okay well dont know what it is but i have been feeling my clothes are boring, most of mine are casual with some skirts and all- since my job is casual wear- okay iam sorry iam on the pitty pot- i wish i could wear more dress up clothes such as heels and skirts but oh well i will get over it!!
You know, just because other people at your work don't dress up, that doesn't mean you can't! I work at a music venue (we own several) and alot of the other people that work there wear sweats or something similar - never do hair or makeup, whatever - i often make an effort and wear nicer clothes - sometimes i do jeans, but sometimes i'll do heels and a skirt! why not? it's not like you have to be casual.
there's another girl who works there who's got super cute pinup girl style and always wears red lipstick and cute retro heels and dresses - every time she works!
just wear whatever you want to girl - and be glad that you can be dress up - OR casual (even dressing up gets monotonous)
oh thanks- your sweet and that true- you know i am the only one who dresses up- others go casual but even when i do casual - i look better than them - okay i will get off my highbut they do it with old casual clothes- no make up- no jewlery , so now that you think @ it iam not boring when it comes to them-
Yeah, my job's the same way, UNLESS you work on the 7th floor, and you HAVE to pretty much dress up every day (suits, ties, etc.). If I want to dress up, then dang it - I will! LOL I see some folks around here in my office who REALLY look like they don't put any effort into their outfit, but if that's what makes them comfy, LOL, then so be it. I don't think any of the clothes you've posted here are boring - far from it.
-- Edited by TheLovelyLady71 at 15:59, 2005-10-20
"Until you spread your wings, you'll have no idea how far you can fly".