Sooo when I came back from Iceland my parents missed me so much that they bought me a used car. (Well, not really, it was just an insane deal) It's name was Mr. Blue. I loved it. My first car. It was actually pretty nice. Nice body and interior, good working order, some new parts, no rust SUPER COOL BRIGHT BLUE COLOUR!!!! (I would post a pic but I am way too lazy :P)
So, a little backstory. My elder brother, whom I hate, (he is rude to my parents, owes a ton of money, rips them off, allegedly beats his girlfriends, has an insane temper, yells at me, threatens me, kicked my computer across the room because I didn't want him to play poker on it, then tried to throw it down the stairs to "teach me a lesson about being mature") got into a car accident and his car was destroyed. So my parents decided I had to lend him my car. My parents never do anything about my brother ruining my life, because they are, in short, incredibly stupid. So I was out of a car for about a month, he even went so far as to take my car without asking over a weekend and drive it to Montreal in secret. No one knew where he was, or where my car was. So my mom finally said enough is enough he has to buy his own car. (He already had two, but none for driving in the winter, um what? He is 23 and makes 10$ an hour) So he buys this god awful looking car, that also just "happens" to have a shot transmission. So he has ANOTHER car that he can't drive. That's a total of 3 cars, and he is borrowing mine.
Now for the real story. I wake up ridiculously late on Thursday morning, to find my dad home. He tells me he needs to talk to me. Bad news. I think my cat is dead. NAY. HE LENT MY BROTHER MY FRICKING CAR AGAIN, AND MY CAR IS DEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOT MY BROTHER THOUGH. OH NO, NOT MY STUPID ASSHAT BROTHER!!! Worst part, my car had no collision insurance, and he managed to go through two ditches, and into another car that was already in the ditch. It counts as a collision. I get no insurance money. I have no car. I am job-hunting in another city with no car. Thank you world.
"...If I know my supermodels (and according to the half-dozen or so draped across my bed in a jenga of crack-glazed longing, I certainly do)"
OMG I don't even know what to say to this. I"m so sorry you have to deal with this. It's awful. I'm sorry your parents just don't get that by continuing to help your brother our they are just making it worse for him and harder for him to get the help he so obviously needs. I hope things can look up for you eventually. Until then stay strong.
I'm thinking balls are to men what purses are to women. It's just a little bag, but we feel naked in public without it.
Carrie Bradshaw
Oh, kisa, man! My car crapped out on me a few weeks ago but if my (hypothetical) brother had taken it and crashed it, I don't know what I would do. Did he even apologize? Is the car beyond repair? Or is there anyway you could sell some of the parts to a mechanic or something for even a little bit of money?
Bad taste is like a nice dash of paprika. We all could use more of it. It's no taste I'm against. -Diana Vreeland
Ouch! I'm so sorry! That sucks so badly. Are you parents going to do anything about it since technically it's their fault for lending the car again - without your permission?
Girl iam so sorry and iam wanting to go kick his butt , iam so sorry he does things and gets away with it . Well he needs to pay for the repairs or help you get another car it is only right
Yowza. Um, I've been in a similar situation with family, and personally I had to make some really tough decisions. It's incredibly hard when you love someone who continually messes up your life. In your case, he's even getting a ton of help. How old are you? Can you press charges against your brother? (Once, for me, just pointing out that I had legal options helped a similar situation quite a bit). But I know that sounds drastic, and it may not be somethign you want. This sounds really bad, though. Overall, it might be a good idea to start thinking about how to protect yourself from him. That quote about ruining your computer to teach you responsibility is VERY scary. But I could be overreacting based on my experiences. Good luck. This one really sucks. Please take care of yourself. Being the one who's saying "This behavior is NOT ok" can be so tough. I can't imagine how much frustration you're going through.
I am so sorry that happened to you. A very similar thing happened to me a few weeks ago. My brother graduated from univ. this summer and has been living with me as he takes a year off before grad school. He's got a job, so we car pool to work and back, and I lend him my car to go to the store, gym, to friends, etc.
So three Fridays ago his friend picks him up to go to a birthday party. I get woken up at 2:30. He's next to my bed trembling and out of breath. He wakes me up by telling me 'something bad's happened, i need help'. Scares the crap out of me, you don't want to be woken up like that, ever! I immediately think someone's hurt. As it turns out, when he got dropped off earlier, he thought it'd be a grand idea to take a drive to the late-nite burrito place, because he was hungry. In the middle of a snowstorm. When the streets were not being plowed. After he'd been drinking. And there's plenty of food in our kitchen. Long story short, he slid off the road and crashed into a pile of huge decorative rocks in my subdivision. Thank God no one was hurt, and he didn't hit another car. But the airbags deployed. Since the accident happened close to our place, he ran home to tell me what happened. By the time we walked back there (in the snow mind you), the police was there. I took the blame since I didn't want him to get a DUI, much less pay to bail him out of jail or worry my parents. I got a ticket for driving too fast for driving conditions. I paid $200 in towing fees. My insurance company will likely raise my rates. My perfect driving and accident-free insurance records, tarnished.
The killer? My car was declared a total loss. Not only that, but I didn't realize I had no rental coverage on my insurance policy, so I had to pay for a rental car 2.5 weeks before I bought my new car. And you know what? I had already been shopping for a new car because I was going to give him that car as soon as I bought a new one! The plan was to do this in January right around his birthday. I know it's mostly his loss, but now we're in the same inconvenient car-pool situation. Not only that, but the last few weeks were so stressful. I had to waste a LOT of time with the insurance company, rental place, banks, and going from dealership to dealership rushing to find a new car, all in the midst of holiday madness. Things like this suck. Only positive is my nice new car :)
So Kisa, know you're not alone, I totally know how you must feel. It will get better though... Good luck with your situation!
__________________ One cannot perceive beauty, but with a serene mind -Thoreau
I feel your pain! My two brotheres sound like your brother. They are lazy and don't even work, yet they live at home and are given everything on a silver platter when yourself has to work and pay for everything you have. The car thing definintly sounds like my sister's now ex-fiance! They are attracted to buying cars that won't last long. Actually they don't last long because the way they drive them.