just here drinking my coffe even though its 630 p, was wonder do you drink coffee? I never was a coffee drinker until I married my 2nd husband, when I met him he drank the Gelivla coffee and now iam hooked , i drink it when i get up of course, and even in the - evening.
Same here, I was never a coffee drinker until 2 months ago. I got a job recruiting for a hospitality company and we get free starbucks. I did not think it was a huge deal until i started drinking white choc mochas!! now i am totally hooked.
I looovvvveee coffee! I usually only drink it when I have been woken from an alarm or another unnatural way. If I wake up on my own, I don't drink it. I like Starbucks a lot. We also had this Godiva coffee that was really good, but we ran out and haven't replaced.
I blame NYC (spring of 2002 to be exact) for my current addiction I'm purely an espresso drink girl though; I can't stand the taste of regular coffee.
I try to stick to having a latte only 3 days a week, but it's soooo hard. I'm actually planning to buy an espresso machine by the end of the year because I figured out that I will be saving $500 or more a year that way
stardiva wrote: Same here, I was never a coffee drinker until 2 months ago. I got a job recruiting for a hospitality company and we get free starbucks. I did not think it was a huge deal until i started drinking white choc mochas!! now i am totally hooked.
OOHHHHHH white chocolate mochas. I am not a coffee drinker in general, that is to say that i don't drink it at home. But man i love a white choc mocha while I browse at Target. It is truly one of life's little pleasures.
Who do you have to probe around here to get a Chardonnay? - Roger the Alien from American Dad
But man i love a white choc mocha while I browse at Target. It is truly one of life's little pleasures.
LOL that could be me writing that...browsing through Tar-jay with a white choclate mocha in the winter and a caramel frappucino in the summer. Good times.
My coffee addiction started at the Starbucks in the local Barnes and Noble. I had a caramel frappucino for the first time...at which point I died and went to heaven (only to come back for more ). I was 13. I still enjoy a cup maybe once a week or so now, although I can't afford to have a sick SB habit anymore.
Coffee is my drink of choice. I have been drinking it daily since I was 15. I like to buy beans from Steep and Brew (http://www.steepnbrew.com) a local Wis. coffee store chain. I also treat myself to a mocha or latte once a week from Starbucks or another coffee shop. I usually have two cups a day, but back when I was in school, I would often have three or four. I don't drink it necassarily to wake me up in the morning (I would need about four cups for that since I seem to be immune to caffeine!), but rather out of habit, and it is so yummy.
Here is something interesting my mother told me a couple days ago--she is a huge coffee drinker (at least six cups a day if not more) and is the one who got me started: she is trying to quit smoking (17 days--woo hoo!) and now she hardly drinks coffee. It is not the same to her now that she doesn't have her cigarrette to go with it. I guess that just goes to show how coffee can become habitual.
I never even have had a sip of coffee. Just hot cocoa and coffee candy is as close as I have got. I do like to go to the grocery store in the coffee isle and take in the aroma of the coffee beans as I walk buy. MMMM!!!! Regular coffee being made has a stinky smell to it.
I am addicted to coffee (actually, it's the caffeine that I'm addicted to). If I don't have it in the morning, not only am I a nasty bear, but I end up with a splitting migraine by about noon. I survived on coffee all through college when I thought that it was a good idea to stay up all night. Now, I just drink it in the morning. I make some at home, fill up my travel mug and drink it on the way to work. Then, at work, I have at least 2-3 more cups since we have coffee at the office.
Lilykind wrote: browsing through Tar-jay with a white choclate mocha in the winter and a caramel frappucino in the summer. Good times. :
I've never had a caramel frappucino - I may have to try this....I have a knitting group at barnes & noble wednesday night - i'll report back how i like it!
Who do you have to probe around here to get a Chardonnay? - Roger the Alien from American Dad
I love coffee and I am completely addicted to Starbucks. I have to have it every morning, otherwise you don't want to talk to me - I'm crabby w/out it. I think I started depending on it aboug 5 years ago, when I started working my full-time job.
oooo, you can walk around target with a coffee? I would love to do that (i'm still scared to bring drinks into stores for fear of being yelled out, haha). I love coffee but am careful to not get addicted to it- i drink it maybe once every 2 or 3 weeks. I worked at a coffee shop for a while, and I always drank it while i was there, but never when I wasn't. I hate feeling like i have a dependency on something- i'm not sure if i have less of an addictive personality because I don't really understand why people get hooked on coffee and cigarettes (i've done both in moderation and no, a few cigarettes doesn't have to lead to an addiction), or if i'm scared that I have an extremely addictive personality so I work hard to prevent this from happening. That said, i love white choc. mochas too. Really anything. I love little espressos too- i think they taste great. At work we would put a baby scoop of vanilla gelato in the espresso- heavenly
I love coffee....I usually have about 2 cups every morning...but now that I am pregnant, I am trying not to drink it, I have been drinking decaffeinated teas...def not as good as coffee...but better for the baby!
Oh man, I love coffee. I used to work at Starbucks my senior year of college and you got a pound of coffee free every week, which was excellent.
For those of you that love pure, unadulterated coffee, a French press is the way to go. I could sit down and drink a whole pot by myself.
Since neither my husband nor I still work there though, I've switched to drinking green tea. It's got a ton of antioxidants and I've noticed that the caffeine buzz is much better than with coffee. It's a bit more subtle, but it's much longer lasting.
I have a De Longhi espresso machine at home, which has saved me hundreds of dollars since I got it last Christmas. It was a gift from my husband who LOATHES Starbuck's. I make a cappucino every morning. I drink either macchiato caldo (espresso w/ hot milk), cappucino, or black coffee. I don't like cream or sugar in American coffee.
I hate feeling like i have a dependency on something- i'm not sure if i have less of an addictive personality because I don't really understand why people get hooked on coffee and cigarettes (i've done both in moderation and no, a few cigarettes doesn't have to lead to an addiction), or if i'm scared that I have an extremely addictive personality so I work hard to prevent this from happening.
i'm the same way! i've never been a regular coffee drinker. i'd rather be groggy in the am for a little while than buzzed on caffeine. but i'm also really sensitive to caffeine (probably because i rarely drink coffee or caffeinated tea or soda)- it makes me shaky and my heart races. not so fun! i do enjoy a decaf caramel macchiato or white chocolate mocha from time to time....yum! oh! and i miss dunkin donuts iced coffee (no dunkin donuts out here in sf ). there's nothing better on a hot summer day than a medium french vanilla iced decaf- light and sweet. delicious!!!
I hate feeling like i have a dependency on something- i'm not sure if i have less of an addictive personality because I don't really understand why people get hooked on coffee and cigarettes.
I drink it b/c I get a migraine if I don't. So it's warding off the horrendous pain that keeps me hooked! I don't have an addictive personality otherwise as far as smoking (I've tried it--ew!) and drinking (I never have felt that I *needed* to drink) or anything other vices.