Which Phone Service do you use? How much a month do you pay and any hidden fees that they didn't tell you about when you first signed up that you found out about later?
i had cingular for 2.5 years and hated it - any time i had to change plans or had a problem with my bill, it would take hours to change it or get it fixed - most times i just gave up, which is probably what they wanted.
now i have t-mobile and LOVE IT
the customer service is great, available all day every day, and the plans are as good as or better than anyone elses.
I have cingular, and at first they were jerks. A customer service rep told me with a straight face that they consider a bill late if it's not paid within two weeks, but they dont' post payments for 10 days... Um, what the hell? So I have 4 days to pay my bill to avoid a fee? I mailed a payment three weeks after I got the bill, thinking it would be fine (I didn't know about the two-weeks rule) and they shut my phone off! Then tried to charge me $40 to reconnect! They messed up my bill a few times, too. I threw such a fit every time that I think they put me on a list of people not to mess with or something, though. It's been fine for months and I might renew as long as they dont' tick me off again.
Oh, and it's supposed to be $39.99 a month but it's worked out to be more like $54 every month due to taxes, fees and so on. I didn't know you could get a plan without the extra fees...
We have T-mobile.. and have the biggest family plan you can buy.. about $170 a month including taxes and everything. Rception is decent and I do like their customer service.
We are a little peeved once we transferred to the Family plan, we are paying more and are supposed to be saving money. We were paying about $70 a person before. I don't know why this is, but noone can seem to help us. This is getting really old.. but we are locked in for like 2 more years and I don't know how to get out without paying like $500!
i use verizon but it's so expensive. my bf and i have a family plan with txt and pix messaging and 1000 minutes. it's a little over $100 each month. the weird thing is that verizon is the only service in nyc that works everywhere. i swear people on sprint, tmobile, and cingular all have dropped calls in nyc. it's incredibly frustrating.
in my old apt, i didn't even get service at home!!!!