do you own any pets? if so what are they and what are their names?
no, but my roommates have a fluffy alaskan white dog (not sure the kind). its very fluffy. they call him lots of things- carebear, bear bear, loof-loof, so i'm not really sure about his name.
how old are you?
whats the last movie you saw at a theatre and at home?
last movie at a theater...maybe the 40 year old virgin? i'm almost positive i've seen a movie since then, but my memory is blanking. i see maybe 6 movies a year.
home: fast times at ridgemont high, downloaded on my computer. donnie darko is next.
favorite colors?
blue/green- see above post.
any tattoos?
nope, don't really want one. ive always wanted a mermaid, but haven't found the perfect design or spot on my body, so i'll just chill on it for now.
have you ever stoled?
yes. i stole a roxy tank top in middle school/early highschool. and some stupid things- necklaces without hangtags, etc. i ran with a bad crowd for a while. my sister stole a lot of things- she hung out with bad kids too for a while. Funny, nowadays the impulse NEVER crosses my mind, but back then, i would just think, hmm how easy would it be to just take this? oops. it was always stupid ugly things too.
do you like to cook? if so, whats your favorite to cook?
in theory i do, but i don't usually do. food rots too fast. see above post for more details.
what do you normally wear to go to bed, t-shirts and bottoms or cute matching pj's?
not so cute. pair of sweatpants and baggy soft long sleeve tee, OR little cotton long sleeved dress. i wear the same things over and over again because i leave them on my bed so they are the most accessible.
do you say bad words often?
not really. sometimes, i used to a lot more, and i don't have a really proper manner with the way i speak, but i certainly don't curse like a sailor.
what was the hardest thing that you ever had to do?
Hmm, i think this question requires a situation that was very emotional/ethical, but one of the hardest things i've ever had to do was run for my cross country races in h.s. i didn't technically "have to" but i'd feel like an idiot and a quitter if i didn't. i'm not a very good runner. Also, giving public speeches is very hard for me and i've had so many business classes that required speeches, that was always very hard. it was also very hard not speaking to my bf when we broke up, because i wanted to move on if we weren't going to be together. basically, anything that breaks my heart is very hard on me. i'm overly emotional. i dont' really have a good answer to this question. not because everything i do is easy, but because i try to take things in stride and nothing extremely terrible has ever happened to me *knocking on wood*
LC or Kristin?
Hmm, i honestly like them both. i think in laguna beach, you get more annoyed with the narrator, just because of the cheesy lines MTV makes them say in the beginning, "So i dumped stephen and look where he runs- straight into LC's arms" So last season i was annoyed at how desperate seeming lc was due to mtv playing up the whole LC-Stephen-Kristin love triangle (he obv. has the hots for Kristin- they dated for almost 3 years!) and how she would mope after him. Kristin annoyed me this season when she was being bitchy (sometimes its good bitchy, sometimes not..) but i liked LC more because i saw her less and appreciated that the whole show wasn't "i love stephen i love stephen" yuck, that must have grown his head. this season i think everyone realizes he's not hot shit and now no one is fighting over him. So ha! Ok long story short- i like them both, but probably prefer Kristin for going out and having fun, and LC for chilling in her sweet-ass hot tub.
what was your favorite after-school thing to do?
i'm guessing you mean h.s.? i would usually go home, eat a snack (hahah, oh after school snacks, how i miss you- they always tasted so good) maybe hang out with my friends for a while, eat dinner than start my homework. i thought that period of my life was so depressing, nothing to look forward to it seemed and so routine.
if you could pick three must have designer pieces, what would they be? (ex. hermes scarf, burberry trench...)
This hermes kelly bag, in this color combo. i will own this bag one day hopefully...
a vintage missoni or pucci dress- i'm very picky with my pucci prints- i don't like the extremely neon or bright ones. I LOVED the Pucci dress on the cover of the first issue of Domino where she is holding the cat or dog.
a fabulous fabulous coat. i love mk's (don't know the designer):
I love that you love Zoolander, the Virgin Suicides, and The Royal Tennenbaums--all great movies. Zoolander kills me--I love Will Farrell in it when he's talking about Katinka Inga Bogovana-na-na...cracks me up every time he says her name.
omg, will farrell is so awesome in this movie. i love when he throws his latte all over his assistant and his hypnosis video for derek. i also love how he (and everyone) kept saying, ' that hansel is so hot right now". i say that all the time and for no reason. Also, "cool story hansel" when someone says something lame. are my ?s:
What's your favorite color?
this is a popular question, no? green. i will say it with certainty at this point.
Do/did you play any sports?
not really. i ran cross country on year in high school. i "work out" on occasion, but was never part of a soccer team or anything. kinda wish i had been.
What's your favorite piece of artwork, if you have one?
a still life my mom painted in college. i also really like anything by marc chagall.
What's your favorite thing to do on a Sunday morning?
lie in bed for a while. get awesome omelettes at a cute little restaurant. Brooklyn girls- have you ever been to the grand cafe? it takes a long time sometimes, they've messed up my orders a few times too, but i still really like that place.
What is your favorite part about living in Brooklyn / being in NY? work doesn't count because it's obviously awesome, and shopping isn't a fair answer.
i like Brooklyn so much more than manhattan. the brownstones are BEAUTIFUL! i love how they look with the fall leaves on the ground now. i love just wandering the streets and crunching around on the leaves. i like that they sell nuts on the street (i get the sugar coated coconuts), i like how you can find italian ice everywhere. i like how each neighborhood is different but so close together. i like how i can easily take the subway, and easily have a car.
But tell us more about the shopping...what is your favorite new store? a place that you had never been?
i haven't had much time to shop. i still like the store called Shop in the lower east side but i haven't been there since summer, so its an older favorite. ny shopping is pretty awesome- there are boutiques everywhere! i want to go to Butter in brooklyn pretty soon, its not far from me really, and i hear its a great store.
What did you wind up doing with your friends the other weekend?
thanks for asking! Friday night we were pretty wiped, so we went to my best friend's(marylander) bf's place in park slope (they're doing long distance for now). We all just drank wine and laughed our asses off. they actually put in zoolander but we didn't really watch it. Saturday- got slices of pizza for lunch. walked around williamsburg a bit- went into mini mini market and some other cute stores. The L train wasn't working so it was kind of an inconvenient weekend. we then went to soho, shopped around for a while, but i'm not sure they really liked that- i think it was either chains (which they've seen), or way out of their price range- they're not like me- they don't go shopping for the mere reason of "appreciating" beautiful things. they want to buy buy buy!! so yea, i kinda knew that wouldn't work. we then took the train to times square and walked around and marveled at how glittering everything was. then we walked around central park for a few mins and headed back to brooklyn for thai dinner at tai thai. then we went out to drink in the lower east side - it was fun and there was a huge group of us because my bf and his friends joined, as well as my other friend's bf and his friends. The next day we went to two boots in park slope and had omelettes and then me and my bf took the train with them into chinatown so they could catch the bus. i think they had fun but really, the best times were spent just hanging out in brooklyn, manhattan seems so touristy to me or like somewhere you work. its hard to really show someone a city in one day- it doesn't sink in really. you see it and then leave it, and don't really get to know the city. this kind of depresses me- maybe i shouldn't go to cities for vacations ever again =(
I don't have questions I can think of. I was just reading and noticed we are from the same area. I actually grew up closer to DC but we just bought a house right outside Annapolis...I was so psyched to see someone else from the area!
I don't have questions I can think of. I was just reading and noticed we are from the same area. I actually grew up closer to DC but we just bought a house right outside Annapolis...I was so psyched to see someone else from the area!
I am seriously unable to think of questions. But I've loved reading your responses. Funny girl! Here's a few.
-Favorite museum / experience in a museum? -Favorite classic movie? -You are one of the following. Which one? Marilyn Monroe, Audrey Hepburn, Grace Kelly, Ava Gardner, Doris Day, Veronica Lake, or Claudette Colbert. (sp?) -Musicals - yay or nay?
Forget, forgive, conclude, and be agreed. - Shakespeare
I hate hate hate being startled. so anything, a hi or a loud sound, and I literally jump in the air. my sister knows this, and she sometimes hides in the door of the bathroom, with the lights off, and jumps out at me and screams as i'm about to go in. i scream SO loud. i also hate when people are chewing gum really wetly and really close to my ear, like on the subway today. that's a new thing- i just discovered how much i hated it today. and while i hate fingernails on a chalkboard, i hate even more the feeling of writing on a chalkboard. i hate the way the chalk scrapes across the board, yuck.
I know you said you don't curse often -- do you have a favorite curse word?
i'm pretty classic- probably just f*ck.
What profession would you never want to do?
i'd never want to be a surgeon. i can't watch ANY kind of surgery on tv, or any kind of horror movie that involves guts and gore- i just can't do it.
When you go to heaven, what do you want God to say when you get there?
hmm..if heaven exists, and if god exists...i'd just want him to point me in the direction of my friends and family- hopefully they're all still hanging out together. i'd be beyond freaked if i found out my mom and dad had broken up and were seeing other people in heaven
probably the marc chagall museum near Nice, France. I got to see beautiful art up close and i went with this guy that i had met randomly on the train, and we just hit it right off (as friends). he was very funny and cute, and taught me a lot about art. it was pretty intense- he was in europe searching for the last remaining family members of his last name in a small jewish town wiped out by the holocaust. it was a strange experience because we were both searching for what we wanted in life, i was unsure with my bf, he was unsure with his ex-gf..and it was weird having emotionally fueled discussions with someone you'd met one day prior. we just clicked i guess. he was in maryland randomly some time after the trip, and he came by to say hi, but it just wasn't the same as it was in France...le sigh.
-Favorite classic movie?
is it bad that i don't really know? i liked Sabrina w/audrey hepburn a lot. i liked Easy Rider. i liked its a wonderful life, though i don't know if i can ever watch it again. too many times. i also like that Christmas movie, with Ebenezer Scrooge and the ghosts of christmas past, present, and future...why my mind is blanking on this name is beyond me. its been a long day. its an older version that they show on tv a lot.
-You are one of the following. Which one? Marilyn Monroe, Audrey Hepburn, Grace Kelly, Ava Gardner, Doris Day, Veronica Lake, or Claudette Colbert. (sp?)
well probably not Marilyn Monroe or Doris Day. Probably Ava Gardner or Audrey Hepburn.
-Musicals - yay or nay?
not sure. they're ok i guess. i don't see too many live plays. i've always wanted to see Les Mis (is this a musical? i've seen the movie on tv a few times and there were songs- but it wasn't a full out musical) and Rent.
Ok, I'm stealing this one from honey (I think she asked AJ), but I liked it...what would you put on a romantic mix CD?
probably a lot of Cure songs- close to me, lovesong, just like heaven...also, maybe some random songs, Isis by bob dylan, some smiths songs, songs by the shins, lets stay together by al green..haha, i like a random mix, but i would never put on the sh*t that you find on pop stations today (no offense to anyone )