i'm helping to throw a baby shower for my best friend in a couple weeks, and somehow i ended up in charge of games. i hate baby shower games. so far, i got this caution-tape type stuff that says something baby-related on it, and you're supposed to rip off a piece that you think is as big as the mom-to-be's tummy, and whoever is closest wins. i thought it was much cuter than bingo (ugh) or anything else i've seen. but i need more ideas...help!
freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose - janis
The clothespin game is always fun. Get a bunch of those mini clothespins, and give one to each guest as they enter. Tell them they can't say "baby" or whatever word you choose. If they say it, someone can steal their clothespin. Whoever collects the most clothespins at the end, wins a door prize. Last shower I went to, it was "baby" and the shower before you weren't supposed to cross your legs.
Another fun game is guess the celebrity baby photo. Print some out on the internet (I can find where my friend got hers if you want). My friend had six currently popular celebrities. She gave us a list (1-6) and we had to match them up. Winner got a small door prize.
The clothespin game is always fun. Get a bunch of those mini clothespins, and give one to each guest as they enter. Tell them they can't say "baby" or whatever word you choose. If they say it, someone can steal their clothespin. Whoever collects the most clothespins at the end, wins a door prize. Last shower I went to, it was "baby"
This is a great game to have if others will have children there too. Little kids love to catch "grown-ups" saying/doing things they are not supposed to. And the rules are simple enough for them to follow. My 6 year old daughter won this game at the last baby shower we went to.
before I had a baby I thought this was so gross, but at one shower, we had to taste unlabeled baby food and guess what it was.
i did this for my sis' baby shower (she's into lame and non-lame games as long as there were lots of games at the shower) i also did the dirty diaper game (so disgusting) where you put random things into diapers and ppl have to guess what it is - it was a big hit but i thought it was rather gross. another game was putting baby items into brown paper bags and have them labeled from 1-10 (nasal apirator, bottle warmer, baby nail clipper, etc) and ppl have to feel the bags and guess what it is. we also did a word scramble. i found all of these on a baby shower website.. if i can find it/remember it, i'll post it for you.
The clothespin game is always fun. Get a bunch of those mini clothespins, and give one to each guest as they enter. Tell them they can't say "baby" or whatever word you choose.
i agree, this game is fun. i went to a shower where the word you couldn't say was "cute". how hard is that! it was fun
you can give a gift to the first person on time to the shower. give them the present towards the end of the shower and tell everyone.
I hosted a baby shower for a friend recently and we played the dirty diaper game. It is kinda gross, but people seemed to enjoy it.
We also played a celebrity moms game as an ice breaker. We taped the names of famous moms (marge simpson, britney spears, carol brady, etc) on to the backs of all the guests. The guests had to walk around and ask each other yes/no questions and guess whose name they had on their back. The first person to guess correctly wins a prize. Hmm, I don't know that I explained that very clearly - let me know if you have questions!
"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and it may be necessary from time to time to give a misinformed beholder a black eye."
Miss Piggy