Does anyone know where I can find this? I went to all the pharmacies right around me (cvs, Walgreens, walmart & the hospital) & can't find one over the counter even though I know they exist. The blood bank wants $40 to do it & the doctor won't take an "emergency" appt to do one - so it will be weeks before I can get in there. I found them online for $10 or $15 but I'm a little shaky on doing that. My husband needs his blood type - you'd think the damn hospital that did his surgery would know, but he went up there to sign a release & they didn't have it on file - WTF???? They OPERATED on him & said they didn't write it down!!! now it's become my problem somehow.
PS - he needs it because he joined the state guard - i'm really proud of him but getting his blood type is a PAIN!!!!!
Any ideas?
Who do you have to probe around here to get a Chardonnay? - Roger the Alien from American Dad
My husband needs his blood type - you'd think the damn hospital that did his surgery would know, but he went up there to sign a release & they didn't have it on file - WTF???? They OPERATED on him & said they didn't write it down!!! now it's become my problem somehow.
i can't believe that you couldn't find them at the pharmacy. hmmm. the ONLY thing that i can think of is to go to a clinic (i've done this when i've gotten sick out of town) and they can usually get you in right away (most take walk-ins, but it's better to schedule an appointment). they take health insurance and some of them can be very nice. when my mom told me to go to a clinic i was thinking it would be gross, crowded, and medical equiptment from the 70's. boy, i was super ignorant.
this is off topic, but i know a lot of my professors review medical documents in court on a part time basis... and reasons like this make me SERIOUSLY consider it when i have kids. what if something happened and your husband needed a blood transfusion when they were operating?! this makes me sooo mad.
"i tell you one lesson I learned
If you want to be something in life, You ain't gonna get it unless, You give a little bit of sacrifice, Oohh, sometimes before you smile you got to cry.." -The Roots
He doesn't have a regular doctor - I KNOW I KNOW - we have had this fight about a million times. He always goes to a walk-in clinic like shopgirl suggested, so we may try that. At this point he may just go give blood although he is deathly afraid of needles.
If he needed a transfusion I assume they would use something like O- like they do in an ER, but still - they took blood THREE different times. I just can't believe they don't have it on file. It's so ridiculous. And this is two different hospitals. So unacceptable.
Oh, and the ordering online things are from places that sell diet pills & crap - it just always worries me what that really really is - you know? I can't imagine legitamite businesses selling prescription drugs online (that also "diagnose" you online) - so creepy for whatever reason.
-- Edited by laken1 at 15:31, 2005-10-25
Who do you have to probe around here to get a Chardonnay? - Roger the Alien from American Dad
I found out my blood type when I donated blood recently. They sent me a little card back saying what type of blood I have. I assume most Red Cross places do this, so if he wants to give blood and get it checked, he could kill two birds with one stone. Also it only took like 2 weeks to get the info and I'm sure they could probably test there much quicker if you asked. Just a thought.
well, problem solved - he did just as NCshopper suggested - went in to donate. But did I mention he is DEATHLY afraid of needles? I learned this when he had surgery - I mean a real baby about it. So he called me a little while ago & said when he got there & saw all those people hooked up to machines & with needles in their arms, he coughed up the $40 and was going for beer with the guys from work that went with him for "support" (read: watch him pass out). Problem solved - but I'm still really ticked about the whole hospital situation....
And ncshopper, they did say a card would take 2 weeks but would give him a number to call & they would verbally tell him tomorrow - just fyi in case anyone else cares / ever needs to know quickly!
-- Edited by laken1 at 20:40, 2005-10-25
Who do you have to probe around here to get a Chardonnay? - Roger the Alien from American Dad
Ok, it sounds like you have this figured out already, but I work in a blood bank and we keep electronic records on every patient--forever. I am not a nurse or doctor, so I can't tell you if a blood type would be in a person's medical file, but if a nurse or doctor spoke to someone in the blood bank where he was typed, they could very easily find it. I don't know if this happened in your case (a nurse or doctor or other hospital personnel may have not thought to call the blood bank--they are very busy people and I am sure would have done it had you reminded them), or if you talked to the blood bank personally, but believe me, it is in the blood bank files.
That said, I do not think ordering a blood type test online would be bad at all--it is a very easy test, very hard to mess up.