how much I'm home and I got to figure out how to fix that (I don't run anything even the AC/heater right now) and my apt rent is a tad too high in my opinion when I start thinking about a new car but I can't stand the idea of moving.

3. Busy season started this week.  The only time I will see the light of day is when I come to work, look out the window while at work, and on Sundays.  Nothing like 12 hour days of busy work.

4. My mom keeps stressing me out.  Last week it was that they were coming to visit & stay with me when I told them not to due to work and studying and of course I have to entertain them.  This week it was your dad waited to long to get a hotel room and he needs to stay with you Wed night which means tonight I get to attempt to move all my bf's stuff out of my apt (because they would die if they knew he basically was living with me) so my dad can stay with me.  Then it was your friend will be passing through and I told him mom you wouldn't mind him staying with you Sat night because he wants to see you and visit.  He'll be leaving Sunday though. Thanks mom!  Yet again I get to move the bf out because this guy is such a blabber mouth he'd tell his mom she'd tell my mom! ARGH!!

5. This happens to be the one time every three months I get my period. Perfect timing.  Like I want to deal with that on top of all of this!

That felt better.  On a positive note I got a compliment on my outfit today from one of the employees at the client site.  That made me smile.



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Luv2shop - I'm sorry you are feeling so rotten.

I'll join in:

1)  I'm getting sick.  My throat hurts, my head is congested, and I'm achy all over.

2)  I think we are going to have layoffs within the next year, and I think I could very well be one to go.  It sucks.  I really like my job, I want to stay.  However, I kind of feel like I should start looking for something new because I can't really afford to wait until I have no job at all.


Marc Jacobs

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well, ladies...are you ready for my pity party addition? while it might not be as truly terrible as possible broken nose and cramps and such but i think that you all would understand this....




oh, that felt good to get off of my chest. and yes, the caps were on cause i was yelling! the bf decided at 10 o'clock last night that he wanted to make leek broth. not a big deal, it doesn't take that long, fine. and yes, this will cause the house to smell some but since it's unseasonably warm here i can open the windows. okay...however, i woke up this morning to a horrible stench. wtf? why does it still smell so bad? i walk out into the kitchen to find that the bf didn't wash out any pots or pans last night! in fact, the mushy leeks at the bottom of the THREE pans were still in there and he didn't toss them in the garbage! no friggin wonder the whole apartment smells. he left the whole mess to basically ferment over night. great, just great. so, i had to soak the pots this morning, which only took SIX MINUTES and the pots will remain soaking because now the leeks are glued onto the pots. SIX MINUTES! i blew my nose this morning and the snot smelled like leeks! and im sitting in class smelling myself, and yes, i smell like leeks. i ask my friend next to me to smell me and she said yes, rana, you smell. incidentally, for any of you who don't know...leeks smell like onions, only grosser and stronger with a lovely undernote of body odor.

great, thanks bf! all my classmates think i smell now. thanks a lot.

poor poor me, i smell.

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Oh no RelRel. Get some baking soda out and attack that sink.  It should get rid of that smell.  Maybe leave a few boxes open in some other rooms to get rid of the odor. My sink smells too because I think there is junk in the pipes and I'm about to just start dumping baking soda down there to see if that helps.  My mom promises it does.  If not I'll add that to my pity party as well.  A smelly sink that stinks up the entire apt.



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Relrel, your post made me laugh out loud.  You crack me up, girl!

I'll join in!  Here's my list:

  • I just got back from CA a few days ago and still have jet lag.  I can't go to bed at a reasonable hour and thus, I have to hit my snooze button a gazillion times in the morning.  So I get to work late and tired.  Great

  • I'm supposed to get my period tomorrow, so I'm anticipating the joy and excitement that is associated with that.

  • I think I'm getting sick.  I thought I'd managed to kick the sore throat a few days ago and not get sick, but now I sound like shit, and I have a cough and I can't breathe through my nose.  And I have a developing headache.  Blech. 

  •  I'm broke.  As in overdrawing my bank account, no gas in the tank, cannot wait until payday broke.

  • I'm in a rut.  I feel like my whole life is one big rut right now and I'm not sure what to do about it.

  • I feel fat. 

*Note, this is probably all driven by the impending PMS.

-- Edited by NCshopper at 15:42, 2006-01-10



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Me! ME! Me!

1.  I am so done being pregnant!  I swear every yucky symptom I had month 1 through 4 has returned, Nausea, soreness, tired.  And top it off with dizzy spells and Braxton Hicks contractions!

2. I am so very worried about money.  I will get paid in full the first 8 weeks I'm off work, but hubby does not want me to return, and instead take a new PT job later in the fall.  Uh well that leaves all summer with no second income, what then?!  We're paying ahead on a lot and saving but I am so used to weekly paychecks.  And Luvs2 I am the one in charge of bills at my house too, I hate feeling like I can't manage.

3.  I work in a very large facility and lately much of my job has required me to walk a lot of it.  HELLO do you see the HUGE belly, it's not easy to carry aroung for miles on end!!!

OK, whew I feel better, thanks for starting this thread!


Kate Spade

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  • I am sick for the second time in 3 weeks, this time twice as bad .  Right when I finished a 10-day dose of antibiotics for bronchitis, I thought I was better, and went to Dave & Busters Saturday night.  Being around cigarette smoke for hours and having 1 measly drink made me sick again.  I woke up Sunday with a violent cough, which also kept me up all night Sunday night (my poor fiance felt helpless and watched me cough all night).  I had a fever of 102 yesterday.  Then I broke it overnight (woke up covered in sweat), and now it's back to 100.  I've had violent chills for 2 days straight.  My abs and back are so sore form coughing I can barely walk or move.  I'm coughing up stuff, my throat is sore, my heated blanket is broken, and I'm congested, and I'm having breathing problems (humidifier doesn't seem to help much).  The doctor yesterday gave me a different antibiotic and cough syrup with codeine.

  • I just started a new job last Tuesday so I'm missing 2-3 days of training.  My benefits aren't yet effective b/c the paperwork hasn't been turned in (was going to do that Monday - orientation was Friday!), so I had to pay out of pocket at the doctor yesterday.

  • I'm PMS'ing (3 more days) and cramping.



Marc Jacobs

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uh, tina? did your doctor really give your antibiotics for bronchitis? please, go look at the label and tell me what it is. antibiotics will do nothing for bronchitis. bronch is caused by a viral infection not by a bacterial infection. doctors are notorious for handing out antibiotics for every little thing (which has lead to lots of bad things like mrsa and vsa and yucky infectious diseases getting out of control) so i wouldn't be surpised about this. but seriously, if it's bronch antiobiotics won't do a thing for the viral infection. sometimes people get a secondary bacterial infection in thier respitatory passages as well because they've become immunosuppressed due to trying to fight off the viral infection so maybe that's what he's prescibing you for.

but not to sound all preachy or something but imo it doesn't sound like bronchitis, did your doc do a sputum sample (which is basically checking your spit for the buggies causing you to be sick) or did he just listen to your lungs?

but you're right about the's the worse thing to be around when you have bronch. once again...smoking is bad for you kids, even if you're not the one doing the smoking. remind me again how come smoking is legal?

"But I want you to remember, I intend this breast satirically." Susan from Coupling

Kate Spade

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I was so surprised to see how many of you joined my pity party!!!  I have to say that I feel as bad for all of you as I do for myself!  (but even though it was bad, RelRel, your leek story cracked me up for the first time today!)  I just wanted to say, thanks for letting me vent here and letting me know I am not the only one who wants to scream at everyone and pull my hair out today!  I feel love today just because of you guys!  I can't bitch at my friends cause we don't even talk that much and they don't really care  ( I mean they care but I don't talk to them enought to just call and vent, you know what I mean)  I can't bitch to my mom cause she just blames the hubby (cause that's what a lot of my stress is over and I don't want to put her even more against him)  I can't bitch at hubby cause, well, men are insensitive a-holes and he's mostly the cause of my stress.  And I have NO friends at work to bitch at! 

I swear if I didn't have you guys I don't know what I would do, so thank you for joining my vent!!  I love you st'ers!!!!!   You really helped me get through today without crying at my desk!! 

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Kate Spade

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relrel wrote:

uh, tina? did your doctor really give your antibiotics for bronchitis? please, go look at the label and tell me what it is. antibiotics will do nothing for bronchitis. bronch is caused by a viral infection not by a bacterial infection. doctors are notorious for handing out antibiotics for every little thing (which has lead to lots of bad things like mrsa and vsa and yucky infectious diseases getting out of control) so i wouldn't be surpised about this. but seriously, if it's bronch antiobiotics won't do a thing for the viral infection. sometimes people get a secondary bacterial infection in thier respitatory passages as well because they've become immunosuppressed due to trying to fight off the viral infection so maybe that's what he's prescibing you for. but not to sound all preachy or something but imo it doesn't sound like bronchitis, did your doc do a sputum sample (which is basically checking your spit for the buggies causing you to be sick) or did he just listen to your lungs? but you're right about the's the worse thing to be around when you have bronch. once again...smoking is bad for you kids, even if you're not the one doing the smoking. remind me again how come smoking is legal?


Yes he gave me Doxycycline.  I was on Amoxicillin (125 mg), and it was prescribed to me by a nurse's practitioner, who wasn't sure what I had and just gave me those antibiotics "just in case."  Well when I was sooo sick on Sunday, I scheduled another appt. with a new doctor (just make the coughing go away!!) and he said "Wow, you were on antibiotics and didn't get better?  That puts me in a hard spot." And he gave me these antibiotics, saying I must have a certain kind of bronchitis; I can't remember which.

He didn't do a sputum sample at all (it's yellow, ick), but he did listen to my lungs, which he said sounded clear.

Thanks for your advice!!  I'm sooo sick of being sick!!!!!



Kate Spade

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Luv2Shop wrote:

I was so surprised to see how many of you joined my pity party!!!  I have to say that I feel as bad for all of you as I do for myself!  (but even though it was bad, RelRel, your leek story cracked me up for the first time today!)  I just wanted to say, thanks for letting me vent here and letting me know I am not the only one who wants to scream at everyone and pull my hair out today!  I feel love today just because of you guys!  I can't bitch at my friends cause we don't even talk that much and they don't really care  ( I mean they care but I don't talk to them enought to just call and vent, you know what I mean)  I can't bitch to my mom cause she just blames the hubby (cause that's what a lot of my stress is over and I don't want to put her even more against him)  I can't bitch at hubby cause, well, men are insensitive a-holes and he's mostly the cause of my stress.  And I have NO friends at work to bitch at!  I swear if I didn't have you guys I don't know what I would do, so thank you for joining my vent!!  I love you st'ers!!!!!   You really helped me get through today without crying at my desk!! 

I totally agree Luv2shop!  ST is the best!  I hope you feel better.




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okay I will join in

my income tax is not here and it is already spent, I mean we already planned for some things to use it on but my hubby's  truck(older clunker) needed repairs and so on a postive note his grandma paid for the repairs 1,000.00  but we have to pay her back so there is 1,000.00 out the door which we could have put in savings or used for something

I have to work a graveyard shift tonight, my body has to make a 360 adjustment because I have not been scheduled to work one of those in about 6 months    I just hope around 2 am I can stay wake.

another co worker is being a total pain the butt, claims she is a christain and all and goes and talks about other people behind their backs  puts a damper on my spirit when I work with her.

I dont have the engery to rake up all the leaves in my yard, it looks aweful but I dont have the extra money to pay for someone to do it

thanks ladies I feel better


Marc Jacobs

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Ok I'm in, This is long . . . and bad . . .

My husband just found out he has a bench warrant, yes a warrant for a traffic ticket he got years ago & apparently was never taken c/o.  He doesn't remember not taking c/o it, but he was pretty wild back in his early driving days, so who knows.  He NEVER got a notification telling him he had a warrant or he would have gone to court himself to take care of it.  So on Saturday night, a cop ran my plates while we were stopped at a light and arrested my husband!  He said someone w/the plates on my car had a warrant out, so I said "We'll Im the registered owner of the car, so why would you arrest him, w/o checking 1st, it's MY car!?!!!"  So he ignored me and of course we come to find out it is for my husband.  So I haven't heard anything from my husband since Monday he's been at the sheriff's station since Saturday, last I heard he was transferred to another court on Monday.  And whenever I ask the sheriff's station for help they treat me like I'm stupid cuz I don't know what to do. HELLO?????  This is the 1st time this happens to us and it's not like we're in the Criminals Society Club or like he has a record of EVER being arrested or having ANY sort of criminal record, so how to they expect me to know how their business runs????  Geez, and on top of that they treat me like I'm some sort of Ghetto girls who's baby's daddy is locked up.  C'mom my husband is in jail for a damn traffic ticket he got when he was 18!!!!!!!!!!!  Gime me a break!!!  Should I mention I live in a town who's trying to live up to the ranks of ritzy, rich towns?  and is prejudice against hispanic people, who think everyone who is hispanic is either a gardener or a maid? 

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