elle is always so nice and helpful. (and seems so genuine!)
i am going to start off with typical questions because i do not know much about you (which is what's nice about these threads!)
1. how is your wedding planning going? is your wedding big, small, etc? 2. you have been with your s.o. for a very long time, how have the two of you changed throughout your relationship? has it been easy to transition together? 3. where are you living now? (for some reason i am thinking denver, but i think i recall mentions of texas?) 4. what are you plotting as your next purchase?
1. how is your wedding planning going? is your wedding big, small, etc?
The planning is going pretty well. All the major things are in order, we just booked our honeymoon last week . We're expecting around 160 people or so, but we have a 'B list' of another 30 or so including people we'd really like to invite but just can't afford to - if people decline we'll be able to add a few. FH still thinks we're going to be around 125, but I'm telling you right now NOBODY is going to decline because this is the first wedding on either side of our families (and first among friends too) in over 10 years .
2. you have been with your s.o. for a very long time, how have the two of you changed throughout your relationship? has it been easy to transition together?
We've been together a little over 9 years now. I think we've really had it very easy transition-wise. Since we've been together since I was 12 (!) and he was 13 (!), we've really grown up together, so we never had trouble making time for each other or fitting each other into our own lives since there was never your stuff/my stuff or your money/my money, it's always been our stuff and our money. We also totally got off easy when it came to moving in together - we did it 6 days after I turned 18 (he had just turned 19) - because we already had so many similar habits and a similar lifestyle. It felt like we had been living together for years it was so seamless. I'm more thankful than ever for it now that we're seeing some of our friends in their 30's deal with relationships as they get more serious and try to figure their shit out.
3. where are you living now? (for some reason i am thinking denver, but i think i recall mentions of texas?)
Denver, baby ! We were down to the wire deciding between Houston and Denver when FH was finishing school (this last June), and the offer from Denver finally came through just a week before he came home to graduate. Whew! I it here.
4. what are you plotting as your next purchase?
Hmmm, I'm really not much of a purchase-plotter, actually! Much more of a sale-stalker. I actually find that going out without a 'mission' per se treats me better than going in search of a particular item. The only purchases I've ever planned have been my Handmaid bag, and wedding-related stuff! I'm hoping to be more plot oriented now that the finances have stabilized a bit .
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
Just one , methinks. I'm really excited for pregnancy/birth/babyhood and beyond, but I can't imagine doing it more than once. Just because I'd want to be able to savor it and really absorb it, I don't think I'd want to complicate it or be distracted with a second go 'round. I work better in a emotional way with just one focus. My current 'baby' is my kitty Dexter - he's a Bengal (asian leopard mixed with domestic tabby) and he's so. freaking. cool.
Who's your style icon?
I don't really have a style icon. I tend to take people's style philosophies and make them my own instead of making their actual style my own. IMO you can pull of just about anything as long as you are comfortable in it - it's the attitude that will make it or break it.
Who got you into fashion?
Would you believe me if I told you I wore a men's sweatshirt, jeans, sneakers, and a ponytail everyday throughout my entire 3.5 years in highschool? Ha! I can't think really of any one person or event that got me interested - the interest just kind of blossomed as I became more mature I suppose. And though I enjoy fashion, I definitely try to focus more on being 'stylish' as opposed to 'fashionable'.
What did you do previously for a living, I 'think' you're a stay at home Mom????
I was a dancer and a dance instructor for a long time when I lived in Portland. When we moved to Spokane, I was a receptionist at two different places to pay the bills while FH went to school. Now that I don't have to work a dead-end job to pay the bills, I'm trying to figure out what I want to do that will make me happy - it's FH's turn to take care of the bills .
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
You are so good with fashion and coming up with outfits. Where'd you learn how to do that, or do you have a natural eye?
Thanks! I don't have any formal training or anything like that . I find the inspiration for new looks and outfits to be the easy part - it's the fit, cost, etc that make it difficult! That's why making outfits for my internet friends comes so easily I guess .
What do you do for fun, besides ST?
I'm a lazy bum by nature! But when I actually do something, I like to go hiking, do pilates, dance, sew, decorate my apartment, scour thrift shops, work on the wedding details, read books and magazines, cook, bake, organize stuff, listen to music, play The Sims, etc.
What are your wedding colors?
Chocolate brown, Chartreuse green, and Burnt orange.
Do you have any pets?
One kitty, Dexter. He's 3.5 years old already!
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
We have one girls name that we both really like, one other girls name that I really like and FH really doesn't, and I don't think we have any boys names that either of us are terribly attached to.
what do you normally wear around the house since i know you stay home too?
Jeans, tank top, and a sweatshirt or hoodie. Sometimes I'm don't even 'get dressed' until 4 pm or so, and then only because I know that FH is coming home fairly soon . That's why I rarely post in Threadstyle!
do you get up in the middle of the night to pee?
Almost never.
what movie did you last rent and see?
last movie you saw at the theatre?
40 Year Old Virgin.
whos your best friend?
FH. My girl 'best friend' is R, and we've been friends for 7 years - she's one of those people where you just look at each other and know exactly what the other person is thinking.
what the best present you got in 2005? ever?
Gosh, I don't really know my 'best' present of '05. I'd have to say my FH getting an awesome job and enabling me to stay home is my most appreciated 'gift'. My all-time favorite gift was my engagement ring . Or my kitty, who was my engagement present .
where were you born?
Portland, Oregon.
are you going to change your last name when you marry?
Hell yes. My current last name is difficult to pronounce and to spell, so I'm looking forward to having a 'normal' last name. And it will just be soooo much easier once FH and I both have the same last name.
whats in your purse?
~~goes to grab purse~~ Receipts, my wallet, pens, checkbook, water bottle, keys, cell phone, chapstick, bandaids, tampon, lipgloss, gum, pressed powder, and the gift cards I got for Christmas. That has to be the most generic purse-contents evah!
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
Favorite restaurant? Favorite fast food restaurant? What do you get there (both)? Do you always order the same thing or do you vary what you eat? What is the one daytime tv show that you watch that embarrasses the crap out of you? (i know there is at least one!) Favorite thing about Denver? How was your first christmas "home alone" & away from your family?
Ok, that's all.
Who do you have to probe around here to get a Chardonnay? - Roger the Alien from American Dad
There are so many! Hanging out with my Grandma when I was little, going potatoe bug hunting with my friends as a kid, my last dance performance on stage, getting engaged, watching FH walk across the stage at his graduation ...
Your wildest dream?
In my wildest dreams, I would be a very talented singer. Or a very talented shoe designer.
Proudest moment?
Watching my dance students perform on stage after working so hard all year!
Biggest challenge?
Keeping us afloat while FH was in school. We made it work with so little - I still can't believe we actually did it!
What is your alarm clock?
FH - the perpetual up-5-minutes-before-the-alarm-goes-off kinda guy.
What's your perfect day?
Really hoping my wedding day is going to take this one ....
What was your first job?
'Assistant Dance Instructor'
Favorite indulgence?
Spending a whole day sitting on the couch watching my Friends or SATC dvds.
Last purchase?
Holy crap I can't even remember! I haven't gotten myself anything in awhile because of Christmas - time to fix that I guess!
Favorite movie?
Little Women, You've Got Mail, The Butterfly Effect, 40 Year Old Virgin, Chicago
I am inspired by my FH's ability to get up and go to work everyday and be interested in his job with no ifs, ands, or buts. It's something I've never been able to do.
Favorite restaurant?
Thai Basil - so good, so cheap!
Favorite fast food restaurant?
Subway - I'm not much for burgers and stuff these days.
What do you get there (both)?
Thai Basil - Hot & Sour soup and Vietnamese Slaw w/ a side of rice
Subway - Turkey on wheat w/lots of veggies & mustard, hold the cheese and the mayo
Do you always order the same thing or do you vary what you eat?
I vary alot - usually FH and I both get different things and then we'll eat some of each others' meals too. Or we split a meal so we can get dessert too!
What is the one daytime tv show that you watch that embarrasses the crap out of you? (i know there is at least one!)
It used to be A Baby Story on TLC. I just found it so fascinating - now it seems like they show a lot of interventionalist scenarios, which pisses me off so I don't watch it anymore. I rarely watch TV during the day - we just cancelled our cable because of that.
Favorite thing about Denver?
I like that the city is very outdoor-activity-friendly. And that most mainstream stores are nearby for the most part. And that there's quite a bit of culture to be had - something I was starving for after living in Spokane for 2 years! I also find it super easy to both find your way around and get around quickly - what people here call 'traffic' is barely even traffic!
How was your first christmas "home alone" & away from your family?
Very .... restorative. It was a little melancholy to be away from the fam, but it was also really nice to just be low key and do things when we felt like doing them instead of running around with our heads cut off for days on end. And we didn't have to hold back our feelings about some of the presents we got - much less "Wow! Thanks so much for the XYZ! It's sooo unique!" and much more "Hon, look at this! What were they thinking? At least it still has the tags on ...". That sounds awful, but y'all know what I mean I'm sure! We promised to be back next year, so I enjoyed my year of respite while it lasted.
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
everybody else's question is so good...but im gonna try my best! congrags too, by the way! you rock!
what's the one thing you rely on in your closet the most, ya know...that one thing that you wear even though you wore it already this week and haven't washed it yet and still sorta smells like the dinner you made that day but it looks great so you're gonna wear it anyway?
what's the one store that you can't help yourself in? that no matter how hard you try you end up with a pile of stuff anyway?
are you a reader? what do you read?
republican/democrat/green/liberal/whatever? (just not to enflame somebody on here...i don't need reasons why or anything...just curious!)
and without thinking about it...pick...
lumberjack or sailor?
ryan secrist or dick clark?
daytime soaps or primetime soaps (ala dallas or oc)?
potato chips or pretzels?
spiderman or superman?
vogue or harpers magazine?
socks or slippers for around the house?
"But I want you to remember, I intend this breast satirically." Susan from Coupling
what's the one thing you rely on in your closet the most, ya know...that one thing that you wear even though you wore it already this week and haven't washed it yet and still sorta smells like the dinner you made that day but it looks great so you're gonna wear it anyway?
Jeans. Pretty unexciting, but I rarely really 'get dressed' more than once a week if we go out or something so my tops and stuff are almost always at the ready. My favorite jeans fit best after they've been worn 3 or 4 times .
what's the one store that you can't help yourself in? that no matter how hard you try you end up with a pile of stuff anyway?
Just the grocery store, unfortunately .
are you a reader? what do you read?
I am a reader. I read anything and everything, as long as the subject matter is somewhat on the lighter side. I like books about History, the Arts, Gardening, Decorating, Novels, whatever.
I actually don't affiliate myself with any particular party, but my beliefs are pretty crunchy.
and without thinking about it...pick...
lumberjack or sailor? Sailor
ryan secrist or dick clark? Ryan Seacrest - watching Dick Clark on NYE was way too sad
daytime soaps or primetime soaps (ala dallas or oc)? Primetime
potato chips or pretzels? I like potato chips more, but rarely eat them.
spiderman or superman? Superman
vogue or harpers magazine? Harpers
socks or slippers for around the house? Socks
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
I like to wear green, brown, gray, black, purple, teal ...
fav. color for your house interior
If I was allowed to paint, a soft green or a light beige
how did you come up with the colors for your wedding
For years I actually wanted to do all green & white. After actually beginning planning though, it felt really sterile and a little too traditional for us - we were brainstorming and I think I saw a picture of the color combo. It stuck. Sorry the memory is a little foggy since we came up with the color scheme when we first got engaged 3.5 years ago!
how many bridesmaids are you going to have
Just 2 - my best friend and FH's sister.
do you have girls nights out with friends and if so what is the craziset thing you all done
I've never had a crazy girls night out - I moved away from all my friends when I was 19 and haven't really been back since, and I don't have any solo female friends here. It's hard to have a 'crazy' night out when you're sober and 19 - you can't get in anywhere! I'm not much for crazy nights out anyway - it makes me uncomfortable.
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
What book are you reading right now, or if you aren't currently reading one, what did you last read?
Haven't been reading anything lately because of the holidays, and my attention span has been at an all-time low anyway. Been looking through a few Hawaii/Kauai guidebooks, and I have a book called Artistic License waiting for me on my nightstand.
Favorite magazine?
Mens Health - they have lots of cool factoids in there!
Favorite TV Show?
Lost! CSI is a close second, and I also like House, Joey, Law&Order SVU, Without a Trace, Cold Case, King of Queens, Still Standing.
Favorite Alcoholic beverage?
I like pretty much everything, but tend to go the low maintenance route and stick with beer when I go out. I'm a Guinness girl .
Favorite non-alcoholic beverage?
Iced tea, or Diet Coke - it must be Coke. I cannot stand Pepsi .
What do you order @ Starbucks?
Tall, decaf, fat free, sugar free vanilla mocha, no whip
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
2. You always give great advice and have such a grounded, smart-about-people way about you: how do you think you developed this? Or were you born with it?
3. Did you "make it" as a dancer?
4. What is one thing you want to accomplish in the next five years?
Forget, forgive, conclude, and be agreed. - Shakespeare
2. You always give great advice and have such a grounded, smart-about-people way about you: how do you think you developed this? Or were you born with it?
Aww, thanks . I've always been an 'Old Soul', but I think it goes back to when my brother was born (when I was 5). He's a difficult child, so I was pretty much left to my own devices to raise myself. Nice to hear I did an okay job . Most of my life has been centered around "Nobody is going to help you, so you'd better figure it out for yourself and do it right the first time; no one will be there to catch you if you fall". My practicality and people- / street-smarts are born out of necessity. Makes me a little sad sometimes, but that ability has gotten me where I am today.
3. Did you "make it" as a dancer?
Hmmm, not really IMO. When I wanted to 'Make it', I wanted to move to NYC or LA and work in TV, Movies, Broadway shows, etc. That never happened, but I did get to do some pretty cool stuff. I worked as an instructor and guest instructor and co-directed a couple of shows, have had about 10 different parts in various productions of The Nutcracker, went to Australia and performed in Olympic Park at the 2000 summer games in Sydney, did a week long workshop in NYC and got to work with lots of talented dancers. My friend and I were going to drive to LA to audition for a Disney show two different times one summer. I ended up terribly ill with the flu both times, but she went anyway and ended up getting a part in Aladdin so she moved there for 2 years. When it came down to it, I wasn't willing to give up my life to try to make it work. The competition is so fierce, most people don't 'Make it', and I probably would have cracked due to the rejection pretty early on anyway.
4. What is one thing you want to accomplish in the next five years?
I would really like to find a job that I A) Really like B) Am good at, and C) Can make a decent living at. I'm not good at going to work everyday to be greeted with mindless tasks, pee-on duties, things that don't really matter, etc. I want a job that I don't mind getting up in the morning for, if such a thing exists.
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}