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Dooney & Bourke

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Do you get along with your mother?
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I am wondering because my mother came to visit me this weekend(I see her about 2-3 times a year, we talk on the phone too.) and she really got on my nerves, she argued everything I said( I think she was being Opposite Woman to piss me off or something) and I feel awful that I can't just suck it up for a weekend and be nice to her. She deserves it because my dad left her for someone else a couple of years ago and she has done well but god, grrrrr, sometimes. And now I feel bad for crabbing at her all weekend. I have PMS and I think maybe it was the same thing last time she was here, maybe we should plan visits for good weeks. I don't know. I don't speak to my dad so now I feel like an orphan with no parents to get along with!!

edit thanks for the space to vent!!

-- Edited by sage at 19:13, 2005-10-17

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I know what you mean. I see my mom about 4-5 times a year and we talk on the phone pretty regularly. She's pretty critical and it makes no difference what I do - she always has a way of doing it better or telling me I'm an idiot for doing it in the first place. Sometimes we have some serious communication issues. I always ask her if she talks to her friends the same way she talks to me.

All that said, when I need her, she's there. If I'm sick, she's great and when I'm broke, she sends me food.

So I feel guilty when I fight with her too. How I've tried to deal with it is by being honest with her (about the way she talks to me, not about my life b/c that's a whooolllee other story), appreciating the things she does well, and by laughing at her. Seriously. If she starts lecturing, I laugh. I tell her I could have bet money she'd start lecturing and why doesn't Vegas take bets on that? (Or something - whatever pops in my head.) It cuts the tension and reminds her what she's doing. It works for me about half of the time, but it's waaaayyy better than it was before.



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I totally know how you feel.  How old are you?  I love my Mom to death, but sometimes she is just the hardest person to deal with.  I think some of it (for me anyway) is that I'm still young and I like to choose the way I live my life, most of the time that's a different way than she lives her life and/or how I was raised.  It gets in the way when you are trying to figure out who you are and what you want IMO, and it's even worse when you have very different personalities.  Most of the time I feel like the parent, actually!  Good luck!  We're always here if you need to vent

To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}


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I get along with my mom. We are very similar so we get in little arguements all the time. But we end up calling each other and making up within a couple of hours because we feel guilty. Some times she nags me but i just tell her to stop. I probably see her 2 weekends out of the month and i talk to her on the phone like 4 X's a day. I know it is a lot.



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I do not get along with my mother. We have not spoken to each other since I was 18 (I'm 20 now). It stems from a lifetime of her being overly critical of me and never being satisfied with my life choices. The second she found out I was gifted, she kept forcing me to look at careers that I wasn't really into for my own sake. She was also so intensely critical of my weight and kept calling me fat...something I'm still living with even though I can walk into a mall store and wear a size 2-4 easily. She was just as critical of my father and his bad habits that I believe she drove him out of the house too. Deep down, I know she wants the best for me and I certainly don't wish hell on her or anything, but at this point we've kind of agreed to a mutual separation. My mom is also on the other side of the country and doesn't want to visit. When I go to New York, I don't make it a point to visit her, either, though. So the fault lies on both ends.

I get along well with my father and I also am on good terms with my new stepmom. My dad cheated on my mom with my now-stepmom. My stepmom is a doll.


Kate Spade

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My mom is oil and I am water. Enough said!

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I get along really well with both of my parents but I notice that I have more "tiffs" with my mom.  I think it's actually has very little to do with anything she does and more to do with my attitude.  I can be stubborn and critical and I tend to be pretty harsh on my mom sometimes.  Especially if we're arguing about something (and it's usually something VERY minor) I just won't back down because I feel the need to be right.  Which is stupid really.  I'm trying to be better about recognizing when before it starts to hit the fan because it's kind of like a slow motion train-wreck--I can see it coming but feel like I'm powerless to stop it, when in reality I can stop it, because it's me causing the train wreck to happen usually.  I agree with LMonet too about the age thing--I'm 24 and I feel like sometimes I'm still trying to assert my independence from her (as silly as it may be).

I'm also trying to figure out when these tiffs happen--like certain activities we just CANNOT do together, like craft projects--we will pick and pick at each other until one of us ends up in tears.  So no more craft projects for us--instead we'll do lunch or go shopping or do yardwork together or cook.  Maybe try to find an activity that you and your mom can do together without arguing.  And if that just doesn't work, then you might try to pick your battles with your mom--you don't have to win every argument, so just let her have them.  Pick the things that are important to you to be right about and let the smaller ones go.


Marc Jacobs

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Ugh...where to start?  Perhaps with a simple NO!!??!!

I don't get along with either of my adoptive parents...if it weren't for my feeling that my son needs extended family I probably still would not talk to/see them. 

I met my "birth mother'...even just writing that ticks me off.  Suffice it to say she is *insert curseword of choice*...what she did to me and my siblings is sick and reprehensible.  So I don't speak with her either.

The only *good* familial relationships I have are:

  • my son

  • my half-sister



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my mom and i get along great, same for my dad.  but they are my parents, not my friends.  i don't mean that in a bad way either.

now i miss them, but i'll see them at christmas.

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yes we do get along.  I wasn't too nice to my mom in my teens and early twenties, but now I wish she lived next door to me.  There has always been a bond there.  There are things she does that nerve me, but I don't let it bother me, I feel lucky to have her, I know lots of girls who have issues with their parents and can't forgive for the past, personality differences, etc.  She is accepting (maybe too much so), patient, self sacrificing, peaceful, spiritual, and very smart, and she somehow brushes off my own harshness.

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Ewww, yucky topic. Yes, I get along ok with my mom but she surely isn't my bestest friend or anything. She & my sister talk several times a day & this has actually cause many a problem with my sister & I because I feel that I can't tell my sister anything because she will tell my mom. And my sister wishes we were best friends but I don't want all the business I'd tell my best friend being fed to my mother. Back to mom - we are SO much alike that I think we just butt heads a lot. I am very independent, moved out when i was 18, moved away (a whole 45 minutes, gasp) & then to Dallas - all of that has harmed our relationship. My mom is very serious about family & thinks everyone should live in close proximity & I am just not going to make life decisions about my life (husband, job, etc) based on how close they are to my parents. I think when I moved I had all kinds of unresolved issues with this because though she wanted me close, she usually expected me to come to her, she rarely came to my house, which I think is just ridiculous.

I also sometimes think she is kind of jealous since she hates her job & wants to stay home & her situation doesn't allow it but mine does. She also CONSTANTLY comments on my weight, which irritates the crap out of me. She wants me to work & I won't to make her happy. She has taken to asking me during every conversation we have about my job situation & my weight. Instead of continuing to telling her I'm not looking for a job & my diet sucks, I have started asking her about her job (horrid) & her weight (too much). So that has slowed the yucky conversations a bit. I just think the older I get the more I realize she is transferring her issues to me & that is unfair, but I think pretty typical.

Like everyone else, I just think nothing I do is good enough. And even though she says she just wants me to be happy - i think what she really means is that she wants me to be happy doing what she thinks I should be doing & living the life she wants for me.

Whoa. true confessions, huh?

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Dooney & Bourke

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Hell no! My mother and I don't speak ever anymore and I am all the better for it. Sometimes you've get to let a parent go.



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I get along so well with my mother.  We fought a lot when I was a teenager, but once I moved out to go to college, we started getting along so much better.  I see her about once every month or two, and spend the night whenever I do go home--no problems there, whether I stay in all night or stay out all night with some old high school friends.  She is totally caring, loving, supportive and understanding, and simply the best mother ever--she has her flaws, but who doesn't.  I am very grateful I have this relationship with her because a lot of my friends don't have this with their moms.  She gets on my nerves because she tends to see things in black and white, whereas I see life in shades of grey, but I have to overlook that. 

Just writing this makes me want to call her.



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My mom is one of my best friends.  We get along great now.  We had our issues when I was in highschool, because I was a bitchy teenager, but now we talk all the time and I feel I can tell her pretty much anything - she's always on my side.  She has her quirks that annoy me - for instance, sometimes she calls me too much and doesn't give me enough space, but I know she just misses me and worries -other than that - she's great and I couldn't be more thankful to have such a great mother



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my mom and i do, especially when there's a bottle (or three) of wine involved.    i think it took a while to get to that point because she was really hurt when i decided to move so far away for college.  she even bribed me not to move so far.  she later admitted that she was worried that i would meet a boy on the east coast and never look back.  i think also what helped was me just doing what i wanted.  making plans to go on vacation with friends, etc.. and not asking her, just telling her.  that way she could see me in more of an adult role and not as a child anymore. 

we both have the same career so we discuss that a lot.   but sometimes i wish that we could have less "business" convos.  a lot of our convos. are about me getting this plane ticket, or scheduling that, etc... that gets really frustrating.  overall, i think it's only going to get better as i grow up and she sees me as more of an adult. 

"i tell you one lesson I learned If you want to be something in life, You ain't gonna get it unless, You give a little bit of sacrifice, Oohh, sometimes before you smile you got to cry.." -The Roots


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sometimes.  more often than not lately, though.  i think it's just really complicated with mom and daughter pairs, and i've realized over the years that we're more typical than i thought.  she's extremely, incredibly critical of everything i do, which i used to take personally until i realized that she was projecting her own insecurities onto me.  she's still critical and tells me that everything i do is wrong, but i don't let it in as much anymore and that helps a lot.  i tend to tell my dad the big news in my life because he is much more accepting and enthusiastic and let it filter back to her later. 

on the flip side, she is also really fun and likes to have a good time and hang out with me and the rest of my family, plan parties and surprises, give great thoughtful gifts, etc.  i've learned to focus on her great qualities and let the other stuff go. 


Dooney & Bourke

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Thanks, everybody for your amazing responses!! I told my sister how I felt and she responded with "Get over it, nobody really gets along with their parents"

Obviously some do!! And some do not. And it is all perfectly simple and very complicated.

Thanks again for sharing your thoughts. You all seem to have a great handle on this crazy mother daughter thing and I am taking insiration from everyone!

Edit- I am also hoping sharing this was helpful for some of you!

-- Edited by sage at 20:45, 2005-10-18

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we never used to, but we do now since we stopped talking about anything real!



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funny you should ask since my mom is visiting me right now. yes & no. for the most part we get along, and my mom is my biggest cheerleader, which i'm incredibly thankful for. at the same time i don't feel like she views me as an adult, and that irks me.

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Irene wrote:

Hell no! My mother and I don't speak ever anymore and I am all the better for it. Sometimes you've get to let a parent go.

Same here. I haven't spoken to my mom in several years.

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