Ok, I don't mean to brag but my bf and I are great at Hallowe'en costumes. We have won prizes at clubs for our efforts. We alway try to be something in a pair.
-one year we went as Pam and Tommy. We drew tattoos all over him with Sharpies and he wore no shirt (it was freezing). I wore a teeny tiny dress and pushed up & padded up my boobs and wore a big blonde wig. We drank for free the whole night, everybody loved it.
-Then one year my bf made robot costumes for us. He built them out of ducting, garbage can bodies, different little mechanical-looking parts and rigged little blinking lights up to a battery. It was very fun but very awkward and unweilding.
-Last year, I sewed strips of fabric cut to look like feathers all over two white sweatsuits. Then we wore yellow kneesocks and rubbergloves on our feet. We were Chickens! It was the cosiest costume ever, I loved it.
I haven't gotten inspired for this year yet I have been so busy. I think maybe we might go as Intergalactic Hitchhikers (Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy) with towels and a book that states "Don't Panic!"...other nerds will know what I'm talking about. I'm not sure yet though.