I recently found some old The American magazines from the 1940s & I wanted to share some of this with SOMEONE - I know some people here dig the retro / vintage stuff as much as me. I found them at a garage sale for $1 each & to be honest I thought they'd sell really well on ebay, but apparently not. Now that I have gone through them, I can't imagine how much someone would have to give me for me to think it would be a good idea to sell them...
There is an article titled "I Kept My Baby" and the tagline reads: "An unmarried mohter who dared to face the world with her child tells how she atoned for her mistake. For obvious reasons her name must be withheld" - ?????
There is a monthly feature called "Why don't they" where you could send in your ideas.. here are just a few: *Magnetize the tips of all can openers to prevent small particles of metal from falling into the contents of the can *Market all baby food in glass containers, with airtight screw caps, so that mothers will be save the necessity of sterlizing a special container in which to place leftover food from the can. *Sell marshmallows in various sizes, thus saving housewives the job of cutting them into smaller pieces for salads, desserts, and the like.
I mean - really, WOW. These are illustrations / ads through the book: this was just the first several pages, I could wallpaper a room in these things they are so great!
Who do you have to probe around here to get a Chardonnay? - Roger the Alien from American Dad