Because the almost 100% chance of me moving to Indiana next year, I've started keeping a list of everything I'm going to have to change (finding new doctors, forwarding mail, etc.). One of the things on my list is dealing with my car and driver's license. My brain doesn't hurt on getting a new DL, but I'm SO overwhelmed/confused by the car stuff.
I don't even know if I have to do everything I think I do (not sure if reading the Indiana DOT site correctly). If I am correct, I'll have to do something with the title of my car (fees, waiting time), registering it in IN (more fees, time), and possibly having a VIN inspection (because I apparently need it as part of the registration (?)) (More fees, more time).
Then, I need to switch my license plates. And I want personalized again, so more fees and a long waiting period.
Apparently, all of this has to be done within 60 days after becoming a resident.
I concure with Deuce - the time limit isn't enforced.
I actually lived in Washington for 2 full years without ever switching my license over . We just now switched all our stuff over Colorado after we'd been here 3 months.
We had to do an emissions test and and a VIN verification. If your car is newer than 3 or 5 years old, you shouldn't have to do the emissions at all, but the VIN verification is something they do on all out of state vehicles.
Then we went to the DMV - the registration fees are based on the value of your car when it was brand-new. For example, we paid $240 for plates and registration on my '98 subaru (valued at $16k) and FH's '05 yamaha motorcycle (valued at $7k).
And that's only good for one year! Indiana's laws may be slightly different than Colorados, but any state that licenses/registers cars based on value is likely to be pretty similar.
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}