I love your thread style posts. Here is my ques: When you shop, do you go on a spree like maybe twice a year before each season, or do you basically shop all the time?
Do you ever place yourself on a ban (hope that is not too nosey)?
dot wrote: I don't really have a question.. I just wanted to say you have the nicest closet! All matching hangers.. my dream! thanks, dot. i love that you remember that about my closet! they really don't all "match" as perfectly as i'd like since i pick them up here and there when i see them for a decent price... but i do what i can.
you had inspired (sp?) me too. whenever i go to Target i always pick up at least one pack of wooden hangers and little by little i start to throw my ghetto ones away
shopaholic wrote: I love your thread style posts. Here is my ques: When you shop, do you go on a spree like maybe twice a year before each season, or do you basically shop all the time? Do you ever place yourself on a ban (hope that is not too nosey)?
thank you.
i never, ever go on a "spree". i think the last time i went on a shopping spree i ended up returning almost everything within a week. i just don't do well on mass impulse buys like that. i guess when i think of the word "spree" i think of shopping for the sole sake of shopping. i shop on a pretty consistant, and even basis. i will occasionally walk into a store and see one or two items that i know right away must belong to me and i'll snatch them up... but that's not too often the case. i usually eye things up and consider them for a while (weeks sometimes) before i dive in and make the purchase. often in that week or two of consideration, i'll realize that the piece isn't that great or won't really work for me OR i cannot stop thinking about it and therefore cannot live without it. as far as bans go... no. i've never put myself on one. (except when we were saving to buy a house) i keep to a pretty strict monthly budget and know that if i want something that is, say, 2 months worth of budget that i'll have to wait to get it. or that if i get it, that's IT for 2 months. one month (this past summer) my entire shopping budget went to new makeup, the next month to new skincare products. i didn't buy a single pair of shoes for over 4 months this summer becuase other things came first. i never feel good when i overspend so i stick to my budget.
Tati wrote: hotcocoa wrote: dot wrote: I don't really have a question.. I just wanted to say you have the nicest closet! All matching hangers.. my dream! thanks, dot. i love that you remember that about my closet! they really don't all "match" as perfectly as i'd like since i pick them up here and there when i see them for a decent price... but i do what i can. you had inspired (sp?) me too. whenever i go to Target i always pick up at least one pack of wooden hangers and little by little i start to throw my ghetto ones away
Thanks so much for answering my question. I have one more if you don't mind answering: I have always been interested in fashion and clothing, but I have only seriously acted on that interest in the past 4 years. I never did before because I was always in school and didn't have the money. I have tried several styles sort of trying to find myself these past 4 years --some things have worked and some REALLY haven't. I never buy really expensive stuff because I am on a budget and I am kind of like you in that when the money is gone that is IT. However, I find I have wasted alot of money in that I will get rid of almost and entire season of clothing from the previous year because it just doesn't "speak to me" anymore (I guess that comes with trying to find my style) OR, this season it has mostly been because I have just recently become aware of the fit of certain items of clothing. I just realized recently that I have been wearing things that are too big and droopy. So basically, so far this fall it has been replacing too big items.
Anyway, do you get rid of stuff and buy new stuff as replacements or do you wear clothing for years? Also, could you give me some advice on how I can determine what is really me and what is not? I am so tired of wasting money. I want to start building a wardrobe so that I can add a little all along (maybe a few higher priced more quality pieces). I would like to know that when I buy something that I will still be wearing it next year. At the same time though, I don't want to always play it safe. Hmmm--those are some deep questions. I will take any advice you have.
shopaholic wrote: Thanks so much for answering my question. I have one more if you don't mind answering: I have always been interested in fashion and clothing, but I have only seriously acted on that interest in the past 4 years. I never did before because I was always in school and didn't have the money. I have tried several styles sort of trying to find myself these past 4 years --some things have worked and some REALLY haven't. I never buy really expensive stuff because I am on a budget and I am kind of like you in that when the money is gone that is IT. However, I find I have wasted alot of money in that I will get rid of almost and entire season of clothing from the previous year because it just doesn't "speak to me" anymore (I guess that comes with trying to find my style) OR, this season it has mostly been because I have just recently become aware of the fit of certain items of clothing. I just realized recently that I have been wearing things that are too big and droopy. So basically, so far this fall it has been replacing too big items. QUESTION: Anyway, do you get rid of stuff and buy new stuff as replacements or do you wear clothing for years? Also, could you give me some advice on how I can determine what is really me and what is not? I am so tired of wasting money. I want to start building a wardrobe so that I can add a little all along (maybe a few higher priced more quality pieces). I would like to know that when I buy something that I will still be wearing it next year. At the same time though, I don't want to always play it safe. Hmmm--those are some deep questions. I will take any advice you have.
a few years ago i switched from going into the office everyday to staying at home with baby and freelancing from home. my wardrobe demands changed drastically and i sifted through my office clothes and shoes and sold them on ebay to make way (and $'s) for things that suited my lifestyle better. so in that situation i did get rid of a lot of stuff... maybe 30% of total. that was a "special" situation though. i usually buy things with the idea that i'll have them for a long time. ever since that closet clearing moment a few years back i really haven't really had to get rid of much. (except in the case of one sweater that i've already worn to death.... literally)
i try limit purchasing things that are overly trendy. most trends usually don't even appeal to me. although i do buy into a trend when it suits me (i'm totally in love with poet sleeves and wedges right now... although i've always, always loved wedges) or when i think i'll be wearing it even when it's no longer a trend. take my pink tweed overcoat that i wore today (in threadstyle). i bought it 5 years ago. i remember showing up for work wearing it and more than a few co-workers laughed, "good morning jackie o!". tweed has been everywhere the past 2-3 years, it'll be gone in 2 more and i think i will still love my coat well beyond tweed's hot moment in fashion. it's just so "me". i remember walking past the storefront and spotting it maybe 50 feet into the store. as i walked in and got closer i got more and more excited because it was more and more beautiful as i approached it. i tried it on and the fit was amazing. i bought it on the spot. i wasn't looking for a coat at all but it's made an incredible addition to my wardrobe. i still get excited about putting it on.
i take my body shape into consideration first and foremost. i'm short (5' 1.5" to be exact), have a tiny upper body, long torso, gigantic hips and short legs. i always keep my pants simple... in fact, i hate buying pants. i know i look good in a-line skirts ONLY. i look terrible in v-necks (unless i layer underneath with a different neckline). turtlenecks and cowlnecks are the best thing ever for me. most buttondowns look manly on me so when i find a tiny cut one in a great color or pattern, i usually buy it. i look stumpy when i wear a belt. (although i bought a fantastic one yesterday that i'm going to use to resurrect a 10 year old sweater that i bought 2 sizes too big). i would feel like a clown in cowboy boots (although i think they are so damn cool on other girls). most chunky kick-ass jewelry visually overwhelms me, so i usually pass on statement jewelry.
this response is getting long. (and i'm not sure it's even been helpful) i guess what i'm getting at is that finding a piece that is "me" depends on three things. 1. the cut has to work for my body. 2. the piece has to fit into some aspect of my lifestyle. 3. i have to love it.
and lastly... i think it's really hard to start trying to find your own style. you DO bobble a bit and make mistakes when you first start experimenting out of school or whenever it is that you begin trying to build a wardrobe. who knows... in 10 years i might look at my closet and throw up all over the floor. but right now, i'm loving it.
i hope i answered your question in some round about way.
I've enjoyed peaking in on this thread all week. It's always so interesting and fun to hear more about everyone. Hotcocoa, your life just sounds so balanced - it's amazing!
So my first question is: How do you do it? What keeps you "centered"?
A few more questions: -Have you ever visited a place (on vacation, business) that felt more like "home" than the city you live in? If your city feels perfectly right for you, why do you think it does? -Have you ever made a decision that you think significantly changed the course of your life?
Forget, forgive, conclude, and be agreed. - Shakespeare
I've enjoyed peaking in on this thread all week. It's always so interesting and fun to hear more about everyone. Hotcocoa, your life just sounds so balanced - it's amazing!
okay, lisa... i'm going to try and answer your tough questions!
So my first question is: How do you do it? What keeps you "centered"?
i don't know that my life is really that balanced. i mean... i give it my all and try like hell for balance, that's for sure. my husband works a ton of hours — it's a challenge to find balance in that part of my life. i guess i just try to stay grounded in reality and try to stay positive. i keep in mind what is most important to me. i have a great family, good friends and a nice place to call home. at the end of the day, that's all i really need.
A few more questions: -Have you ever visited a place (on vacation, business) that felt more like "home" than the city you live in? If your city feels perfectly right for you, why do you think it does?
i don't think anywhere i've visited has felt more like home that my own city. this is most likely because i've lived in this area my entire life. my friends are here, my roots are here and my life is here. (funny, my family has all moved away though...) my husband's story is the same. we always talk about wanting to live somewhere with a shorter (or non-existent) winter but we have no plans of moving in the near future. which is probably because we don't agree on where it is that we'd rather be. i say northern california (san francisco specifically) and he says southern california. detroit is where we're staying... go figure.
-Have you ever made a decision that you think significantly changed the course of your life?
there are several that i can think of actually. here's one: the decision to quit my very comfortable 8am - 4pm job where i had an office with a window, and was quite literally "running" up the ladder. the work was unchallenging, uncreative and bored me to tears. i left to take a job at a much more creative company for no more money and no raises. ever. the hours were hell, my desk was literally falling apart (i think the building was falling apart too) but i had the most amazing co-workers and projects. being in that office and working my ass off there literally reshaped the way i approached my work and completely elevated my aesthetic senses. i think i'm more self-confident than ever because of it. i feel like my life took off in a completely different direction after that move... like i realized i didn't have to work in a structured corporate office to be successful.