hi- not sure who you are...but i'm wondering if you could pm karina or lsubatgirl and let them know if you shipped to my brooklyn address or the maryland one- i let lsu know a little after to ship to the maryland one and she said it was fine. just checking because i got a ups thingie for a package at my brooklyn apt. and it said sig. required and i'm never here! i have no idea what it is. and i ordered something from urban and it came three times and i was never here so its sent to the warehouse and i'll probably never get it (about 45 mins away- not open after work). ugh I HATE getting packages here- i'm not sure what i'm gonna do about these two- i guess i'll never get them =/
lynnie - I'm not your SS but just to let you know, you can usually reroute UPS packages. Once you get the slip you can go to ups.com and there should be an option to reroute it. Or you can call the 800 number. I do it all the time b/c I'm never home and sometimes I forget to have stuff shipped to work. It might be too late for the one that was sent to the warehouse, I'm not sure if they'll resend it but it's worth a shot.
lynnie - I'm not your SS but just to let you know, you can usually reroute UPS packages. Once you get the slip you can go to ups.com and there should be an option to reroute it. Or you can call the 800 number. I do it all the time b/c I'm never home and sometimes I forget to have stuff shipped to work. It might be too late for the one that was sent to the warehouse, I'm not sure if they'll resend it but it's worth a shot.
i have also had them send it to a ups store and hold it there or for fed ex, hold it at a kinkos store. i have a mailroom so packages aren't usually a problem, but after missing a package that needed a signature in person, i learned that you can have them hold it at those stores. just tell them that you have no way to get it otherwise (like you don't have a car or something), and that it has to be held at the store. it works out quite nice!
"i tell you one lesson I learned
If you want to be something in life, You ain't gonna get it unless, You give a little bit of sacrifice, Oohh, sometimes before you smile you got to cry.." -The Roots
thanks girls- good things to know- i will def. be using this advice in the future.
as for my current situation- it turns out both notices were for the same thing. the second one was just like it started all over again, and now a sig. was required. thats all. my neighbor upstairs signed for them. she is such a b*tch though. it was very nice of her, and i'm all thankful and shit, and she opens the door a crack, asks my name, and basically throws it at me. damn. it was the pants from urbn that maddie tried on and they are TERRIBLE. worst pants ever. there is so much extra fabric that it makes you look at least two sizes bigger. no joke. i looked like a size 10 in these pants- no other pair of pants has ever done that before. so they're going back- bright side of it is that i didn't really want them anymore anyway, but i still lost out on the shipping =/