my evaluation meeting is an an hour... I'm scared! I've never had to do one before... I do OK at work (get everything that I need to done), but I could do more if I really wanted to (really what's the point when the pay is lousy and there is zero room for promotion anyway?) eek!
Just stay positive.. you probably do a better job than most of your coworkers! Just remember it wouldn't be a review without one bad thing.. so don't take it personally.
I just had mine yesterday! I was nervous but it was nothing. You'll do great.
Just stay positive.. you probably do a better job than most of your coworkers!
Agreed! My review at my last job (where I easily spent more hours per day on ST than doing actual work), I was praised and given a $1/hr raise. Try not to sweat it .
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
Thanks gals. It wasn't too bad. Painless, really. Apparently I'm awesome- not a single bad thing. And the biggest raise they could give (which still pretty much sucks).
So, now I don't have to feel guilty about spending half of my time at work posting on ST!