Anyone have some good, but original, ideas for snacks for toddlers? My son has decided to become a picky eater (not so good for the budget), so I'd like to come up with some new ways to win over his taste buds. I would prefer small portions, maybe even something I can stock up on/have in supply.
this one is hard, but my mom (who has five kids) usually gave us:
grapes (cut in half!!!)
those toddlers biscuits for teething
strips of lunchmeat
graham crackers
baby pickles (we loved em - the sour ones)
none of these are really very original - but i know that gerber has a fairly new line of food for toddlers that is healthy and easy for them to hold - maybe you could look at those foods for some ideas?
plain cheese ravioli with no sauce - easy to pick up, no mess.
they have "meat sticks" sounds gross - but basically like little hot dogs. i personally would stick with the lunchmeat strips - seems healthier.
basically every think else is fruit and veggies ... most babies seem to like strawberries. you could also try apple slices - if he is picky then probably peeled.
i haven't met a baby yet that doesn't like bananas.
how is he picky? with all my brothers and sisters i think i've seen all the food eating quirks, maybe something you'll tell me will trigger a memory of something that worked with one of my siblings (gee, i sound like they're my kids, huh? i guess as the oldest, sometimes i feel like they are!)
baby-sitting here's what the parents usually gave:
turkey bologna, hot dogs, etc..
melted cheese on bread (you can put in the broiler)
one kid ate tuna patties (similar to crab cakes)...super healthy though
canned fruit and frozen veggies
that's all i can think of now
"i tell you one lesson I learned
If you want to be something in life, You ain't gonna get it unless, You give a little bit of sacrifice, Oohh, sometimes before you smile you got to cry.." -The Roots
i was a baby who hated bananas. still do. everyone thinks it's weird, but i refuse to eat them, and have ever since i was a baby--and i was a "good eater" too. bananas and cheese were the only things i wouldn't touch.
i don't know if you're concerned about salt and stuff, but in addition to the "meat sticks," there are the "little smokies" ones that are really good--more salty and smoky flavored. i still like them.
I thought my son didn't like bananas, but the other day I peeled one and took a bite and he strongly indicated that he wanted some. if I give him cut strawberries first, he will eat them until I offer banana, so I have learned to try to allow him to finish one thing at a time to avoid him throwing the 2nd choice on the floor. Plus my dogs don't care for bananas or strawberries, so I end up having to pick the stickies off the floor myself!
he will eat meat sticks if I pretend I want a bite. he will also eat cooked asparagus tips (I make them really flavorful with lemon juice, salt and pepper). he will usually eat avocado.
So far, I have found that my baby will eat anything I am eating! As far as crackers and such, he will eat Cheerios, Arrowroot cookies and Goldfish crackers any time, whether I eat with him or not!
"Go either very cheap or very expensive. It's the middle ground that is fashion nowhere." ~ Karl Lagerfeld
Thanks all for the good suggestions...we'll be going grocery shopping wish me luck that I find food he will actually NOT throw on the floor!