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Let's have another single girl status!
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-- Edited by Andrea Julia at 01:00, 2006-01-29


Marc Jacobs

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lol, nothing that's not covered in my "chemistry calculations" column.  i'll keep you all apprised of any new developments!



Marc Jacobs

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Still single, but if you want a laugh read my I think I met someone post.

To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Marc Jacobs

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Still single and unfortunately, I feel I will be for awhile yet

This is mostly because my life consists of work and going out on Friday nights. My job is in a small office (of about 25 people) and the couple guys that are single, I'm not interested in any way, the rest are attached to people. At the bar, I get hit on by guys I would not be interested in.

Sigh....I just don't really have any convenient ways to be around lots of guys that are single, so my chances are slim...

Head back, arms down, and hold on!


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-- Edited by Andrea Julia at 18:05, 2005-10-20


Marc Jacobs

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Still single. But due to recent guy miscalculations, I set myself the goal of finding, flirting, meeting, greeting and then, um, letting go of at least three guys. So far, two down, one to go, and I think I'll extend it to five. After some thought, I realized that I tend to put up with crap I shouldn't, feel guilty about stuff that's stupid, and basically just get played by bastards. So I'm trying to get some perspective on the fact that NOT seeing the best side of every guy, and NOT being his mommy who never calls him on his shit is NOT a bad thing. It was actually fun.

The last guy who hung out and payed for all my drinks and basically did the I-like-you-so-much-and-want-to-hang-but-I'm-not-going-to-be-a-boyfriend left this message on my phone after I left him Friday that said "Well played. You win. I tried and you're better." And I wasn't trying to play a game, just holding out for something else.

PS - I am NOT, of course, sleeping with any of these guys. But there's no harm in a little kissing, right?



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Dizzy wrote:

The last guy who hung out and payed for all my drinks and basically did the I-like-you-so-much-and-want-to-hang-but-I'm-not-going-to-be-a-boyfriend left this message on my phone after I left him Friday that said "Well played. You win. I tried and you're better." And I wasn't trying to play a game, just holding out for something else. PS - I am NOT, of course, sleeping with any of these guys. But there's no harm in a little kissing, right?

Whoa!  That's a weird message.  Was he drunk?  With an attitude like that toward dating, no wonder he is still single.


Marc Jacobs

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Yeah, he wasn't drunk but it was a really weird way to look at the situation. I'm telling you, I find assholes. And then forgive them waaaaaaaaay too easily, make excuses for them, listen to my friends who tell me to be nicer to them, and otherwise hang on and hope. It's sad. This time at least I didn't hang out with him for three weeks before realizing he was full of shit. Maybe I need to extend my catch-and-release strategy to 10 guys.



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Well 2 weeks ago I went on the "official" first date with the guy I've been seeing from work - the one I went to Dallas and San Antonio with from other posts.  We've really just been hanging out together and with his friends from work up until then but he finally asked me out on a date!! (Yeah I know its kinda backwards but whatever) So we went to a nice Italian restaurant here in town and then a few bars and had a really good time.

This past friday was our "second" date and we went to Jillians (like Chucky Cheese for adults) on a triple date with some of our friends from work. That was a fun time too!!

So I guess I wasn't really looking for a new bf but I may have found one. I haven't asked about my status yet nor do I really care about it at this point. One of the girls we went out with is the opposite of that though and got into a fight with her guy over it.  I don't see the point at this point especially since she just started seeing him also. I'm just having a good time with a really nice guy that I like.  So that's my update. Darned CPA exam though is keeping me in all this week and next weekend so nothing to report next week.



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lsubatgirl wrote:

We've really just been hanging out together and with his friends from work up until then but he finally asked me out on a date!! (Yeah I know its kinda backwards but whatever)

honey, that is SO not backwards - that is ideal. knowing you can be friends before getting romantic is a much better foundation. you also know that your feelings are not motivated by the romantic or lust, it's because you like them for who they are.  also being friends first lets you see him outside of "best behavior" mode - so if you like him being his real self, then thats a good way to be confident that he's worthy of dating.

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lsubatgirl wrote:

 I haven't asked about my status yet nor do I really care about it at this point. 

I'm so happy for you! It sounds like you're having fun, and that's the most important thing!

My update is that I am still seeing someone, nothing serious, but I still think he is not boring!!!

Forget, forgive, conclude, and be agreed. - Shakespeare

Kate Spade

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well, bad news ladies... mr. wonderful has turned into mr. doesn't-call-me-back.  it all started the weekend before this past one.  he was out of town so i didn't get to see him (i had seen him the weekend before for my cousin's bday dinner... he spent the night, it went quite well and i can't think of anything any of us did to turn him off.), so i texted him saturday to let him know i would be in his area monday & if he wanted me to stop by.  he texted back sunday that he had just gotten home, wasn't feeling well, was going to bed (in the afternoon) & that i should stop by cuz he was sick.  no biggie, it happens... in fact, i did the same thing to him back when we were first dating.  so then i emailed him monday to say i hope he feels better, blah blah blah.  he emailed back thanks, blah blah blah.  so i refrained from contacting him, since i knew he was sick, until thursday.  i called him & we chatted about various topics, totally casual.  then he tried to get off the phone w/ me so i said "so i'll see you saturday right?" (i was going to his band's concert & he knew i was going to be there) and he came back w/ some BS about how the day was going to be so crazy, he would be really busy, blah blah blah & then got off the phone w/ me ASAP.  well, i was a little put off.  he didn't even offer to see me after the show, or any other time.  at this point it's been almost 2 weeks since i've seen him and he told me he was feeling better, so why not get together?  so i decided i needed to find out what he was thinking & consulted w/ a few friends to figure out what to say.  well, i had my monologue all typed out & called him friday after work.  he didn't pick up so i left a message, and sadly that is the last communication we've had!  i went to the show saturday looking my absolute best (in case i saw him, of course), but i didn't see him at all & he didn't bother contacting me after the show.  i know there had to be an afterparty, since there ALWAYS is according to him, but no invite or anything.  nothing yesterday & nothing today (although it is still early & i'm hoping against hope that he emails me at least & is man enough to tell me he is done dating me).  so that's my sad status.... thanks for asking!


Kate Spade

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crystal wrote:

well, bad news ladies... mr. wonderful has turned into mr. doesn't-call-me-back.  it all started the weekend before this past one.  he was out of town so i didn't get to see him (i had seen him the weekend before for my cousin's bday dinner... he spent the night, it went quite well and i can't think of anything any of us did to turn him off.), so i texted him saturday to let him know i would be in his area monday & if he wanted me to stop by.  he texted back sunday that he had just gotten home, wasn't feeling well, was going to bed (in the afternoon) & that i should stop by cuz he was sick.  no biggie, it happens... in fact, i did the same thing to him back when we were first dating.  so then i emailed him monday to say i hope he feels better, blah blah blah.  he emailed back thanks, blah blah blah.  so i refrained from contacting him, since i knew he was sick, until thursday.  i called him & we chatted about various topics, totally casual.  then he tried to get off the phone w/ me so i said "so i'll see you saturday right?" (i was going to his band's concert & he knew i was going to be there) and he came back w/ some BS about how the day was going to be so crazy, he would be really busy, blah blah blah & then got off the phone w/ me ASAP.  well, i was a little put off.  he didn't even offer to see me after the show, or any other time.  at this point it's been almost 2 weeks since i've seen him and he told me he was feeling better, so why not get together?  so i decided i needed to find out what he was thinking & consulted w/ a few friends to figure out what to say.  well, i had my monologue all typed out & called him friday after work.  he didn't pick up so i left a message, and sadly that is the last communication we've had!  i went to the show saturday looking my absolute best (in case i saw him, of course), but i didn't see him at all & he didn't bother contacting me after the show.  i know there had to be an afterparty, since there ALWAYS is according to him, but no invite or anything.  nothing yesterday & nothing today (although it is still early & i'm hoping against hope that he emails me at least & is man enough to tell me he is done dating me).  so that's my sad status.... thanks for asking!

ugh!!! i wish guys would know how to appropriately tell a girl theyre not interested or just think it isnt working out (not that i'm saying that your guy is not)!! it's called closure!! not to mention common courtesy!!

well, i am seeing a new guy and it is going really well.  he is maybe the nicest guy i've ever dated.  i do have a story to tell about this weekend....but i'll post when i have more time.



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So I'm still seeing the same boy... BUT here's the dilemmas (yes, it's plural):

1) We haven't discussed whether or not we're seeing other people but I think he assumes (based on things he says) that we're only seeing each other. It's getting to the point where I might feel *slightly* guilty if I went out with someone else but I don't feel obligated not to, since no one has come out and said anything explicitly.

Now, I'm not seeing anyone else but here's why it's a problem. The BFF's wedding is finally over and now I have some more free time. I have a couple guy friends who've been bugging me to go out with them for a couple weeks now but I haven't had any time. And when I say guy friends, I mean they're friends but there's always that potential more running around.

Even though we haven't had the discussion, I know he would be really upset/hurt if he saw me out with someone else. But we HAVEN'T talked about it, so I don't have to feel guilty right?? Ugh.

2) The BFF's wedding. It was awesome. I went alone (BFF had a very intimate, small wedding and she didn't want me to bring a date, a whole other annoying story altogether). Anyway, about the dancing segment (for which I had no partner b/c of the no date thing) I started to feel the nostalgic "aw, I wish I had someone special" feeling. I started thinking about the boy and it just felt weird. It didn't feel like I wanted him to be someone special. But this could be because it's too soon right? I don't have to have well-defined feelings yet do I?

3) I don't have any well-defined feelings yet. Which is maybe why I'm hesitant to have the "who are we dating" question. I like him and I like hanging out with him but I feel like I could live quite pleasantly without him, too. We've been seeing each other about a month and a half, when am I supposed to start feeling it? Don't get me wrong, I think he's great and I have so much fun when I'm with him but... should there be more? I don't know.

4) He's kind of short so I can't wear my super-high heels around him. Is it wrong that this bugs me?

Okay so that's my story. And why is it that the second you start becoming involved with one boy, all the others start coming out of the woodwork? And why is that they suddenly seem so much more interesting than before? I think I'm a boy...



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crystal wrote:

well, bad news ladies... mr. wonderful has turned into mr. doesn't-call-me-back. 

Awww, I'm so sorry crystal. What a jerk. What did your long monologue say? Was it sweet or mean? (Mine probably would have been mean.)

Maybe it's an LA thing. My friend (who lives in LA) just got dumped by a boy last weekend. He said their highs were really high but their lows were really low and he couldn't live with that. Then he sent her an email that said "this is the sound of my heart breaking." I told her he didn't break it off because she was too much to handle but because he was stupid and I pointed to that email as proof-positive. Who writes crap like that? No wonder none of his scripts have made it bigtime!!

Tell me something stupid about Mr. Wonderful and we'll make it a joke. Humiliation is the best revenge.



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wow, I was just going to update evryone anyway...

Matt and I have been hanging out a lot!! It has been so fun and he treats me so nice, I am so sad though, next Monday he is moving to Seattle for his job, talk about bad timing. Last night he asked me what we were, I toldd him that I didn't know and asked him what he wanted us to be. I told him I did't tink that long distance relays generally work, but I do really like him.  I'm kind of confused as to what's next but I am going to just take it day by day. We did hook up three times and two times were last night. Fun times!! sorry if that is a lil tmi for some of you gals!!

-- Edited by fashionista L at 13:32, 2005-10-17

~ Leslie

Kate Spade

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blubirde wrote:

What did your long monologue say?

Tell me something stupid about Mr. Wonderful and we'll make it a joke. Humiliation is the best revenge.

hey girl, thanks for your concern... my monologue went something like this:  "hey adam, i know you've been really busy lately, especially w/ the tour and all, but i wanted to know if you are trying to tell me something by being so busy & give you a chance to call things off if you don't want to date me anymore."  keep in mind i came up w/ this when i still thought there was a possibility that he really truly was busy, but still liked me.

i can't think of anything bad about him right now, other than the fact that he lacks the cajones to break up w/ me.  other than that he was pretty great!  oh, well, there is one thing... he was recently in a ping pong tournament.... oh & he watches The OC!!  what a dweeb!!!


Kate Spade

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I'm completely, totally single now.  Sniff sniff.  Salsa boy turned into a stalker, but I still see him dancing, and we get along okay.

Super brainiac boy had many problems.  We cycled through dating, to friends, to friends with benefits a couple of times, but finally we are just friends.  Basically he's not able to open up enough, and he's too stand-offish, and I can't be myself around him.  There are other issues, but that's the basics.

I'm feeling complete and utter despair that I will ever meet anyone that I feel like being in a relationship with.  At this point I just can't even imagine a person that I would want to be gf/bf with.  Sigh...  Why do boys and dating have to suck so much?!


Dooney & Bourke

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I am way too single right now.

My ex and I broke up in April. Argh there are no prospects in sight. I work in a bank and go home and on the weekends I work for my brothers business doing the books (talk about being unapproachable, "Hi I would like to introduce you to my little sister, oh and by the way stay away".) I dont really feel like I have the time to go "find" someone so for now I will wait and drool over the hot construction workers who are remodeling the bank.

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