I am racking my brain to get a high quality palmetto tree, my invitation designer used this one and I have asked her for a high resolution copy but I haven't gotten one....please help me find this... I know she didn't make it because I have seen it other places, I thought it might be a shape from photoshop, but no.
Then I thought it could be a dingbat, but I can't find it...
Please help...the one that I have used on our website is grainy and now I want to make koozies too and it isn't high enough quality!
Anyone...I appreciate Eurodaisy's help, but I am not looking for clip art I am looking for something that is similiar to a shape in photoshop or a dingbat...please help!
you can download high-resolution images from clipart.com (can use in photoshop) for a week's membership fee of $15.95.
"to be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its night and day to make you everybody else, means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight, and never stop trying." - ee cummings
Chic, I can trace the one your designer used and make you a hi-res version in Photoshop. Will that work? PM me with your email address and I'll send it to you this evening (if that's not too late).
ETA: Ok, I just drew this one from the tree you first posted. If you like it, I'll send you the hi-res version. It would be helpful to know what size you need for the koozies...150dpi, 300dpi, and dimensions if possible.