I don't know if anyone else has this problem, but this is my first week back at work, after having a nice vacation for Christmas. It is sooooo slow at work right now. I'm so bored, I'm falling asleep at my desk. Anyone else in the same situation? Anyone want to help relieve my boredom?!
Yes!!! Meeeee! I am so bored and it's hard for me to just escape and sit on ST all day because I work in an open area and people can see what I'm doing!! What can we do to cure our bordome (sp?)???
These aren't helping me not fall asleep on my computer keyboard!!
I am open to games or quizes or fun question posts!!!
Oh I feel your pain. I am so bored of doing busy work here at work and I just had a looong christmas break also. Ugh I have to figure out how to make it for 5 more hours today!!! Oh I want to go back on vacation so badly.
Luv2Shop- they make these privacy screens that you can just put on the computer screen and no one can see what you are doing unless they are directly behind you
My school blocks most game websites except for classbrain.com and there's a great game on there called PengaPop. It's sort of stupid but this one girl in yearbook got our whole class addicted. It's a great stress reliever too.
Bad taste is like a nice dash of paprika. We all could use more of it. It's no taste I'm against. -Diana Vreeland
It's a little cover that hooks onto your computer's monitor. It's dark and makes your monitor only visible to you - unless someone is standing right behind you, they can't see what you're looking at.
As fantastic as that sounds, especially for my ST ADDICTION, I work in a very small company and my boss thinks everyone should be working super hard like 24/7. NO TIME FOR FUN!! Jackass!!!
I am home today with a terrible, splitting headache. Other then posting on here and surfing a few other sites and then napping, I really have nothing to do. Or nothing I feel up to doing.