why does my boss not just stay home when he is sick, instead of coming in to work and being mr. ultra-crankypants, barking at me and probably getting me sick? what is the point of that? ACK!!!
sorry about that bumblebee--it must be really bad too because you never complain about your job! anyway, he's probably like that because he's insecure about his job and sees calling in sick as a sign of weakness, didn't you mention there'd been some kind of restructuring at your company or something that had him all out of sorts? by the way, i don't know if i ever posted this but when you posted about how you handled that--the calm conversation with the tone of concern--i remember thinking he was so lucky to have you, i really hope he knows that.
aww, thanks esquiress. you cheered me right up! and you have a good memory! that drama is all over with now, but i think that lawyers (the ones who end up being really successful in this field anyway) do tend to have a bit of workaholism in their blood--i think that's all it is. not that you're like that--i don't know, but i can't imagine you being anything other than levelheaded!