Lets see -Whe I first got pregnant I made an effort to eat healthy, but latley I have just been eating whatever I crave...usually cheese, french fries, pizza and ranch dressing sandwiches.... -I got up to late to take a shower htis morning and I am kinda scummy... -I do not know where to put the new maternity clothes that I buyt so I have commandeered the 2nd bedroom and have all the clothes laying on the bed and all my shoes laying in the middle of the floor
This stuff is so hilarious, I'm not even sure that I can come up with anything.
Hm... I am naturally really skinny, like, had a baby, gained 40 lbs., had the baby, lost 50? How the hell...? I eat like a cow, I am a lazy bum, work and shopping are my only 2 forms of exercise. I do Pilates maybe 4 times a month, but I wrote a paper about it for my Nutrition class and played it off like I was addicted.
I refuse to give up the credit card so my bf can get a new spoiler for his sporty lil Acura... only because it's almosted maxed thanks to my shopaholicisn. I will never admit it out loud. Ever.
I am addicted to curling my eyelashes. They look so much better fresh. I almost got in an accident yesterday, doing it while I was driving.
I just had my first Big O and then some from straight intercourse a couple weeks ago. Seriously...first ever.
It's 7:30 at night, and I still haven't taken a shower today. I went to school and work, without taking a shower
I forgot to put on deodorant before I went to school this morning. When I picked my boyfriend up on the way, I said I needed to use the bathroom and I used men's deodorant... I don't even know if it was his.
I seriously need to do laundry. I ran out of clean pants yesterday, so today I am wearing dirty jeans.
I haven't slept in my bed in two weeks. All of my dirty and clean clothes are seperated in baskets on my bed, and I'm too lazy to put them away/wash them. I've been sleeping on the couch.
I haven't had a real meal since Sunday... when we ordered pizza (I say that as if it counts as a meal ). I've been snacking on junk.
I think I'm getting sick, but I won't take medicine... and I lied and said that I did.
So, basically, I'm a dirty, smelly, dirty clothes-wearing, lazy, malnourished, sick scumbag today
It burns me up to no end that my in-laws spend so much time giving their time and money to needy people in other countries and to poor inner-city kids but they hardly ever make time to come see their grandchildren. And they live in the next town over. And it's always on their terms. And I can't say anything at all because, as my husband puts it, "You have to take the good w/ the bad."
I once wrote a girl's name I didn't like on her desk in magic marker. She got in trouble. (this was in 2nd grade)
I scraped my hubby's new BMW against the curb and acted like I didn't know it happened.
I once saw my idiot neighbor fall off his ladder, but I ran inside the house before anyone knew I'd been outside and had seen him. He was fine. I was only 15, if that makes it justifiable.
In sixth grade, I typed a letter to my friend saying "Here's a list of all the people who hate you" and then proceeded to forge the signatures of all the popular people I could think of. She never knew I sent it. I told her I got a list of all the people who liked me.
i couldn't think of one earlier but something embarassing just happened:
i've been drinking a lot of shake well before you drink things- protein shakes in a can, orange juice, soy milk...
well i got a can of soda out (i rarely drink soda- a 6-pack will last me a few weeks) and shook it really really hard and then opened it and it exploded all over me. SH*T.
my house is disgusting. not dirty, disgusting. i could clean it, but i'm using the fact that i'm "studying" as an excuse not to, even though i'm totally posting on st.
i have a crush on someone that i've never met, but in my head i've totally decided that he is perfect for me. every friday i go through this whole debate in my head over whether i should go hang out in an area where i know he'll be, but always end up deciding that it's just a tad too stalkerish for my taste.
my dad gave me some money to pay off a school loan a month ago, and i still haven't done it. i didn't spend it, but my bank balance just looks so good right now, and i don't want to touch it.
eta: i wasn't feeling well this morning (i'm stressed) so i called my mom, just so i could whine to her. she's the only one who will humor my nonsense.
I am eating tater tots smothered in ketchup as we speak.
I made my brother a b day cake last year. after I frosted it I left it too close to the edge of the counter and my dog licked the frosting off of that side. I immediately refrosted and put the blue candles on that side so I would know not to have a piece from that side.
I am addicted to the tv show COPS
I NEVER make my bed
I kiss my dog all of the time. (fortunately not on the lips)
I haven't done laundry in ages (due to our move) so yesterday I went commando.
I haven't done laundry in ages either. I had to buy new underwear last night because I didn't have time to do the laundry before my business trip and I am almost totally out. I really have no excuse though.
In sixth grade, I typed a letter to my friend saying "Here's a list of all the people who hate you" and then proceeded to forge the signatures of all the popular people I could think of. She never knew I sent it. I told her I got a list of all the people who liked me.
I did this to a guy in 3rd grade. It was meant to be a joke between a friend and me, but somehow someone found it and I got in big trouble.
I am scared of not being able to see my feet--(in the ocean) not in shoes or anything. I just wonder what nasty stuff is down there---needles, diapers, bodies and get all freaked out which i know is ridiculous.
Maddie, I would love to live with a roommate who smoked pot at the moment. I haven't since college but would love to right now in my unemployed status.
I can't even buy a bag of Sweet Sixteen Donuts b/c I would eat practically the whole bag.
I wanted to leave a fish or potato in my bosses office when I cleaned my office out three weeks ago but refrained. (kind of regretting that now)
There are many languages, but laughter sounds the same in every one.
I don't clean my room or make my bed until the weekend.
My shoes are all around my bed. (flip flops, flats, & tennis)
My jeans and shirts are on the floor of my closet.
I went to church yesterday to drop off some cakes just to see the new cute guy and to tell him hi. (he's so hot!)
I'm going again to church just to talk to him even though I have a boyfriend.
oh yeah, I keep thinking about the new guy since Saturday. (the day we all went to Austin.) I don't want anything to do with him, but I find him attractive and he is a good person to talk to.
In the past 24 hours, I have eaten 16 orange milano cookies and 10 rolls of smarties candies.
I am skipping an italian lesson today because I haven't studied. Ever. And I am sick of getting yelled at for it.
I should be paying bills and cleaning up all the papers on my desk right now, but instead I'm sitting in my pjs drinking tea, eating cookies, and reading ST.
Forget, forgive, conclude, and be agreed. - Shakespeare
I should be paying bills and cleaning up all the papers on my desk right now, but instead I'm sitting in my pjs drinking tea, eating cookies, and reading ST.
This is me every day before work (I work nights)!!
jacL wrote: Lisa wrote: I should be paying bills and cleaning up all the papers on my desk right now, but instead I'm sitting in my pjs drinking tea, eating cookies, and reading ST. This is me every day before work (I work nights)!!
ditto. i don't pay our bills, but i say this about the gym...but then i justify that i'm going to be on my feet and i need to rest them before i go to work. i do go to the gym on my days off so it evens out a guess, but when i work three 12 hrs in a row, you'll see me posting here, making food, and that's about it until i have my next day off. i'm too cracked out to do anything else.
"i tell you one lesson I learned
If you want to be something in life, You ain't gonna get it unless, You give a little bit of sacrifice, Oohh, sometimes before you smile you got to cry.." -The Roots
I wanted to leave a fish or potato in my bosses office when I cleaned my office out three weeks ago but refrained. (kind of regretting that now)
i LOVE that urban legend about the woman whose husband cheats on her and when she moves out she fills up the curtain rods all over the house with half-eaten shrimp tails.
I plan to pad my daughters Girl Scouts candy sale with 2 intentions, make those rich spoiled girls in her troop upset that she gets a good prize, induldge my pregnant butt in candy
I got through my husbands phone and check his calls. I know he knows I do it but I can't stop. I have never found anything really, but I keep doing it.
I love that my husband is the youngest guy at his office because when we go to these formal charity events I know the other wives envy me for being young and somewhat attractive. (OK I know that sounds concieted, I'm not really). I feel like it makes up for the fact that I envy the money they have. These womens are at leat 10 years older than me.
:GOSH!: Writing these things makes me seem like a BAD BAD person who needs threapy!: