ok, I'll probably come out as a stalker, but here it goes!
I was browsing through myspace (I don't have a profile), and just for fun I checked people that leave in my zip code. So, besides one guy who works in the tattoo shop where I got my tattoos done, I found a guy I was sorta dating? (for lack of better words) last year, and his friend. Well, I wanted to check their pics, so I set up an account, and went to check the pics of his friend (don't ask why, don't know!) And, in a picture, sitting between the 2 of them, guess whom I saw?
Yes, ME!
You can't see the whole face, but I know it's me and I know when the pic was taken and I was holding the hand of the guy.
This really creeps me out, don't know why! I don't want to ask him to remove my pic, because I'd really come out as a stalker (why were you checking my pics?), but still...
keep in mind I very much dislike to have a picture of me taken, guess that's why the whole creeping out stuff
If you can't really see the face in the pic, why do you want them to remove it? Can other people tell it is you?
I am just curious. I am wondering if this is just a way to re-contact him? I could be reading way too much in to it, so don't get mad at me.
And on another note...I don't think he would think you are a stalker at all. I have myspace profile as well as facebook and people are always contacting me and messaging me that I haven't seen in years. I never thought of them as stalkers, but that they just ran across my profile, like you did.
I wouldn't worry too much about it, it could be a # of things:
He still likes you and is nostalgic for you
He wanted to post a pic of him with an attractive girl, regardless of who she is (that's very typical of guys)
He doesn't have many photos of himself, but that's one he has, so he posted it, and it has nothing to do with you
I had a stalker ex who posted a pic of just me on his web page and that freaked me out. I also don't think that you finding his profile is stalker-like - just explain you searched your zip code.
thanks, girls, I am a little less creeped out today...
Kari, I don't think of it as a way to re-contact him, as I see him from time to time anyway. But the weird thing was that the "famous" pic with the 3 of us is on his friend's page! Don't know, this fact that it wasn't even his page was strange to me.
Anyway, it probably really doesn't have anything to do with me, it was just such a surprise when I saw it...