I know it's getting close - this weekend maybe? What ended up happening? Are they going to be able to have it in New Orleans after all?
I saw a story on a couple that had their wedding postponed by Katrina so they moved it to GALVESTON - then it got postponed again. And they got married a few days ago in front of the cathedral - I thought of your friend.
Just wondering what happened.
Who do you have to probe around here to get a Chardonnay? - Roger the Alien from American Dad
They decided to move the wedding to Austin (where we all live) and they're having it at a great old hotel here. It's kinda sad but easier in the long run (and less expensive). If not for Katrina, we'd all be tearing it up on Bourbon Street right now. I will be back, oh yes, I will.
She's getting married this weekend actually. I'm all OCD over it (if you can imagine) because I'm the only bridesmaid and everything is basically left in my hands - I chose the dress, the shoes, the color of the dress, dealt with the hair/makeup/nails people, have to choose my own reading, etc. I don't remember agreeing to get married too!!
I'm just kidding. I'm so happy for them and I am preparing myself for the fact that I'll probably cry - something I don't do very often. But I have to say it - I'll be damn happy when it's all over and done with.
Did I mention that I got to choose my dress so I took a design to a dressmaker and it turned out hideous? It looks just like the design but for some reason doesn't look like me after all. And now it's too late (and I don't have the extra $$$) to get something new so oh well. I'm in an ugly bridesmaid's dress after all! Luckily I'm already laughing about it, so I suppose that's good.
Thanks for asking! I've been dying to talk about it all week!
Well, I'm glad it worked out. And I remembered because I specifically remember telling you (and thinking it was true) that of course everything would be fine in October - of course that was before katrina actually hit & the levey broke....ANYWAY. After going home a few weeks ago - & being 50 or so miles away even - it really broke my heart & i was just curious what happened with them...
OMG - I can't believe that about your dress. I remember you posting the ones you picked to put together & I thought it would be gorgeous. I want to see pictures - is it possible that it's not as bad as you think it is? Or is it just a case where you aren't as comfortable as you want to be so that's bad enough?
Did you decide on a reading? Since it's Wednesday I have to assume yes?
I know what you mean about being OCD over a friend's wedding - I personally got kicked out of the first wedding I was ever asked to be in by a PSYCHO bride - so my next friend that asked me I ended up being UBER SUPER bridesmaid to make up for it I suppose, even though it was a completely different group of friends - and I was a damn fine one!!!!! I'm sure you'll be relieved when this is all over & you can just go to the party & dance & have fun. Are you bringing a date? Same guy?
I want to party on Bourbon street too! maybe by the time we have out ST meeting we can go there & drink & party instead of just shopping....Hey, or maybe a side "party" trip. I want to have Hurricane's at Pat O's by the fire!!!!
Who do you have to probe around here to get a Chardonnay? - Roger the Alien from American Dad
I think not having the wedding in NO was pretty heartbreaking for her, too. She and her SO fell in love when they went there, so it had special meaning for them. Plus she wanted the jazzy atmosphere NO so wonderfully exhibits. But, alas, it's just a wedding and in the thick of everything horrible that happened to the city, I think she feels bad complaining.
As for the wedding itself, things are crazy. You'd think I have a reading but I don't. I gave her a choice of readings and told her to either narrow it down or pick one outright (I didn't feel comfortable choosing all by myself). She still hasn't told me jack so I'm going with my own. I backed off from the beat poetry one (much to my chagrin) because maybe that's more me than her - although that seems to be the point if she won't give me any direction - but anyway.
As for the dress, I just found out this afternoon I won't even be standing beside her because there won't be enough room. (I'm the only bridesmaid.) I'll just be sitting in the front row and standing up to do the reading. I feel like a baby for complaining but a) I thought I was supposed to be "standing up" for her and b) why the hell did I spend all that money on a dress that doesn't have to match crap? I could have - not that I would have - used a dress I already own if I just had to look nice for 30 seconds while I read something. Annoying.
Okay, I'm done now. I shouldn't be complaining because it's her wedding and I really am happy to be a part of it, whatever part of it, because I love both of them dearly. But I get a little petulant myself sometimes I suppose.
This has made me feel so much better to get it off my chest!! Thanks for asking about it all Laken1!
Oh and can we add listen to some great jazz music in the streets before/after we drink our hurricanes at Pat O's?? That city rocks!