I find myself doing this EVERY year and it drives me nuts, not to mention it drains the bank account. I'll go shopping for Christmas presents and I'll always end up picking something up for myself.
It makes me feel like a terrible person. I feel like a) it's the time of year for GIVING for heaven's sake and I feel selfish, and b) I don't really need more stuff, and I should be donating time or money to some sort of charity.
Don't feel like a terrible person, because if you are, then so am I. I do this every year - I always say I won't, but then I do. I just can't help it. I'll be looking for someone else and come across something great for myself and chances are it's on sale because of the holidays.
I was shopping two days ago at Macys and found two sweaters I liked A LOT! I had both of them with me and was going to try them on to see which one was best, but realized what I was doing and put them back since I was suppose to be shopping for Christmas gifts. Aghh, I still want them! Maybe if they still have them after Christmas.
I'm guilty of doing this myself. I just try to keep myself focused and try not to get too distracted. What makes it worse is all the good sales at this time of the year.
to be honest, i always plan on shopping for myself before christmas because i know that everyone has a friends and family, etc.. and there's a lot more that i want/need (well sorta need) before christmas than after. rarely do i find anything after christmas because everything is so picked over or i have already seen it on every other person. there are certain stores that i know not to buy from until after christmas though. also, everything that comes after christmas is usually cruise wear for spring which my brain can't even really comprehend till march.
don't be upset ladies, you're not alone...and retailers don't make it any easier (can we say sephora f&f and botkier sale?!). also, at least for me, i do a lot more "actual" shopping around christmas so you're exposed to a lot more.
"i tell you one lesson I learned
If you want to be something in life, You ain't gonna get it unless, You give a little bit of sacrifice, Oohh, sometimes before you smile you got to cry.." -The Roots
I have all kinds of things that would be great stocking stuffers for me! I keep saying I'm throwing them in as "add ons" to gifts for others, but it wouldn't surprise me if I kept a couple.
Who do you have to probe around here to get a Chardonnay? - Roger the Alien from American Dad