So I posted about how I got in a car accident last week (thanks for all the kind thoughts, by the way... I went to the ER and all is fine)... I thought my car was fine and drivable for a while, but I guess not. I took it to the collision place for a damage estimate today, and the man said without hesitation "yeah, I think we're gonna declare this one totaled." I thought they were just gonna have to buff out my bumper, maybe replace it, but no. I guess the bottom of my trunk is all crushed and caved in, my suspension is all out of whack, and my exhaust is just "done." He told me to get all the stuff out of my car and put it in the rental they gave me. They just have to wait for the girl who hit me's insurance company to look at my car before they know how much I'm gonna get for it and everything.
That totally screws up my plan! I was going to keep the money for my bumper (and not fix it... I didn't mind driving around with a few scuffs ) and put it toward the down payment for my Corolla (which I also posted about). The thing is, I need a car now (well, within the next few weeks) and I don't have the money. I need to put a certain amount down on the car to be able to afford it and the insurance each month (I would be able to afford it now, but it would be a good chunk of my income, so I don't want to do that). November-December was supposed to be crunch time for my savings plan... half of my income is tips, basically, and the holiday season is HUGE for me. I need to buy a car with what I have (which is not much) and whatever the insurance company gives me for my old car. I was talking to my mom, and she said that if I buy a car with cash she will put it in her name and under her insurance, then I can get a much cheaper rate. At this point, that sounds like a great idea. I can't buy a Corolla right now... the best contender so far is a 2001 Jetta. I've heard lots of stuff about VWs in the past, but I figure if I buy from a reputable dealer with a good warrantee I'll be all set. I plan to have this car for about a year, maybe less, before I get a Corolla. I really don't want to have to do this right now !!!
Anyone have any GOOD experiences with a Volkswagon or any suggestions for a car to get (I'm looking to spend less than $7000 )? I'm feeling kind of hopeless, and very stressed.
Anyone have any GOOD experiences with a Volkswagon or any suggestions for a car to get (I'm looking to spend less than $7000 )? I'm feeling kind of hopeless, and very stressed.
My friend has a Passat and loves it, but VWs are very expensive to fix, so I would just make sure your warranty is really good. I wanted a VW Jetta when I bought my car, but my husband (for whom fixing cars is a major hobby)said "no way."
How about an older Corolla? Or a Honda Civic?
"We live in an age where unnecessary things are our only necessities." --Oscar Wilde
Thanks for the insight, Halleybird. My bf said the same thing about the Jetta I'm looking at... "no way." But then he said as long as I can get a warranty that'll last until I get a Corolla, I'll be all set. I was thinking about an older Corolla, but they don't lose value. The best I've seen in my price range is a 97, and I just don't want that. I think I'm being picky and unreasonable because I'm not feeling the pressure to go out and get a car. I'm just going to wait until the insurance company gives us some news, I guess.
i've really never had a problem with my 2001 jetta... i love it. BUT, do not get a jetta that was made befroe 2001 b/c I have heard terrible things about pre 2000 VW's. so sorry this happened!
Sorry you were put in this situation. I had a 2001 Jetta (I don't have a car now bc I use public transportation) and I LOVED it. I did have a problem however, one time, when I couldn't get the shifter out of park and I had to get it towed to the dealership so that they could fix the electrical problem in there. It was a pain, but other than that relatively big thing, it was great. I agree though, I would try and get a warranty on it bc I think this problem could have been expensive.