I have a pile of files a mile high on my desk and everything is due tomorrow b/c of the end of the month. And now, at the last minute, they have decided that I need to print, cut, stuff and send 500 brochures by tomorrow afternoon as well. I DO NOT HAVE TIME FOR THIS!!!!!!!!! I have actual important work to do (that effects people's health coverage). This is not the kind of thing to spring on me at the last minute. And no, I will not stay late tomorrow b/c I'm working my second job in the evening. I HATE THIS PLACE MORE THAN WORDS CAN POSSIBLY EXPRESS.
tara t wrote: i thought you got a new job? or is this the new job?! sorry, i'm not up to date. sorry sister. i'm not a fan of my job either.
I got a new job in June. In hell. I've been stuck here since then. If they are going to give me real work to do (which obviously, I'd rather be doing), then they need to hire a receptionist to be a receptionist and stuff brochures. My capabilites greatly exceed that and they are totally taking advantage of that, but failing to pay me for it. Grrr...and as I mentioned before, I am literally paying $400 a month to work here (gas and tolls), plus wear and tear on the hunk of junk that is masquerading as my vehicle!
I've come to realize that most people do not like their jobs. And as such, you can either do something about it, stay and be miserable, or learn to tolerate it.
I'm not thrilled with my job at the moment, but right now is not the time to look. Also, I've learned to let the things that bother me roll off my shoulders because somethings are just not in your control.
nunzi182 wrote: I've come to realize that most people do not like their jobs. And as such, you can either do something about it, stay and be miserable, or learn to tolerate it.
I'm not thrilled with my job at the moment, but right now is not the time to look. Also, I've learned to let the things that bother me roll off my shoulders because somethings are just not in your control.
Ah, see...but I'm not most people. I am the type of person (and there are more people out there like this) that needs to have work that is meaningful and uses some level of intelligence. I'm in a dead-end job, making crap money, paying $400 a month in transportation cost. No, that's not okay with me. Yes, I'm doing everything within my power to get out of it, but it's obviously not enough. No, I will not settle for this job and think, 'oh, most people don't like their jobs, so it's okay for me not to either.' I'm not most people. I refuse to settle. I will not stop until I acheive my goals and success.
Sorry, this is a major soapbox for me. Hating my job isn't an option. I spent too much time at my job, life is too short, time is too precious to spend it miserable, or just 'settling.' Maybe I'm just wired differently, but I have very strong convictions about this. I don't want to be like 'most people.' Just b/c it's okay for everyone else doesn't mean that it's okay for me.
Ah, see...but I'm not most people. I am the type of person (and there are more people out there like this) that needs to have work that is meaningful and uses some level of intelligence. I'm in a dead-end job, making crap money, paying $400 a month in transportation cost. No, that's not okay with me. Yes, I'm doing everything within my power to get out of it, but it's obviously not enough. No, I will not settle for this job and think, 'oh, most people don't like their jobs, so it's okay for me not to either.' I'm not most people. I refuse to settle. I will not stop until I acheive my goals and success.
Sorry, this is a major soapbox for me. Hating my job isn't an option. I spent too much time at my job, life is too short, time is too precious to spend it miserable, or just 'settling.' Maybe I'm just wired differently, but I have very strong convictions about this. I don't want to be like 'most people.' Just b/c it's okay for everyone else doesn't mean that it's okay for me. -- Edited by NylaBelle at 16:01, 2005-09-28
I quite personally am not the type of person to sit in a dead end job either. I've spent too much of my time on my education not to use it. However, I know that constantly complaining about it will not change the situation.
I'm not saying you're not trying, all I'm saying is that in the meantime, maybe there are some things you can do to make your job more bearable. For example, when that guy yells at you about the brochures or what have you, tune him out. You know it's out of your power and that should be enough for you.
I'm also not implying that you should "be like everyone else". That wasn't my point, I was trying to imply that many people are in your boat but they are A) doing something about it B) are miserable at their job or C) learning to tolerate their job.
I quite personally am not the type of person to sit in a dead end job either. I've spent too much of my time on my education not to use it. However, I know that constantly complaining about it will not change the situation.
I'm not saying you're not trying, all I'm saying is that in the meantime, maybe there are some things you can do to make your job more bearable. For example, when that guy yells at you about the brochures or what have you, tune him out. You know it's out of your power and that should be enough for you.
I'm also not implying that you should "be like everyone else". That wasn't my point, I was trying to imply that many people are in your boat but they are A) doing something about it B) are miserable at their job or C) learning to tolerate their job.
My frustration lies in the fact that I've been dealing with the same scenario for years, despite networking, sending out resumes, interviews, etc. It wears on you after a while. And honestly, most people in my 'real' life, don't hear a peep from me about it. I don't talk about it very much b/c I'm embarassed about my job situation. I vent on here (mostly b/c I'm at work and online when things occur).
I'm also frustrating when I see people (like my almost roommate) who have zero experience in the field get a position b/c they were a swimmer in college. Didn't major in it, didn't do one internship (in anything), never had a real job, but somehow managed to get a job instead of me.
And about the guy with the brochures, I can't tune him out b/c eventually someone is going to make me stuff all of these brochures that he wants. I have told them that I need help b/c it's an impossible job for one person (given that I do the work of at least two people, with the pay for the lower position).
And honestly, I'm so sick of the 'most people' argument b/c I don't know that many people who hate their jobs. My friends like their jobs, my bf loves his job, my mom loves her job, my dad loves his job. I'm not surrounded by other people who hate their job. So, that argument doesn't fly with me.
I have made my job more bearable by asking for more work (which they took to the extreme and now I'm swamped, but I'd rather be busy than bored). I have done what I can, but when that's not good enough (and it's been this way for years), it gets old. Really fast.
After you subtract out the travel expenses, is there ANY job in your area that will give you at least that amount? At least you wouldn't have to deal with the shitty commute and people. Surely it wouldn't be worse and you'd have more time/energy to figure out where you want to go from there.
lynnie wrote: After you subtract out the travel expenses, is there ANY job in your area that will give you at least that amount? At least you wouldn't have to deal with the shitty commute and people. Surely it wouldn't be worse and you'd have more time/energy to figure out where you want to go from there.
I've started my search. It seems that I could get a job that pays at least what I'm getting here. There are less opportunities where my mom lives, so we'll see what happens. I am looking, though.
And honestly, I'm so sick of the 'most people' argument b/c I don't know that many people who hate their jobs. My friends like their jobs, my bf loves his job, my mom loves her job, my dad loves his job. I'm not surrounded by other people who hate their job. So, that argument doesn't fly with me.
That's just the thing, I wasn't giving you a "most people" argument. I was just making a statement, not an argument. I'm surrounded by people that hate their jobs, in fact, I meet very few people that love their jobs, even like their jobs.
Some days I'm just so grateful that I have job when I hear that the unemployment rate has risen once again. And I think of all the people that don't have a roof over their heads, or food to eat.
We are in control of our own destinies and if we are unhappy, we have no one to blame but ourselves. I wasn't saying that you need to settle, instead I was saying that until you find a job with some sort of meaning, you need to come to terms with the job you have at the moment, even if it’s not what you feel you should be doing. Life IS too short to spend it being miserable all the time.
That's just the thing, I wasn't giving you a "most people" argument. I was just making a statement, not an argument. I'm surrounded by people that hate their jobs, in fact, I meet very few people that love their jobs, even like their jobs. Some days I'm just so grateful that I have job when I hear that the unemployment rate has risen once again. And I think of all the people that don't have a roof over their heads, or food to eat. We are in control of our own destinies and if we are unhappy, we have no one to blame but ourselves. I wasn't saying that you need to settle, instead I was saying that until you find a job with some sort of meaning, you need to come to terms with the job you have at the moment, even if it’s not what you feel you should be doing. Life IS too short to spend it being miserable all the time.
When you stated, 'I've come to realize that most people don't like their jobs,' I took that as the 'most people' argument. Sorry if that wasn't what you meant. But, I'm just tired of people saying that b/c it doesn't make me feel better. And like I said before, 'most people' that I know, don't hate their jobs (so that argument is relative, I suppose). Maybe it would be easier if I actually knew people who hated their jobs and I wasn't surrounded by job lovers, but I doubt it. I don't care what everyone else is doing. I know what I need.
As far as the destiny thing, I can only control what I do. I can't control someone else and make them give me a job. I doing my best to gain experience outside the 9-5, to grow my jewelry business (but that all takes money, $400 of which is being sucked away to get to this job). I really am doing as much as I can within my power and within my means. I'm a results oriented person, so when I don't see results when I think that I should, I get very frustrated b/c I feel like I'm failing. And who likes to fail? Not many people that I know.
I'm not miserable all the time, btw...just M-F 9-5.
hey NB, just wanted to say that i am a fellow job hater and while my situation is not nearly as bad as yours (i'm just bored to tears, but otherwise get along w/ everyone), it depresses me to know that it will be at least 2.5 years til i get my accounting degree and can blow this popsicle stand. people are always telling me "oh, just get a job in accounting" but it's like w/o a degree or related experience, i have nothing to offer and can't even get my foot in the door. no one seems to understand and i feel pretty frustrated sometimes, so i totally know what you are going through. i also hate it when people tell me that "oh, you've got a math degree? you could get all kinds of jobs!" cuz that is not true at all. then they suggest i be a teacher which i would be absolutely awful at because i hate explaining things to people. ugh, just thinking about all this is getting me upset, but i just wanted to comiserate and let you know that i feel ya! don't worry, when you come to cali everything will change!
hey NB, just wanted to say that i am a fellow job hater and while my situation is not nearly as bad as yours (i'm just bored to tears, but otherwise get along w/ everyone), it depresses me to know that it will be at least 2.5 years til i get my accounting degree and can blow this popsicle stand. people are always telling me "oh, just get a job in accounting" but it's like w/o a degree or related experience, i have nothing to offer and can't even get my foot in the door. no one seems to understand and i feel pretty frustrated sometimes, so i totally know what you are going through. i also hate it when people tell me that "oh, you've got a math degree? you could get all kinds of jobs!" cuz that is not true at all. then they suggest i be a teacher which i would be absolutely awful at because i hate explaining things to people. ugh, just thinking about all this is getting me upset, but i just wanted to comiserate and let you know that i feel ya! don't worry, when you come to cali everything will change!
Thanks, crystal. I do like most of the people here (at least). And even Brochure Man is nice when his undies aren't in a bunch. I'm slowly getting to know people since I've been brought on to more projects. That's another thing I hate. I feel so isolated. My desk is upstairs and everyone else is downstairs. I'm all by myself all day!
my best friend graduated from penn state with a journalism degree, worked retail even did the did the retail manager thing after college while job hunting, moved home (tx) away from her bf and guess what? she's still looking for a job in her field in the mean time. you're not alone. it happens.
i mean i don't think anyone fully loves every part of their job. i have to literally wipe peoples asses on a weekly basis, and constantly worry about getting stuck by needles (guess who just had an HIV test for that reason). yes those things come with jobs that people get a college degree for. wiping asses really isn't in the job description, but sometimes it just needs to be done and it's easier to do than to look for the person who is supposed to do it. when i have to do things like that, i think, "hey, i'm freaking lucky that i don't have to have MY ass wiped". it's all you can do to get through it.
i think that in your current situation, you have to play the glass is half full game. yeah what you do sucks and not what you want to do right now, and you don't get paid well. but you HAVE a job. you are safe at work (coming from someone who has a HIGH safety risk). the best that you can do is to know that you're doing everything in your power to better your situation. if you are, that's all that you can ask for. i think that's maybe partly what nunzi182 was trying to convey.
"i tell you one lesson I learned
If you want to be something in life, You ain't gonna get it unless, You give a little bit of sacrifice, Oohh, sometimes before you smile you got to cry.." -The Roots
cheer up Nylabelle! that guy is an arse! just do the best you can and hopefully they will see that there is too much on your plate.
last week i was at a comedy night and the comedian said (to a crowd of about 40 people) "Who here likes their job?" and i was the only person who clapped... i felt really dumb and sad that no one else there liked there job. you are right- it is much more fufilling all around when you are happy doing what you do.
my best friend graduated from penn state with a journalism degree, worked retail even did the did the retail manager thing after college while job hunting, moved home (tx) away from her bf and guess what? she's still looking for a job in her field in the mean time. you're not alone. it happens. i mean i don't think anyone fully loves every part of their job. i have to literally wipe peoples asses on a weekly basis, and constantly worry about getting stuck by needles (guess who just had an HIV test for that reason). yes those things come with jobs that people get a college degree for. wiping asses really isn't in the job description, but sometimes it just needs to be done and it's easier to do than to look for the person who is supposed to do it. when i have to do things like that, i think, "hey, i'm freaking lucky that i don't have to have MY ass wiped". it's all you can do to get through it. i think that in your current situation, you have to play the glass is half full game. yeah what you do sucks and not what you want to do right now, and you don't get paid well. but you HAVE a job. you are safe at work (coming from someone who has a HIGH safety risk). the best that you can do is to know that you're doing everything in your power to better your situation. if you are, that's all that you can ask for. i think that's maybe partly what nunzi182 was trying to convey.
Obviously, I know that I'm not going to like every aspect of a job. I think you would be hard pressed to find someone who likes absolutely everything about their job. But at least if I had a job that required a degree and used some brain power, I would most likely enjoy some aspects of it. Let's face it, the title receptionist really isn't doing me any favors, seeing as I could have done this job while I was still in high school.
I do understand the point of 'at least you have a job,' but again, that only goes so far, along with the 'most people don't like their jobs' school of thought. I have been unemployed before (for a six month time span), so I do know that it sucks.
Thanks to everyone (again) for their thoughts and advice (and for letting me vent).