sorry couldn't think of a better title, and i need some objective input asap. normally i would call my mom, but i'm at work, and there are too many ears.
backstory: my co-worker and i both plan on applying to columbia bus. school. so in a sense we are competing against each other (fyi she's used this word before -- in jest -- to describe the situation, a friend of hers is also applying to columbia and she's referred to her friend as competition), though it's not really competition, since it's not like there is *one* spot at columbia. however i do realize that the odds of them comparing my application to hers (& vice-versa) are greater since we work at the same place & it's not a standard place for business school apps to come from.
anyway she took the gmat yesterday (i'm taking it on thursday) and i'm anxious to ask her how it went. not b/c i want to know how she did, but b/c i want to know if she found the practice tests harder or easier than the actual test. however i'm also surprised that she hasn't come by to tell me about it. not that she has too, but she came by to tell me about some random girl who got in early decision. so i'm wondering if the fact that she hasn't said anything about it means something, or if i'm just reading too much into it.
sorry for the length of this. i just need some outside input.
I think it depends on her personality. It might mean something, but it might not. Is she a super-competitive person? Is she a friend?
I think if I were you, I would simply play "dumb" and ask her if she thought the practice tests were harder/easier. If you don't see it as a competitive situation, there's no reason for you to play into any games she might be playing, right?
Forget, forgive, conclude, and be agreed. - Shakespeare
I think it depends on her personality. It might mean something, but it might not. Is she a super-competitive person? Is she a friend? I think if I were you, I would simply play "dumb" and ask her if she thought the practice tests were harder/easier. If you don't see it as a competitive situation, there's no reason for you to play into any games she might be playing, right?
i would consider her a friend. we hang out after work, and she lives upstairs from me. i'm not sure if she's a competitive person or not, though i'm guessing she probably is. another friend of hers (who i've met) was going to apply to columbia too but decided against it. my co-worker made a comment along the lines of being sad b/c she wanted to go to columbia with her friend, but not wanting to talk her back into applying b/c it meant less competition for her.
I think you should treat this situation as if you weren't also applying to Columbia - like a friend who is asking about something important that is going on in your friends life. If she chooses to think you two are competing against each other, than that's her deal and you don't necessarily have to take part in it. IMO regardless of whether she treats this as a competition between the two of you, I don't think she would fault you for wanting to know what her experience was. I'm sure she would have asked you for the dirt had you been first to take the test.
Good luck!
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
risk: her not telling you anything even if you do ask.
benefit: finding out about the test.
i figure three scenarios could happen from you asking:
Scenario One: you take the risk, receive no benefit and suffer the cost, meaning she doesn't tell you anything, you offended her and you don't know anymore about the test than you do now.
Scenario Two: you take the risk, receive benefit but still suffer the cost, meaning she does tell you some stuff but you offended her by asking.
Scenario Three: you take the risk, receive benefit and suffer not cost, meaning she tells you stuff and isn't offended.
imo, I don't think she could provide any substantial info. that would really impact your score. There just isn't any time. Besides, what would you do if she said the real test is crazy hard and the practice tests are worthless? You'd probably just freak out. In fact, if she's super-competitive she may say something like that just to psych you out.
So imo, even though I couldn't care less about the cost, I wouldn't take the risk. You know why? because there are better things to be doing right now.
And those things are: breath, focus, have faith.
You can do this, honey. I just know it. YOU CAN DO THIS.
thanks for the advice i appreciate it! i ended up asking her about it b/c i knew it would bother me if i didn't. she was really helpful, and her experience gave me pointers on what i should focus on in the next 2 days. wish me luck.