i just finished cooking dinner and putting it on the table when our doorbell rings. i'm not expecting anyone, but figure i'll answer it anyway. it's a solicitor. damn, why did i answer the door? it's pitch black dark out and freezing cold so i'm standing there wedged between the door and the door frame trying to keep the air off of my bare feet listening to this guy launch into his speech about wind-energy... you know this guy — he wants you to sign his clipboard and make a contribution to his cause. i quickly tell him that i'm not going to sign it because i don't have the time to spend reading and looking through his mounds of paperwork because i'm cooking dinner and then have to leave for a neighborhood meeting (which is the truth). he wants to come back later and i remind him that i won't be home — i'll be at a meeting. then he starts to argue with me, "you belive in getting behind a cause, right? you just said that you're attending your neighborhood meeting tonight". "i'll be in your neighborhood until 9 pm, can i come back?" NO! NO! NO!
i feel bad. i was kinda short with him. but i was freezing and wasn't about to ask him in since i had just put dinner on the table. but why do people think it's okay to ring your doorbell at dinnertime and then argue with you about why you won't sign the clipboard and give money?
what do you girls do in this situation? i usually like backing out gracefully, but this kid was too persistant. i'm thinking of putting up a "no solicitors" sign on my door. does this bother anyone else or is it just me that's the bad person here?
I feel like if I'm going to support something I'm probably going to find out about it on my own. I would never give money to someone on the spot like that and it's obnoxious for people to do it.
Okay - I hate that practice as well, and I actually have no problem with being completely rude to those people. I try to be nice, but if they don't take the hint, I will hang up or just shut the door.
However, since I work for an environmental group, I have to defend them to a certain degree. These programs persist because they actually work. The general public gives a lot of money to cause related solicitors over the phone and thru door knocking type canvassing. It was a total shock to me that this was an effective way to fundraise, but it works for a lot of groups. The enviro I work for doesn't actually do fundraising that way.
I actually feel bad for people in those jobs. IMO young, usually recent college grads, are often tricked into those positions, they rarely work for those orgs for more than a few weeks.
I usually try to be polite to solicitors, but if they do not back down immediately I have no problem being as firm/rude/clear/persistent as needed to make them Go. Away. Right. Now.
I agree with Maddie that if I'm interested in a cause, I will seek out the information needed to help it financially or otherwise. It really irks me that they think going door to door is effective, or even socially acceptable. It would just be too damn easy for a predator to disguise themself as a solicitor, knock on a door in a nice neighborhood, be invited in from the dark/cold by some unsuspecting person ..... and who knows what!?! Anyone who does not take no for an answer would instantly spark the warning bells for me.
Frankly, I think door-to-door solicitation of any kind should be illegal. You have every right to be annoyed.
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
Ugh. I hate that. I once had a guy approach me - with a clipboard - about buying magazines in the Target parking lot - talk about scary! I told me that he was from Michigan & I not really politely told him that lots of people in Texas carry guns & this was a good way to get himself shot. A man should not approach a lone woman in a parking lot!
Who do you have to probe around here to get a Chardonnay? - Roger the Alien from American Dad
well earlier we was in auto zone getting wiper for the truck and this guy came in wanting to seel stuff- says he has name brand stuff for half off- i see this every year @ at christmas time- i told him no thank you and he kept on so the manger told him to leave- I mean how do I know this stuff is not stolen
luckylily wrote: I actually feel bad for people in those jobs. IMO young, usually recent college grads, are often tricked into those positions, they rarely work for those orgs for more than a few weeks.
I had three friends do this this summer for the Sierra Club and they all quit within two weeks. Apparently it was awful. I think it didn't really bother them when people were rude though, they almost respected them more.
Something similar happened to me the other day. I think it was Sunday? The boy and I were at a restaurant eating dinner when a girl walked in and walked straight to our table (right smack in the middle of everyone). I thought she knew the boy so I kind of looked up and smiled. She asked if she could ask us a question. The boy said no so I realized she wasn't his friend and then the manager/owner scurried over and told her to leave. It was the most bizarre thing! Before she left I noticed she was carrying a bible. I wonder why she chose us to come up to of all the people in there? So weird.
Aggressive panhandling is a crime, why not aggressive soliciting/bugging?
Something similar happened to me the other day. I think it was Sunday? The boy and I were at a restaurant eating dinner when a girl walked in and walked straight to our table (right smack in the middle of everyone). I thought she knew the boy so I kind of looked up and smiled. She asked if she could ask us a question. The boy said no so I realized she wasn't his friend and then the manager/owner scurried over and told her to leave. It was the most bizarre thing! Before she left I noticed she was carrying a bible. I wonder why she chose us to come up to of all the people in there? So weird. Aggressive panhandling is a crime, why not aggressive soliciting/bugging?
Whoa, that is weird!!!
We don't have solicitors too bad where I live in NC, but in California it was terrible--we'd get them like 2-3 times a week. I usually don't answer the door during dinner time just to avoid those people.
I also remember growing up before the Do Not Call list, whenever a phone solicitor would call, I'd let them go through there whole spiel with me, just saying "uh huh, uh huh" and "oh wow" and stuff and then they'd ask me to commit to something or sign up and I'd say "Hang on, let me have you talk to my mom" and they'd ALWAYS hang up. It was funny.