Basically, I get almost no reception inside my apartment; I drop almost every call.
It is not Cingular, because the second I step outside, I get full reception. This obviously means it's my apartment (I've tried 2 phones now, with the same results).
Right now, I'm debating on whether or not to get a new phone, one that's a step above Motorola's reception reputation (the phone I have now). I know that the likelihood of getting stellar reception is still slim because I'm almost certain on it being my building that's causing the loss of it...
I just got my current phone this May, so I haven't had it long at all. However, I have started hearing things from people that Motorola phones do NOT do well with reception at all, so my main reason for upgrading to get the the best reception phone possible to suck what I can out of my apt.
This would probably cost me $100 for the new phone too (I can afford it).
Current reception, or lack of, is starting to make me lose my mind. My neighbors probably think I'm insane, from the screaming I've done at my phone.
Advice? Opinions?
P.S. I have no problems with Cingular in general, so I don't plan on switching service. It IS the apartment building unfortunately
My office building is bad with reception too. My boss had Verizon and could never use the phone inside our suite. Other workers had Cingular and the reception was okay, so he switched to Cingular and it works pretty well now.
I don't think it's the phone, but what company you go through. I would say just stick with it (like you said, it's the apartment's fault), or try changing cell companies.
Veni, Vedi, Visa.
I came, I saw, I did a little shopping.
i think this is just one of those things that everyone experiences. i know i barely get one bar in my apartment and that is always the case for any place i have lived or any home i have visited. i only get stellar reception outside or in public buildings. my girlfriend was able to break her contract w/ cingular though because when she moved she went from minimal reception to none at all. they were pretty cool about it. anyways, like you said, it's not the service provider. i would try upgrading your phone since certain phones definitely get better reception than others. good luck!