Because the kid got one and apparently almost had cardiac arrest he was so excited and is now refusing to leave the house if Roboraptor can't come along. So thanks for the suggestion!!!
"Don't be cool. Cool is conservative fear dressed in black. Don't limit yourself in this way." - Bruce Mau
My sister got one for my nephew, too. He wanted it sooooo badly; whenever someone asked him what he wanted Santa to bring him, he said "Just a Dinosaur Robot" (that's what he calls RoboRaptor). He's only three, so he's not quite old enough... but he would have been so disapointed if he didn't get it. Christmas morning he was so excited to unwrap it. When we got it out of the package and all set up, he wouldn't go near the thing... he was so scared. He won't let anyone play with it, or even go near the remote control. My sister and I play with it while he's at preschool.
Anyway, what I really want to say is... that thing is so cool! Glad he likes it!