Any ideas? I can make up any text to suit the type of book I end up making. There are no requirements but it can't really just be two pieces of cardboard with paper in the middle. This is a pretty artsy fartsy class so I have to think of something different and unique. PLEASE HELP! It's due Tuesday and I have yet to start.
Literally, there are no requirements. My teachers just wants us to make something that can be called a book with some kind of text in it. That's why it's hard-I wish she'd give us details but she wants us to be creative and free to do what we want.
okay i'm going to tell you about a project that i remember from college, but it's kind of conceptual so i don't know if this line of thinking is too out there for your class. in one of my senior year graphic design classes we did a book transformation project where we choose a book (i purchased one from a great little used bookstore) and transformed it into it's content visually. my book was on the halocaust so i lit a small fire and burned it so that the edges and corners and covers were nice and charred leaving only part of a ghostly black and white image from the front cover and then wrapped it in barbed wire. another girl in my class chose a book on hunting and took her book out into the woods, strapped it to a tree and shot it up with a bebe gun. another student had a book on origami and folded up the pages of the book into little origami creations. too far out there? if anything maybe it'll help you get some ideas going. good luck and let us know what you come up with.
Hotcocoa-that's excatly what we do! It's an imagnitive writing class mixed media. So the point of this project is to make the physical object of a 'book.' The text doesn't really matter, it's the presentation. So what I did what cut out newspapers at write Robert Frost's Birches on the newspapers. Get it-trees, newspapers....Anyhow, and for the cover I'm going to decopodge (that's probably SO wrong-I just sounded it out!) different pictures of birches on some black havy paper. I'm going to use raffia to hold the book together. So ta-da, I hope I get an A! Thanks for your ideas everyone!