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Risque spin off poll...the Sex talk
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When did you find out about sex? For some reason the Santa thing got me thinking about this. Probably cause I found out about sex and Santa the same year (third grade was full of revelations). My parents never gave me "the talk," but I had heard rumors about sex. Finally in third grade some kid on my bus told me it was true. I was disgusted and thought it sounded totally sick. I swore I would never do it except like twice to make babies. How times have changed...


Kate Spade

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i didn't know what sex was for the longest time -

i remember hearing the word sex and seeing teenagers on tv making out - or maybe it was "sexy"

i think i just thought it had something to do with kissing and girls in their bras - but i thought it was bad b/c my parents would always turn that off immediately -

i was so upset when my neighbor told me that's how babies were made and i refused to believe him -

i thought your body sortof naturally got pregnant sometimes ... lol

i don't remember how old i was when i learned what sex actually was but i was prob around 9 or ten - i read it in a children's encyclopedia ... i was so grossed out!!


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my parents never gave me the sex talk, i think i learned it from school.  i do remember being about seven and thinking well that makes sense--i have a hole and he has something to fill it.  lol!

i actually have a couple of funny memories about sex/babies.  i remember my mom being pregnant with my brother when i was about six and i asked her how she became pregnant and she said something to the effect of praying really hard for a baby and God making her pregnant.  and i remember thinking i'm going to pray really hard so God will make me pregnant too!

oh here's another one: when i was little (again, about six, maybe five), the first television show i remember watching with my parents was three's company.  and you know how jack is supposed to be gay so he can live with chrissy and janet?  i remember asking my mom what gay was and she said something like it's when boys like boys and girls like girls.  and i figured that since i liked girls, that made me and all my friends gay because we only played with each other and thought boys were gross. 

too funny.  i'll post more if i think of any.



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I believe I was about 4 or 5, if not younger.  I had an older neighbor that was about 8 at the time who lived across the street.  She and I hung out all the time and one day she told me that babies are made when the boy pees into the girl!  I'm still actually pretty impressed with her knowledge at age 8--she wasn't 100% accurate, obviously, but pretty close!  I just remember being HORRIFIED thinking that there is no way that my mom and dad would do something like that and that there was NO WAY I'd ever let a boy pee into me to make a baby.  I remember thinking if that's what it took to make a baby, then I'd just adopt!

I got an official "sex talk" from my mom one day when I was in about 5th grade.  She popped in a video and everything and made me watch it over dinner.  It was terrible.

Random side note:  the girl that told me about sex also told me that her brother had been shot by one of the pirates in the Pirates of the Carribean ride at Disneyland right before my parents took me to Disneyland.  I didn't tell my parents about what she had told me, so my parents decided that we would all go on the ride.  I remember being TERRIFIED and screamed and cried the whole time we were on the ride thinking I was going to get shot.  It was quite possibly one of the most traumatic experiences of my childhood, thanks to her. 




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This is so weird, but I don't remember.



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I really have no idea. My parents never gave me "the talk" and I don't really remember talking about it with other girls at school. I guess I figured it out when I was in High School?

Seriously, I was so sheltered and naive. We used to play wrestle with our neighbors and after I got my first period I wouldn't play anoymore because I thought I'd get pregnant.

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LOL -- some of ya'll's stories are so funny and cute, especially esquiress's

I'd heard about "sex" at school, like everyone else, but didn't know what it meant until I was in 5th grade.  (Like ILoveChoo, I was pretty naive and protected too -- my mom kept me out of sex-ed in elementary school.)  One night, my mom and I were watching "Full House" (I can't believe I'm admitting to this!) and it was the episode where DJ sneaks off to the drive-in movies with her boyfriend, and her dad gets mad.  After the show was over, I could not figure out what her dad was so upset about.  "What's the big deal, they're just going to see a movie!"  My mom was like, "Wow, okay, we need to talk...." and she gave me the whole spiel (which I thought, of course, was completely disgusting). 


Kate Spade

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My parents never had a sex talk with me. I was a pretty earliy bloomer compared to the other girls in my school; I got my first period toward the end of 4th grade (not regularly, but...). My mom explained puberty, but not the sex part of it all. I learned from school in 5th grade. They took all of the 5th grade girls into one classroom and the boys in another. I was mortified, because there they were explaining that "in the next few years, your body will be going through some changes. This is how you make a baby... yada yada yada," and there I was already going through them. I remember looking around at all of the other girls, wondering "do they know?" because I was embarassed and didn't tell anyone about my "changes." The health teacher asked if anyone had experienced anything like that yet, and I was too humiliated to raise my hand. That was the most uncomfortable thing I'd ever done in my life... we were all sitting there, staring at each other, giggling, blushing... it was awful.

Off topic: I haaaated the whole puberty thing. I was the first one I knew to go through it. I was the only one in 6th grade to have boobs, and I was one of the tallest girls, too. I was so embarassed to stand out that I'd wear my older sister's baggy tees and jeans (was it ever "cool" anywhere else to wear a Nike tee, wide-legged jeans, big hoop earrings, and dark red lipstick? ) so nobody could see my body shape. That is... until the boys started to notice . Oh what I wouldn't give to be tall with big boobs again.... I haven't grown since 6th grade; I still fit into my elementary graduation dress.


Dooney & Bourke

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Kel wrote:

This is so weird, but I don't remember.

me neither!!!
I remember thinking that getting pregnant is the natural consequence of getting married, with no action to be taken in between
then I remember at some point I knew how the whole thing worked. But I have a black-out in between!



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We never had a "sex" talk - how irresponsible! I do remember telling my mom about making out with a guy when I was in the 8th grade & she said it bothered her because if I was already making out, people would think I was a slut & that only lead to other things (we were only french kissing, GOSH). I remember clearly just thinking that I shouldn't share those things with her anymore so I didn't get a lecture. And that set a tone for our relationship to this day!

ETA: i did decide to lose my virginity after I went to cheerleading camp & everyone else had already had sex. I was really just curious so instead of asking tons of questions, I just did it. Also very irresponsible.

-- Edited by laken1 at 11:54, 2005-11-28

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Kel wrote:

This is so weird, but I don't remember.

me neither. But I had a total hippie mom who gaved tons of books like "Where did I come from" so nothing was ever a secret from us.

Its funny that someone meantioned "Three's company" though, I thought from that show that being gay meant boys just batted their eyelashes/made googoo eyes at other boys but really actually liked girls.



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My parents never gave me the sex talk - because they didn't have a chance to.  In 2nd grade, my best friend's mom sat us down and explained it to both of us.  Needless to say, my mom was pretty pissed that someone else's mother decided to tell me!



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The one thing I think my mother messed up was not having the sex talk.  It was like she tried to almost hide it from me, which infuriated me because I felt I should be able to talk to my mom about these things.  I found out at school, in early to mid elementary school, thru friends and health classes.  My freshman year, we had an extensive sex ed portion of our health class (every school needs to do this!) and it was so helpful because even at 14 or 15, a lot of us only knew the basics, or had already done the deed but didn't know how to be safe about it. 

Oh, I guess I did get a sex talk when I had my first serious BF as a freshman.  She told me to wait til I was married...that is it, and this happened while we were in the grocery store parking lot, then I was so embarrassed that I had to go in the store and shop with her!  Her advice didn't work though...I started sleeping with that boy soon afterward.  That is something I will never tell her though. 



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We never had the sex talk either!  What is up with our parents?!?

Though, I was an 'early bloomer' like Stephanie - except I had boobs at *7* and started my period at *9*.  So, yeah, I guess you could say all the 'This is what your body will go through' crap in the seventh grade at the ripe old age of 12 was a little bit lost on me!  I was, however, one of the most popular girl in the 6th grade, so tall and busty was I !

I faintly remember talking with my best friend in second grade about it - she had heard about it from her highschool-aged siblings.

Honestly, I felt like my parents had their heads in the sand in that respect.  Like if they didn't acknowledge it, it would never happen!  Which of course led to me thinking it was shameful, which isn't the best attitude for obvious reasons.  Literally, the only time it was ever mentioned was when I got an "I just don't want you to do anything that could cause things you'll regret later" when I was about 15 or so and headed over to FH's house where parents would not be present for spans longer than 15 minutes.  Let's just say it was a couple of years past moot .

-- Edited by LMonet at 20:26, 2005-11-28

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When I was 5 me and my best friend read "Where Did I Come From?" (her mom bought it) and that was it.



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Honestly, it's kind of a hazy memory.  I'm not sure how old I was.  I think my best friend's parents had just given her the sex talk and I either told my mom what she had told me or her parents let my mom know as a heads up kind of thing.  And my mom gave me an abbreviated sex talk. And I was just like, "Yeah, I know. Erin told me today at school."  And went back to playing.

On a side note, I remember there was a girl in my class who was completely obsessed with the idea, even though she probably (or hopefully) didn't fully understand it, but one day she drew what she thought was a penis on this little chalkboard and was showing it to everyone.  Looking back, I'm a little weirded out that this 8 year old knew so much. 



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-- Edited by Andrea Julia at 00:16, 2006-01-29


Kate Spade

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I didn't get the "sex talk" from my parents.   I got the basics, i.e. sex = how babies are made, but the main thing I remember was being told not to have sex before I got married, because if I had sex before I got married, the guy was just using me, and if I had sex after I got married, it was beautiful.  I think I was about 12.  So, you can imagine that I had erm... intimacy issues when I was in middle/high school.  I french kissed a boy when I was 15 and felt very guilty about it.  I'm sure my mom meant well, but if I have kids, I will *not* say that to them.  While I don't particularly like the idea of my (hypothetical) teenage kid running off and having sex before they can handle it emotionally, I'd rather he/she know about it and how to do it safely.

Thankfully, I got over said issues in college.  I learned all the "mechanics" of sex and childbirth in sex ed.  I distinctly remember the first depiction of sex outside of a health film was in the movie "Flatliners" of all things.  I was 12 or 13.  I was completely grossed out, thinking "Eeeeeew!! I *never* want to do that." Looking back, I was a little naive. 



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i had the worst sex talk in the history of man... i was probably about 15 or 16 (way to go mom and dad!) and my mom came into the bathroom while i was doing my make-up and said (to the effect of)

so, umm, you know about, well you know???  and that if you aren't careful- you could umm end up with a big... umm... well... maybe you should ummm... not... and then you wont have to worry.... so umm... are you good?  understand?  great!

and bolted out the door...

and that was it!  thanks mom!  i got it... ummm.... i think!



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4 1/2 because my baby brother was about to be born and my mom bought and read a book for kids describing the act.  But as far as the rest that applies to teens, I learned during a one day course in phys ed in 4th grade where menstruation was described....which I already knew some about because my mom had bought some books for me.  And later, interestingly, I think I learned a little more about birth control options in a DARE program, that wasn't mandatory, held at my private school.

My mom and I never had "the talk," she just let me learn on my own by buying books for me.  I think she handled it pretty well

-- Edited by lorelei at 12:46, 2005-11-29

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