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Post Info TOPIC: When did you meet your hubbie/fiance/soon to be?
How old were you when you met? [77 vote(s)]

high school age- 18 and below
college age- 18-21
transition stage 22-25
adult-ish 26-31


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When did you meet your hubbie/fiance/soon to be?
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just curious...


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We met when I was 21 and he was 29. I met him at Starbucks in California--he was my brother's boss. We got engaged after 4 months, but didn't tell anyone for 2 months after that because we wanted to get everyone warmed up to the idea first. We eloped when I was 22, a year after we had gotten engaged. I would have NEVER in a million years have guessed that I would have gotten married so young--all of my friends pegged me as being the last in our group of friends to get married.

-- Edited by NCshopper at 12:19, 2005-09-28



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I was 31 when we had our first date. By then I'd dated around, and so had he, for quite some time (as you get older, if you're single, you definitely *know* what you do/don't want in a mate).

I went home and told my mom (after two weeks of dating) "I think he's the guy I'm going to marry" and she was blown away, because I'd never said that before about anyone. We got engaged on our one-year dating anniversary (he wanted to do it after 90 days but I made him wait) and were married seven months after that.


"Good taste shouldn't have to cost anything extra." - Mickey Drexler


Kate Spade

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We met at work - I was 23 and he was 25, but we were both dating other people at the time. I always had a huge crush on him, and we started hanging out and eventually dating after I broke up with my boyfriend at 24. We dated for four years, then got engaged and married!



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We met on a High School trip to England/Ireland/Wales. We went to school together, but I was a sophomore and he was a senior so we had never really talked before that trip. I turned 16 on the trip and he was 17 (almost 18).

"Life's too short to wear ugly shoes."

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I was 20 and waitressing my way through college. I had these regulars that would come in every week, request to sit in my sections.. tip really well.. fun to talk too..
They were a middle-aged couple who knew how to drink!

They would always say that they wanted to introduce me to their son. I always just blew them off.. thinking.. "really, what kind of a guy needs his parents to set him up on dates.. how pathetic".

Anyway, months go on and finally they brought there son into the restaurant one night. We started chatted.. He ended up asking a friend of a friend for my number a week later.. And the rest is history. (He was 23 at the time.)

He was used to girls falling all over him, because he is a VERY popular musician in PA. But since I wasnt 21 when we met, I never really heard of him and wasnt really impressed by all that.. I think that roped him in.. because I wasnt some drunk girl in a bar, falling all over him and asking him to play her favorite song.

Kinda ironic.. that we owe it to his parents.. and since they turned into jerks. We havent spoken to them in a year and they didnt even come to our wedding!



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I met my bf at 20, he was 22. We first met in Vancouver while I was on vacation and he was touring with his band. I totally fell in love at first sight of him but it took him a few more random meetings to ask me out. We started dating exclusively right away (his request, not mine) and lived togeather after 6 months. But it was strange circumstances b/c he lost his lease and came to stay with me for a few weeks. 5 1/2 years later he still hasn't moved out.

We had alot of problems at first the first 4 years. He didn't want to be tied down, wanted to party all the time but he didn't want to lose me or have me date other people. Finally he just grew out of it and things have been great. But I wouldn't relive those years for anything.


Kate Spade

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I was 17 and R was 20.

I met R through an ex boyfriend, who I had met through a friend. It was weird. I was friends with M and she set me up with this guy who turned into a whacko. Months go by without any word from him and he calls out of the blue to say that he had a friend he thought I would be perfect with. I didn't take him too seriously but he said he was gonna have R call me, and he did. We talked on the phone for hours and hours for weeks before we even met. We had such a connection without ever seeing each other which was nice. I always joke that for us it was "love at first chat".

We've been together for 5 years 7 months and are getting married in November.



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I was 23 and definitely in a transistional phase, one month out of a very hurtful and confusing I was in a stage where I wasn't planning to give my heart to any new guy.

I met my husband of six years at a bar, technically. he had noticed me a few weeks before because his friend was hooking up with my roommate at the time and he saw me saying goodbye to her while in a valet line leaving some club.

he had told my roommate he was interested and wanted to take me out, so when we ran into him at a bar, she introduced us.

-- Edited by lorelei at 12:20, 2005-09-28

"Go either very cheap or very expensive. It's the middle ground that is fashion nowhere." ~ Karl Lagerfeld


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I met my hubby of almost six years (anniversary is this Sunday, hooray!) cruisin' Main Street (actually liked his friend first, but that only lasted like a week, but he was the one driving the cool car ) I was 18 and he was 21, we got married two years later.



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i met my bf of four years when i was visiting my brother in chicago with my friend. i had a week off of school (on the east coast) when i went home and my friend wanted to drive up to chicago for the weekend to visit her bf, and i wanted to visit my brothers new place. she wanted to us all to meet for dinner, and my brother and his gf and i met up with her and her bf. her bf brought his roommate. four years later, i'm going out with the roommate and my friend (she was 26 at the time and REALLY wanted to settle down) hads broken up with her bf. it's funny how things work out...

"i tell you one lesson I learned If you want to be something in life, You ain't gonna get it unless, You give a little bit of sacrifice, Oohh, sometimes before you smile you got to cry.." -The Roots


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Fun thread!
We met in Junior High when I was 12 and he was 13! He had a girlfriend at the time. She dumped him, and he asked me out. He dumped me to get back together with her. She dumped him again and I took him back. We've been together ever since - living together and engaged for 3 years, getting married next July. Oh, and the girl he was going out with before me is now my best friend !

Our 9 year anniversary is next week !

To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}

Dooney & Bourke

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I met my boyfriend of 4 years when I was 12 (no, it's not a type-o, I was 12). We went to middle school together. I started 6th grade at a different middle school and transferred in January of my 6th grade year. He was in my class when I transferred. We also went to high school together and we were good friends but we both dated other people all through HS, although we've both confessed that we had crushes on each other in HS. Then we went away to different colleges. About three years after we both had graduated from college we ran into each other through a mutual friend. I was living in NYC and he was living in Chicago. We started seeing each other every once in a while in our respective cities and I think we were both dating other people then too. Gradually, I got to the point that I didn't want to date anyone but him and I guess he felt the same way because after two years of seeing each other every few weekends and talking on the phone, he asked me to move to FL (he had moved from Chicago to FL at that point) to live with him. That was 2 years ago and we've lived together ever since. It's sort of nice to be with someone you've known for so long, I feel like I know his history, but at the same time we're so different from the people we were in MS and HS that in a way it's like being with someone I just met, well, just met 4 years ago.



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My BF of four years (our anniversary was on September 9) and I met online. We first started talking to each other on a music industry message board five years ago. When the board started, I was 15 and he was 27. At that time I wanted to be in the music industry so badly, as music was my life. We developed a friendship that revolved at first around music and later found out how similar we were to each other. So he asked me out in the most roundabout way (we still argue about who initiated the relationship) and we've been together ever since.  

Our places are saved in nerd heaven.


Marc Jacobs

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I was 7 & he was 8.  After Sunday School, I told him he looked like a vampire cuz he had a widow's peak & slick back his hair.  I purposely combed my bangs to a peak so I would look like a vampire too, just so he would talk to me.  After that I hated him cuz he became BFF w/my guy cousin who was my BFF at the time. 

Fast forward to 12 years old, I had a huge crush on him, he lead me on, broke my heart & went out w/another Green Giant looking girl instead. 

Fast forward to 16, HE has a huge crush on ME, I lead him on - for a while, then I ended up falling hard for him. 

We got married 5 years later.



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9th grade English & PE

"We live in an age where unnecessary things are our only necessities." --Oscar Wilde

Kate Spade

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I met hubby the first year of law school in Torts class, he sat 2 rows behind me. We were both 22.  (Not *all* law school guys are socially inept egobrats.  Just most of them. ) We didn't actually talk to each other for the first time in class, we met through a job we both had.  Both of us had been dumped that summer before leaving for law school.  I was in my rebound guy phase and was dating a hot med student from a nearby school.  But hubby won out over the med student in the end.  We got engaged during our third year of law school and got married a few months after we passed the bar. 


Kate Spade

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My boyfriend and I have been together for a little over 3 1/2 years. He was in my chemistry class in 11 grade, and I had the BIGGEST crush on him (and have since learned that he had a big crush on me, too). At the beginning of the school year, I did everything to get him to notice me... I wore my cutest outfits and studied chemistry SO hard so that I could answer all the questions the teacher asked... I would even frequently get a late pass to class so that he would look at me as I walked by his desk. I'd "drop" my pencil by his feet so that he'd pick it up and hand it to me. Eventually (and by eventually, I mean a few weeks or so ) he got a gf and I realized that I was being really pathetic, so I got over it (or so I told myself). Fast forward to January: He went to Boston to celebrate the Patriots' Super Bowl win and missed school, and we happened to have a substitute that day. Everyone was just kind of talking, and his bff and some of their football buddies were talking about how impressed everyone should be that my now bf had the school record for weight lifting (or something).. anyway, I had admitted my crush to his friends, thinking they'd tell him, leaving the ball in his court. Nothing came of it, so I REALLY got over it this time. A few weeks later, he and his friends showed up where my bff was hanging out with her friends (she went to another school and didn't know him). She recognized one of his friends, who happened to be my ex-bf, and said hello. During introductions, she put two and two together and figured out that P was my crush. She started talking to him on AIM and set it up so that we would all hang out on Valentines Day (he was broken up with his gf by now)... on Valentines Day he asked me to the Jr Prom, then six days later he was my boyfriend. When we got back to school from February vacation, everyone was like "finally!", and we went on to be voted Cutest Couple in our senior superlatives. Now we're eagerly waiting to finish college (3 more years! we both wasted a year at school, not knowing what we wanted to do) so we can start the rest of our lives together. I love that story!

Edit: It turned out that he noticed me in the begining of the year, but he didn't think he "stood a chance" with me, so he settled for another girl. None of his friends in our class ever told him about my admitted crush on him, so he had no idea... just for the record

-- Edited by Stephanie at 09:52, 2005-09-30


Marc Jacobs

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Stephanie wrote:

My boyfriend and I have been together for a little over 3 1/2 years. He was in my chemistry class in 11 grade, and I had the BIGGEST crush on him (and have since learned that he had a big crush on me, too). At the beginning of the school year, I did everything to get him to notice me... I wore my cutest outfits and studied chemistry SO hard so that I could answer all the questions the teacher asked... I would even frequently get a late pass to class so that he would look at me as I walked by his desk. I'd "drop" my pencil by his feet so that he'd pick it up and hand it to me. Eventually (and by eventually, I mean a few weeks or so ) he got a gf and I realized that I was being really pathetic, so I got over it (or so I told myself). Fast forward to January: He went to Boston to celebrate the Patriots' Super Bowl win and missed school, and we happened to have a substitute that day. Everyone was just kind of talking, and his bff and some of their football buddies were talking about how impressed everyone should be that my now bf had the school record for weight lifting (or something).. anyway, I had admitted my crush to his friends, thinking they'd tell him, leaving the ball in his court. Nothing came of it, so I REALLY got over it this time. A few weeks later, he and his friends showed up where my bff was hanging out with her friends (she went to another school and didn't know him). She recognized one of his friends, who happened to be my ex-bf, and said hello. During introductions, she put two and two together and figured out that P was my crush. She started talking to him on AIM and set it up so that we would all hang out on Valentines Day (he was broken up with his gf by now)... on Valentines Day he asked me to the Jr Prom, then six days later he was my boyfriend. When we got back to school from February vacation, everyone was like "finally!", and we went on to be voted Cutest Couple in our senior superlatives. Now we're eagerly waiting to finish college (3 more years! we both wasted a year at school, not knowing what we wanted to do) so we can start the rest of our lives together. I love that story! Edit: It turned out that he noticed me in the begining of the year, but he didn't think he "stood a chance" with me, so he settled for another girl. None of his friends in our class ever told him about my admitted crush on him, so he had no idea... just for the record -- Edited by Stephanie at 09:52, 2005-09-30

that is such a cute story.

ETA:  everyone's is!  i've had such a fun time reading them all!

-- Edited by esquiress at 12:37, 2005-09-30



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how fun!  great stories... mine is a little lame in comparision....

the BF and I have been together for a little over 3 years.  I met him when he was 27 and i was 23. 

I worked with his brother and my boss, K, at my first job out of college.  We traveled a lot via car to trade shows and so we spent a lot of time in the car getting to know each other.  Everytime i said something, his brother would comment "you are so like my brother." and "you and my brother are exactly alike."  Finally K said- if she and your brother are so much alike, why don't you introduce them so that she can have a friend here in the area.  (i was new to the area and didn't know anyone).

So the brother gave my BF my cell number and we started talking and talking and talking and finally met up and hit it off.  we are very much alike yet vastly different too- so our relationship works out really well for us.


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