I'm sorry to hear that Halleybird, but it's true, she is lucky to have a mom like you. She'll be ok, you'll see. I'll keep her in my prayers. Sending good happy thoughts your way HalleyComet!
Glad to hear that the throwing up sounds like a non-issue, but sorry to hear about the bump. Please keep us posted; I am wishing the best possible results for the biopsy!
"Good taste shouldn't have to cost anything extra." - Mickey Drexler
oh HB! I'm sorry to hear about Halleybird, but you can't blame yourself! I know you and your husband care for your babies deeply and I'm sure you'll do everything in your power to make sure she's happy and healthy!
When I was taking my Dot into the oncology ward at the Animal Medical Center, I met a lot of dogs living with cancer. Usually dogs handle treatment very well and go into remission very quickly (much better so than cats). If it hasn't spread, there is a great chance that all you will need is surgery followed by medication.
I know a lab that had a tumor the size of a baseball at 7.5 and now is 11 and hasn't had a reoccurance since. So I know HalleyB will be okay too :) Her mom is the best and loves her a lot.
Oh, what an awful situation. I'm thinking of doggy-HB and of you and sending good thoughts your way.
I know it's a horrible, horrible feeling, but you can't blame yourself. Most likely, the vet is right and you caught it in time. As some of the other girls have said, dogs handle cancer treatment very well - even if it *is* cancerous, you will hopefully have many, many more years with HB. Keep us posted.
Forget, forgive, conclude, and be agreed. - Shakespeare