I don't know how I am supposed to get a credit card! I just applied for a student Am Ex & was denied. I don't have any bad credit or anything, because I have never had a card before. I have a part-time job for extra cash, and I'm fully supported by my parents who are well off. How do you get your 1st credit card? I would assume that most people applying to their student card are first time holders. I did all kinds of research on them & really wanted the Am Ex. What am I supposed to do?
You are probably going to have to first get another credit card. I couldn't get an Amex for years. They are pretty strict. I tried a few times when I was younger and all they would offer me was one where you had to give them money first (almost like a debit card but not really).
I realized that I wouldn't be able to get an Amex for without building a strong credit history. Oh well. I guess I'll just have to become a millionaire and get that black one, right?
I applied for a student Visa card through my bank (Bank of America) to establish credit and after I graduated, I was able to upgrade that card to a Power Rewards card.
i got my first credit card about a year ago. i was turned down by a couple companies because i had no credit history (it is absolutely impossible to be approved for an amex if you have no credit, so don't feel bad that they declined you). in order to build a credit history, i went to my credit union and opened a secured visa. with a secured visa, you decide on what you want your credit limit to be and then you deposit that amount (or more, depending on your bank) into a savings account as collateral. i opened a card with a $500 limit and my bank required that i put 150% ($750) in my savings. this way, the bank isn't assuming any risk because they have the money in your account to fall back on. you can't withdraw that money from your account at any time. as long as you pay your bill on time and don't max out your card, it's pretty easy to build credit this way. you should go to your bank or credit union and ask about this option. good luck!
My first credit card was Capital One... everyone I know has a Capital One card. They sent me an application as soon as I turned 18 and I applied. They gave me a low limit ($300), but at least it was something to build up credit. Soon after that I applied for an Express credit card, then Victoria's Secret, then a few other stores (not all at the same time... I have 5 credit cards and I'm barely 20). I've never been denied a cc, and with each card I've been accepted, the limit increases. Anyway, what all my babbling is trying to tell you is: you can try to start out with a Capital One and go from there.
I had to get a joint Visa with FH through my credit union. NOBODY else would give me a credit card, and I missed the boat on the student CC because I turned 18 after I'd already graduated. .
Don't feel bad about getting denied - FH just got denied for a Capital One miles card even though he already has a Capital One Platinum card, and has really good (and established) credit.
It is beyond me how people who max one card after the next continue to be approved, while people who are responsible with their money and their credit get the runaround.
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}