cat wrote: Tati wrote: I dont have too many girlfriends so I'm really glad I found you guys! You guys are all great people Ditto.I love you guys.
Ditto ditto.
I've had a hard time adjusting to a new city & the girls I have met just don't do it for me! One is very depressed & makes me negative, one makes me feel bad for not spending as much as her on clothes & such (although i know she is in CC debt up to her ass) - here i feel free to discuss anything & am happy to share my shopping purchases even if they are cheap, as well as personal problems / issues. I love having a group of strong women to bounce ideas / thoughts / discussions off of even if the answer is something i don't want to hear but need to. Thanks guys.
Who do you have to probe around here to get a Chardonnay? - Roger the Alien from American Dad
this is my first forum (besides a BRIEF time at lucky) and i love it! this is such an amazing community. i have learned so much here on such a wide variety of topics. i feel like you all are my friends and that i can ask anything without feeling stupid.
"i tell you one lesson I learned
If you want to be something in life, You ain't gonna get it unless, You give a little bit of sacrifice, Oohh, sometimes before you smile you got to cry.." -The Roots
What better way to celebrate post number 500!! I too don't have many girlfriends, one close one in real life and she is great, but by having 600 online friends, it is like have a really great friend who shares every one of your interests!! I have always found it hard to find someone who shares my love of beauty products and clothes as well as my geek love of music and pop culture and literature, but here we are!! We don't all have the same interests, but the ones we do have can be shared with someone in the ST community. Wow, gush, gush, Rock on Stylethreaders!!
Am I making any sense here?? I just got all excited by the lovefest!!
You know I love it here! It is so great to be able to converse with women from all different parts of the countries who lead all different kinds of lives. I have learned so much about fashion from this board and FashionHag. You have listened to so many of my problems and helped me make a lot of good choices relationship and career-wise. I sometimes tell you things I don't even tell my friends! I don't know what I would do without this board.
I love Stylethread for many reasons. This website is put together a thousand times better than Lucky. Plus we can talk about more than just fashion and get good advice. It's also more personal and we can show off our personalities with our avatars. I'm by myself for most of the day, so being part of the forum makes me feel less lonely!
I'm pretty new to the forums, but I love it here. I felt so welcomed when I first introduced myself, and I think that's special. I've been part of other forums/message boards before, and it just wasn't the same... I don't know how to describe it. Even though I'm new, I can sense the closeness and community you all share, and I hope I can one day be part of it. Basically, I think all you girls are awesome, and I'm grateful for the chance to be here
I'm in total agreement. I love it here. I love coming home from work and checking out the board. It really helps me not to shop as much, believe it or not. If I want something I run it by everyone here first. It also gives me Ideas of what I actually want to buy. I love the differet forums. where else can I talk about food, paint, ipods and shoes? What more could a girl ask for. I can also count on everyone for a good laugh on days that I need it.
Ok ok, I'm not much for sappy stuff but I also wanted to thank everyone here for being so kind and making me laugh with some of the posts. I have zero friends in this town (besides my husband but that doesn't count) so I can at least count on you girls to "listen" and "talk" to me. Someday I hope to muster up enough courage to just open up the way that some of you girls have (I don't have that kind of courage yet). So anyway, Thanks everyone!
I agree with everyone else. I have never been a part of a forum before, and even though sometimes I feel like an idiot putting my foot in my mouth, everyone here is so nice and supportive. It's a great community - thanks everyone! And thanks DC and Detroit and all the writers for bringing us ST - forums *and* editorial!
-- Edited by Lisa at 10:46, 2005-09-23
Forget, forgive, conclude, and be agreed. - Shakespeare
I know I'm late but I wanted to join the lovefest.
Everyone is so awesome here. I love how you girls here are so informative and totally in touch with reality (read: would not let anyone wear a silly outfit just because it's 'in') I can talk and learn about things besides fashion. You girls prove that being a fashionista doesn't mean you have to be one-dimensional and self-centered.
Just want to jump in on the lovefest too. This is my first forum (other than a brief time on Lucky) and you girls are wonderful - I am thankful for each and everyone of you girls