One is on Wacker (near Michigan) and the other is on Dearborn (South Loop).
How much $$ do I need per year to live? I seriously have no idea! I am assuming I would maybe live in Lincoln Park?? In a one-bedroom apartment (unless any of you need a roomie!!).
I just want to be prepared in case the salary topic comes up.
$40,000 to live in Lincold Park is a pretty big stretch. It's one of the more expensive areas of the city to live. Now could you like in Chicago on that salary in a different neighborhood? Definately. You may have to look into a studio or a small one bedroom but it's definately doable. There are apartments finding places for you in Chicago that you go to, tell them what you are looking for, your budget and they will actually drive you around to these apartments. I have a name of a good one that a friend used if you need. Just PM me if you want!
I'm thinking balls are to men what purses are to women. It's just a little bag, but we feel naked in public without it.
Carrie Bradshaw
I agree w/Collette. Lincoln Park is pretty $$$, but if you have a room mate, it would help...Also, if you have a car, you might have to rent a spot, which you'll have to add into account as well. Not sure how familiar you are w/the city, but based on where your interviews are, you should be able to take public transportation pretty easily...
If you want to live alone, you could probably find a studio for about $800 (depending on the area, but I'm assuming you want to be somewhat close to work?)
Anyway, I lived on alot less right after college, so $40 K is definitely do-able...Just try to stay away from Michigan Ave. (shopping!) and don't get sucked into having a daily Starbucks on your way to work!
I sent you a PM I told you this in the PM too, but $40k is Lincoln Park is doable. I had a 1 bedroom there the first year I lived in the city for $780/month. Read my pm and let me know if you have more questions!