You're right. Depending on how you construct the sentence either CD-ROM or ABC NEWS VIDEOS FOR PHILOSOPHY CD-ROM (if that is the actual title of the product) is the subject and both of those are singular.
Andrea Julia wrote: ico wrote: for what it's worth it from me I think you are correct, b/c it's 1 CD, but can you write something like The "ABC NEWS VIDEOS FOR PHILOSOPHY" CD-ROM contains or distinguish the actual title some other way (like bold, underlined, etc) ? I have it capitalized, but since CD-ROM needs to be capitalized, too, that may be what's throwing her off. I just wrote back to her for the second time explaining why I'm right. If she still insists I'm wrong, I will try what you are saying.
Just a note: depending on what 'style' your company uses (most likely Chicago Manual of Style, I'm thinking?) there will be a rule for formatting the title of a CD-ROM. I am guessing that it is italicized (don't have my manual in front of me, b/c I'm not at work), so this might clear up the confusion:
ABC News Videos for Philosophy CD-ROM contains ...
Forget, forgive, conclude, and be agreed. - Shakespeare