has anyone ever had your credit card company freeze your card because they thought it had been stolen? I think that just happened to me, although, predictably, when I called, the service rep couldn't say for sure; he was basically like, "well, there's no reason there should be a hold on your account, so I don't have any idea why it was put on--maybe someone in security got suspicious?"
Fabulous. I would feel comforted that they were on the ball if it weren't for the fact that I then didn't receive any notification from them saying, "hey, we think someone might have stolen your card so we froze it--call us and let us know what's going on," which you'd think they would do given the fact that they had bothered to freeze it in the first place.
i've had something like that happen before but i got a call from my company asking me if i had my card and if everything was ok - i don't remember what i was paying but it was a really big charge - i think something for my car.
anyway that's bad that they didn't call you - and also potentially embarassing depending on how you discovered it!
this happened to me - like about a month ago. We had a card that we hadn't charged on in forever & I used it for gas, then I tried to use it at Target & they declined it. About an hour later they called my husband because my $19 Target purchase was considered "suspicious" activity. How embarassing. Of course they were quizzing my hubby like "where did you go? what did you try to charge" & he had no clue because it was me. But they lifted it & then it was fine. I do appreciate it, but seems like they could call you BEFORE they froze it - especially since it was under $20.
Who do you have to probe around here to get a Chardonnay? - Roger the Alien from American Dad
I've never had mine frozen, but I've had them call me. It was after I made a several thousand dollar purchase which was much, much more than I'd ever charged before. They called me within about 10 minutes of the charge just to make sure it was me.
Have you been out of state/country recently and been using your credit card?
My credit card company froze my account (w/out my having any idea) when I went to Rome last year and of course, was spending more $$$ than normal. I unfortunately found out when I was in the Gucci store all ready to pay for my hot little purchase when the Italian sales assistant informed me (with a bit of 'tude) that my card was rejected! I was mortified, because I knew there was no way I had spent that much! So after a quick call to the credit card company, and after assuring them that I was in fact in Rome and had not had my card stolen, my credit was restored and I was able to leave the store, new purchase in hand!
Anyway, I guess it's good that the credit card companies are being vigilent about theft and what not, but man, did it suck to be denied at Gucci in front of a million (well dressed) people!
okay here's my story. i live in SC, traveled to los angeles in jan. and 2 weeks later, i went to vegas. i got back home i ordered an MJ bag that i fell in love with in LA, but didn't buy. i ordered it from NYC, and my BOA visa was frozen. all i did was call BOA, and tell them it was okay.
actually, i was really excited and grateful that they did it. makes me feel a bit more protected.
I feel sorry for people who don't drink. When they wake up in the morning, that's as good as they're going to feel all day. -Frank Sinatra
that's probably what it was, then... it wasn't a big purchase but it was like the fourth one in the space of about two hours... I was having an intense online shopping binge. And I had another purchase at the same time from zappos, where they tried to call me, I guess to confirm that it was me, but they couldn't get ahold of me so they cancelled it. I deliberately put my home #, which I never use, on my bank records instead of my cell because the absolute last thing I want is Chase telemarketers calling me in addition to all the card offers I have to sift through every day. Sigh.
The odd thing is that a few months ago I put my fall semester's tuition--$2500--on my other card, and that bank didn't even bat an eyelash.