You know what's really awesome? When your computer craps out on you the night before a project is due and refuses to print anything but jibberish. Great. Now I get to waste my lunch going to the library to print it out IF I can even get a computer. My computer is a worthless piece of sh*t. Thanks for letting me rant.
Bad taste is like a nice dash of paprika. We all could use more of it. It's no taste I'm against. -Diana Vreeland
That sucks. I had that happen to me in college, too. And it was the middle of the night b/c I had procrastinated. I had to go to the computer lab first thing in the morning and redo my paper in time for a 10 am class. Awful.
Computers are like that, aren't they? Always freaking out when you're freaking out? I figure it's karma's way of kicking my ass for procrastinating, although I firmly believe deadlines exist for a reason.
My computer did that last week when I was printing out envelopes. Something got messed up and regular paper was feeding into the printer all crooked! I forgot what I did but then the computer started printing out a bunch of crap over and over wasting paper. So I turned off the printer, closed all programs, restarted the computer, and everything was fine.